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85. My Childhood Was Not Perfect
My trust in the Father and my leaning upon the Father did not come to me at once. That was a long and tedious path to my mind of the animal genetic inheritance. All the time my mind did not trust many things, like your mind does, it doubted many things, it did...
86. Energy Vibrations Pass Information Through Consciousness And Sub-consciousness
When you are searching for answers within your own selves do not think that you get them by merely inventing them. What you have taken in from the books that have been read earlier, from the narratives that have been heard earlier, or from any other sources of...
87. Assistance By Prayer Is The Most Effective
Being aware that you can help each other, not only to protect someone from falling into such a dependence on low vibrations – the drugs, alcohol, tobacco, telling fortunes by cards, astrological horoscopes, gambling – but even help those who have already falle...
88. Those Who Nailed Me Down On The Cross Were Innocent
While I was being nailed on the cross as a man among men I could have liberated myself as a spirit, as the Creator and Ruler of the Universe, with all my power and might. But my love for both the Father and you, and those who were nailing me, did not allow me ...
89. Whose Darkness Is It Today?
Тhe same is happening in your modern times. And now, among you, there are many Scribes and Pharisees who do evil while being aware of it, by not allowing man to stretch out, under a heavy burden of taxation, under the oppression of dead rituals and dogmas, eve...
90. The Double-dealing Of Modern Pharisees
Modern Pharisees behave in the same refined manner as they behaved in the times of my living in the flesh. They are trying to look before men as very noble, even nobler than the then-Pharisees. Therefore, they shoulder even a greater responsibility for their o...
91. Send The Vibrations Of Love To The Present-day Pharisees By Your Sincere Common Prayer
I, whom you know as Jesus Christ, address all of you. Assemble together in collective prayer, open up to the Father, open up to me in your souls, and in this state of openness you will begin to feel the vibrations of the Father’s love even the way I was feelin...
92. My Warning To You
I, whom you know as Jesus Christ, address you by these teachings to warn you, each of you, who have not yet known these things to date. You can violate this disrupted field of love vibrations, of the Father’s vibrations, even more, and envelop everything with ...
93. Once Again About A Spiritual Teacher
When empires break down there is much confusion around. However, the greatest confusion is not when material empires are disintegrating but rather when illusionary empires created by one’s mind and based on meeting the profitable interests of one’s own self ar...
94. The Idea Of Reincarnation
However, I have to adapt myself to the thinking of the people I have chosen that cannot be changed by any other way but by their free-will opening to the Father. And the greater the opening the more receptive is the man, the more powerful and precise teaching ...
95. You Change Humanity While Changing Yourselves
By this teaching of mine I do not want either to scare anyone of you or to dispose you against me or my apostle who is receiving it and taking it down. You must not direct your still existent anger, jealousy, irritation, and revenge against either of us, for w...
96. The Father’s Love Is The Universal Medicine For Vices
Love, only vibrations of the Father’s love and your complete devotion to Him, is the only means of healing your physical ailments, spiritual diseases, mental dysfunction, harmful vices that have over flooded your world, such as corruption, bribery, desire for ...
97. The Impact Of Bribery
When any doctor or any official of a state institution takes a bribe, he believes he has not done anything bad since nobody has noticed his action. He may still remain pure and happy and wear his clean mask before his colleagues, before his children, wife or h...
98. A Parable?
All my teachings are simple, understandable to many, and produce joy for the soul. And this attitude shows that the mortal is already starting to feel the vibrations of his own soul by his own human mind as well. And if he begins to follow my teachings ever mo...
99. A Spiritual View Of The Environment And The Destruction Of Negative Emotions
By taking a spiritual rather than material look upon all creation, very soon and truly, you will begin to feel a real and uninterrupted link to the vibrations of love, of the Father’s love. And while experiencing this link at every moment, you will not want an...
100. The Help Of The Father’s Spirit Is Everywhere And Constant
In order to establish the correctness of information you must set up a direct bond with the Father who is present within you, each of you, through His spirit, Thought Adjuster. Who will be happy having purchased a book which contains distorted information? It ...
101. Relationship With The Father Does Not Come At Once As Is Also Witnessed By The Experience Of My Apostle
It is hard for you to believe my words, but for many years my words have been already testified to you by my present apostle who prior to the establishment of his current relationship with the Father, also experienced much fear and anxiety, a desire to achieve...
102. The Bird Of The Soul Presently Is In Captivity In A Cage
My teachings should not scare anyone of you for they are meant for you to discover the true peace within you. They will scare only those who desire to devote themselves to meeting the interests of their selfish selves at the cost of others, even at my cost, as...
103. Women Must Become Clergywomen As Men
As long as the church does not allow women to become religious leaders on an equal basis, such a church shall be dark and keep all its believers in captivity. In your sermons you often say that I did not abhor to associate with publicans and women of liberal b...
104. Catholic Priests Must Have Their Families
The Catholic church completely violates the free will of the Father once it forbids its priests to get married and have their families, to raise their children, and to share their experience in the up-bringing of their children with the believers so that the l...