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LESSON 4: The Universe Mother Spirit
LESSON 3: Man's Gift to the Father — Doing of the will of God
The upreach of man to God The topic of doing the will of God is such an extensive subject that w...
Executive Summary
We have a problem — a really BIG problem! We live in an unwisely governed and unstable world. Th...
LESSON 2: Father's Gift to Man — His Spirit Fragment
It all begins with the gift of personality Personality is difficult to define — but it always se...
LESSON 1: Spirit Foundation & Support Infrastructure
Spirit foundation: The sevenfold spirit influence Holy Spirit in the Bible The terms Holy Spi...
Welcome to TBG Commission!
The Truth Beauty and Goodness Commission (TBG) promotes matters beyond mere physical survival. Th...
What is The Correcting Time?
The Correcting Time is a broad term used by celestial teachers and administrators for the current...
Who is the Creator Son Michael 611,121 of Nebadon?
The Urantia Book has additional information about our Creator Son in Paper 33.
LESSON 1: First Things First — The Big Decision
As we learned from the INTRODUCTION, not everything about your mortal life will become integrat...
LESSON 5: Free Will
Prime Directive #2: Will as determining factor Without a free will, the creation would be but a ...
History: The best place to start is at the beginning
Mankind's efforts to build a global civilization began long long ago. First came the Babylonian e...
How you can be involved
Life can be as simple as doing the bare necessities just to survive, but really living a life tha...