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145. A Wise Consumption Of Energy And Restoration Of Its Balance
There is only one method to restore the balance of energy – your faith in the Father and His discovery within. In this way the relationship of each of you will harmonize not only with your higher and true self but also with the environment, with the whole of c...
146. The Father Provides You With Wisdom To See Further
As far back as in my adolescence, as I was in the human flesh on your world I experienced great disappointment when I was approached by a delegation of the Jews calling on me to join a nationalistic movement which was forming up at that time and which was targ...
147. Light Experiences Resistance Of Darkness
And greater perception also will open to you on your spiritual path and you will see the whole of the environment much deeper. And because of a deeper vision you will start to behave in a different way, not like others around you. And you will behave this way ...
148. Vibrations Of Man’s Thinking
My life in the human flesh was, and is, meant to demonstrate to you that even in the human flesh, a son of the Father can achieve a victory over his egoistic and lower self once man establishes a spiritual living relationship with the Father. It is the spirit ...
149. The Brain Is Given To Man To Grow Rather Than To Degrade
The brain of man is not meant for harming him and causing pain to him and thus becoming a great problem for those around him. The brain of man is the only one out of all brains of living creatures existing on the planet which was designed to develop itself to ...
150. Help Yourselves
You must ponder ever more that after having started to preach the good tidings – the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man – two thousand years ago, I continue my teaching today. And even as I have done it at that time, now again I claim that the genera...
151. Your Deposit In The Father’s Bank
My assertions about wealth have also a literal sense – pile up your wealth in good deeds. This is much greater and the only wealth that remains throughout eternity, for it is kept by the Father. And all the time a high interest is paid on it which is not paid ...
152. Our Family And Your Assistance For Me
Our common family together with the Father can be understood and experienced by you, each of you, only when you desire with your whole heart to join our family and become a full member. However, you must know that in the Father’s family there is no room for id...
153. Your Earthly Loving Family
If you desire to devote yourselves to the breaking down and disregard of your earthly family, and even worse, to its annihilation, the Father’s spirit cannot counteract you by anything else than his love vibrations which are sent to you so that you would begin...
154. The Current Tragic Family Situation Is the Consequence Of Your Selfishness
That which now affects family as a negative influence produces within each of you low energy vibrations which exhaust your physical body and mind and make them victim of viruses and depression. They are especially dangerous for children since their immunity is...
155. A Bent Tree Of The Scriptures And This Teaching Of Mine
My life in the human flesh two thousand years ago clearly demonstrated to you that love, love, and once again love for the Father, and for all around you, is this path which will solve all the problems of humanity. Simply there is no other choice if you would ...
156. My Second Coming
And when I spoke to you about my second coming, about my return among you I told you that I would return when I am in glory and power, and when man can see me with the eyes of the spirit. Now I am in glory and power. However, you are not yet ready to see me wi...
II. Note
My dears, I feel happy to be able to present you the teaching of Jesus which he has just finished dictating to me. This teaching will be useful to many of us. It will strengthen and encourage many to regard more seriously their daily lives, their values, and ...
Links to the Teaching Mission archives
According to recent estimates the Teaching Mission (TM) lessons, commonly referred to as tmtranscripts, may now number approximately 6000. Keeping an exact count of all TM lessons is very difficult since there has never been an official and unified publishing ...
Glossary of Teaching Mission terms
Only the most common terms relating to the Teaching Mission are listed in this glossary. If the term you are looking for is not here you can refer to the complete version at: - ∅ indicates that there are no entries in tha...
The Master Universe Diagrams
WELCOME Welcome to the Master Universe collection of educational diagrams. This collection of artwork is offered freely to everyone without cost or copyright restrictions worldwide. You are free to use them any way you wish for educational purposes. ...
Master Universe Animations
WELCOME Welcome to the Master Universe collection of educational animations. This collection of artwork is offered freely to everyone without cost or copyright restrictions worldwide. You are free to use them any way you wish for educational purpose...
Glossary of Master Universe terms
This glossary only offers explanations of new terms used in the Master Universe Diagrams. For an extensive glossary of Urantia Book terms go to: - ∅ indicates that there are no entries in that sec...
Executive Summary
We have a problem — a really BIG problem! We live in an unwisely governed and unstable world. The proof of this is on display all around us as a multitude of failures. Our world is the product of many generations of leadership who have eschewed the higher uni...
A Celestial Plan for Making Socially Sustainable Decisions
We Are Here, and We Have a Plan. Machiventa Melchizedek The concern of the Creator, the First Source and Center, is with the individual. Out of billions of inhabited worlds, and trillions of sentient, soul-filled individuals, the Creator’s concern is al...