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65. Expansion Of One’s Own Self
The only obstacle that is really hard for you to perceive is your own unwillingness to become better, more merciful, more loving, more serving the whole. And this obstacle must be overcome by each one of you personally. It is you, personally, and no one else b...
66. Turn Into Being Me
It is then that you shall embark upon my path. And then that my words, “I am that path,” shall become your life rather than the words. While treading on your own life path you will be walking on it being me, not through me, but being me. This way you will begi...
67. Let Us Worship The Father Together
It is a great pleasure for me to provide you a simple truth that is well understood by all of you by means of these teachings. And I do desire that you would comprehend these very words even the way I comprehend them – I am not your ruler, but I am your senior...
68. A Live Bond With The Father Builds Up Each One Who Is In Communion With Him
Two thousand years ago I experienced such moments of my soul elevation that it was these moments that gave me power, resolution, and certainty to spread the Father’s love to all, even to those who were persecuting and killing me. Without the Father I could not...
69. I Could Not Teach You Everything That The Father Taught Me
As the Father was revealing His love vibrations to me ever more, as my soul desired to experience those very same vibrations ever more, I started trusting ever more that communion with the Father rather than the prayer service I would see in the synagogue or d...
70. A Better Knowledge Of Creation Is Necessary
Creation, the whole of creation, is a living energy system. And everything is interacting within it. Therefore, to have a harmonious operation within this interaction it is necessary to know creation well. It is impossible not to violate this interaction witho...
71. The Scientist Must Lean Upon The Creator
It is only when the scientist begins to lean upon the Father as the Source and Cause of the manifestation of all the energy phenomena, that science has its value. When the scientist is investigating any manifestations of energy vibrations that he might call bi...
72. Democracy Is The Grave-digger Of Your Future
The model of democracy being promoted by your politicians is leading to suppressing your initiative and to elevating mediocrity. It is under these conditions that the whole is being split so that any of the divided groups would impose its decisions on the whol...
73. A Spiritual Aristocracy Is The World’s Future
The autocracy of a spiritual aristocracy shall not enter within a year or two, it shall not come even within several scores of years, but the beginning to the whole world might be given by Lithuania already in the near future. The time has come that Lithuania ...
74. The Soul Dominance Within Human Mind
Then each one who has thus opened up their soul shall experience not only the Father’s love, but also shall feel ever more and ever clearer the layers of wisdom being revealed within oneself. And these layers will be so deep that they will surpass these faintl...
75. Democracy Is Worn Out
When I was in the human flesh among you, I saw a better political and economic structure of the state and the path to achieve it. However, to speak about democracy under the conditions of slavery was too-blinding a thing. Had I hinted at least a single word of...
76. Cooperation Instead Of Competition In All Spheres
A competitive struggle in any field; politics, economy, science, art, sports is nothing but the consequence of the dominance of low vibrations when any group or a separate individual desires by any means to satisfy one’s own ego only, following the lowest ener...
77. The Harm Of Modern Sport To Humanity
You are playing down the sport achievements that you have made into a dirty business by traumatizing athletes with stimulating additives and harmful ideas. And to make the athletes into unthinking men-animals you have set up big preparatory teams – different c...
78. The Limitedness Of The Present-day Economy
It is even worse in economy since you look upon it only from the vantage point of material wellbeing. If a profitable and huge company pays a lot of money in taxes to the state budget, you highly value that company, and its workers are happy they can earn more...
79. Spiritual Leaders Are Real Yet, So Far, Invisible
How many scientific forums have you held to which you have invited your brethren who have already discovered the Father within themselves, and who have even been born of the spirit, to be able to explain to you how to tackle the issues of world politics, econo...
80. Pass Your Hard Burden Over To The Father Or To Me
While reading my teachings you will begin to feel their rightness depending upon the degree of the opening up of your soul. The more your soul is opened up, the more it desires the Father’s leading from within, the more it will comprehend the rightness, certai...
81. The Most Efficient Economy Is The One Grounded In The Father
Your motives in all your activity would be transformed from selfish into divine, for the benefit of the whole. Then, rather than expanding your business, you will help your brethren in setting up similar enterprises in the places they reside in so that they co...
82. Low Vibrations Are Harmful To All
Too great an expansion of the cities sets up a multitude of concentrated venues that are dominated by animal vices and even dooms all the inhabitants to live in the atmosphere of alienation, fear, and isolation rather than in the environment of a mutual associ...
83. Heart And Mind
What I am revealing to you now shall have a big impact on the life of each of you provided that you, each, open up to me and to the Father of all with all your heart-soul. Very often you confuse soul-heart and mind believing that man, by having abandoned the ...
84. A Real Replacement Of Your Mind By That Of Mine
The assertion: if your mind, rather than helping you is impeding you, then change it by mine, is true, and corresponds to reality. It is your animal mind that you can replace by a spiritual mind that I also followed while making all decisions when I lived amon...