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25. Walking With John The Baptist Towards The Mountain

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

When, after my baptism, I was walking to the mountain, I was accompanied to the foot of the mount...

Updated 5 months ago by Bryan

24. My Searching

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

For many of you this explanation of mine seems to be incredible and impossible. However, do not m...

Updated 5 months ago by Bryan

23. The Lower Consciousness

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

You believe that a person, being in an unconscious state, has already lost his consciousness. He ...

Updated 5 months ago by Bryan

22. What Is God?

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

The time has come for all of you to know that what you call God is nothing else but the Supreme C...

Updated 5 months ago by Bryan

21. The Present Universe Age

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

When I use such a term as the present universe age, I refer to such a level of the universe devel...

Updated 5 months ago by Bryan

20. The Spheres Of The Activity Of The Paradise Trinity Members

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

The same is with the Paradise Trinity. Each member of the Trinity has his sphere of activity as w...

Updated 5 months ago by Bryan

19. The Paradise Trinity

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

You heard such statements in church or read in the Holy Scriptures, as you call them, that there ...

Updated 5 months ago by Bryan

18. The Simplification Of The Creator

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

However, once again, I do desire to repeat that in eternity, throughout all the past, the process...

Updated 5 months ago by Bryan

17. Creating

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

The first creative process of The First Source and Center marked the creation of both matter and ...

Updated 5 months ago by Bryan

16. The Creator And Reality

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Reality is all the space and all time that today, a creature is incapable of either seeing, feeli...

Updated 5 months ago by Bryan

15. The Creation Of The Reality And The Creator

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

You envision reality only as such as that which is experienced by your five senses; touching, see...

Updated 5 months ago by Bryan

14. No Need To Fear Death

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Whatever has happened pleasant, or unpleasant, never try to hide it from the child so that the ch...

Updated 5 months ago by Bryan

13. A Child’s Up-bringing

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

While growing up, a child is naturally seeking answers to everything that surrounds him and that ...

Updated 5 months ago by Bryan

12. “My Conversations” With The Father

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Such an experience was new and unusual to me. Therefore I could not understand how those bright t...

Updated 5 months ago by Bryan

11. My Loneliness And Association With The Father

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Thus, I had to mature in this environment alone since I had not a single helper who could have be...

Updated 5 months ago by Bryan

10. My Reflections

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

My mind would also begin to strongly resist from within as soon as I would start reflecting on th...

Updated 5 months ago by Bryan

9. My Environment

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

I did not come to this world entertaining a desire to bring to the people a concept of a theoreti...

Updated 5 months ago by Bryan

8. The Problem Of Psychology And Psychiatry

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Today, your science investigates only man’s psychology while absolutely leaving out from its view...

Updated 5 months ago by Bryan

7. The Importance Of A Living Contact With People

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Inquisitiveness is a marvelous quality for everyone when questions are raised and answers are sou...

Updated 5 months ago by Bryan

6. The Concept Of God To Me As A Child Who Was Searching For Answers Within Himself

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

When I was in your very lowest material form, in the human flesh, and when my human consciousness...

Updated 5 months ago by Bryan