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319 total results found

40. The Staircase Of One’s Spiritual Career

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

It is characteristic of man to rise up upon his career ladder so that others would attribute to him more value and show him more respect. But it is not the case in the Father’s spiritual family. Greater authority is conferred on a creature once the creature ac...

41. My Mission In The Profound Sense

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

I have mentioned to you that my mission was to reveal the Father and to demonstrate His qualities by my living; but by no means to intimidate you by my death on the cross for the supposed sins of yours. However, I have come to serve not only you but also all m...

42. Mary And Joseph

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Mary and Joseph, recently married were both very young. However, all their ancestry had been checked generation upon generation going further down through human history. And the Joseph and Mary family was chosen personally by Gabriel out of the last three sele...

43. My Education

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

I had finished the synagogue school more than one year early and had become a son of law of Israel. The Jews had a tradition according to which boys after their graduation from the synagogue school went to Jerusalem together with their parents and were consec...

44. There Are No Miracles

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

All these teachings of mine are devoted to you so that you would realize at least to a certain extent that I, even though being the Creator and Ruler of the Universe, together with my partner Mother Spirit of the Universe, while incarnated in the human flesh I...

45. Take Me Off The Cross And Worship The Father

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Therefore, I am presenting you with these explanations to assist you in taking a deeper look upon your environment, upon creation, and upon my person, as well as upon the place of your own selves. Without these explanations of mine, you would carry on along th...

46. A Free Will

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

My dear brethren, you have free will bestowed upon all of you, and upon each of you, by the Father; by the only Father of all. It means that you may behave in this or that way, and the Father shall not contradict you, neither shall I. If the Father did not all...

47. Slavery Of The Soul

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

The distortion of my teaching – the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man – and now by some of my brethren it is being preached even as the brotherhood of all creation, not only of man, and that is true – has been caused by too-big an ego of some of you...

48. The Cause Of Distorting My Teachings

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

My teachings have been distorted only because instead of a living relationship with the Father there has appeared a dead ritual and dogma that have tried to substitute for that very living relationship. However, nothing can substitute for this living relations...

49. Communion With The Father

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

The time has come to hear my words without any distortions and admixtures which not only distort the luminosity and peacefulness of my teachings, but even destroy them altogether. That is why I say to you that the time has come for you to start the search of t...

50. A Living Experience Of The Father Within Your Own Self

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

And then you will realize, and you will also even witness to others by your own experience, that only a living relationship with the Father allows you to experience Him, and even provides you self-confidence and trust in the Father ever more. And this growth o...

51. Spiritual Teachers

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

You may have a spiritual teacher who would show you a path how to discover the Father within your own selves. But he will not be a mediator between the Father and you. Now I am also acting as your spiritual teacher. And you will also encounter many good brethr...

52. The Body And The Personality

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

The Supreme Mind of Creation is the Source of Wisdom. If you do not seek greater wisdom, you do not deepen your mind. You do not grow in your own self. A physical body grows, develops, meanwhile your mind begins to lag behind the developed beauty of the physic...

53. Your Physical Body Is From Your Earthly Parents

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

This outer form for your own inner self is provided by nobody else but your material parents who during their sexual intercourse fuse the masculine seed with the feminine ovum. And this embryo is the expression of their mutual spiritual relationship through th...

54. Who Are the Loving Parents?

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

I must explain to you the concept of “the loving parents,“ so that you would understand a very precise meaning of these words. You already know well that the Source of love is the Father. Therefore, it is possible to feel love and experience it with all its sw...

55. Eliminating Disorders Of The Material Body And Their Wrong Treatment

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Children born of loving parents will be healthier and more receptive to spiritual growth and spreading new light. They will look upon their material form as upon that which is no more than a vehicle of the manifestation of an adequate energy in the form of low...

56. What Is Inanimate Turn Into The Animate Within Yourselves

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

As soon as the soul starts breathing freely and manifests itself in goodness, your body shall regain its health without any chemical drugs. But for your soul to take off into free flight within your own selves, and thus resolutely call you to manifest yourselv...

57. The Path

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

The more erroneous the path, the greater suffering your soul shall experience. Therefore, I address you now to show your soul the right and the most certain path, the reality of which your soul shall feel through its living relationship with the Father himself...

58. Your Church Pronounces: “And The Word Turned Into The Flesh“. Did It Really?

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

When I was in the human flesh the situation of your world was totally different. People, apart from animals, had no machinery, did not know any conveniences, did not see any pictures from other countries, or even planets. Now the level of your knowledge of the...

59. The Dead Prayer Service

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

The time has come when you must wake up and start to comprehend that God, in reality, is not such a Source who would punish, hurt, and torment all, and each of you. And if after the church prayer service you walk out without a stronger feeling of love for peop...