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319 total results found

100. The Help Of The Father’s Spirit Is Everywhere And Constant

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

In order to establish the correctness of information you must set up a direct bond with the Father who is present within you, each of you, through His spirit, Thought Adjuster. Who will be happy having purchased a book which contains distorted information? It ...

101. Relationship With The Father Does Not Come At Once As Is Also Witnessed By The Experience Of My Apostle

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

It is hard for you to believe my words, but for many years my words have been already testified to you by my present apostle who prior to the establishment of his current relationship with the Father, also experienced much fear and anxiety, a desire to achieve...

102. The Bird Of The Soul Presently Is In Captivity In A Cage

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

My teachings should not scare anyone of you for they are meant for you to discover the true peace within you. They will scare only those who desire to devote themselves to meeting the interests of their selfish selves at the cost of others, even at my cost, as...

103. Women Must Become Clergywomen As Men

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

As long as the church does not allow women to become religious leaders on an equal basis, such a church shall be dark and keep all its believers in captivity. In your sermons you often say that I did not abhor to associate with publicans and women of liberal b...

104. Catholic Priests Must Have Their Families

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

The Catholic church completely violates the free will of the Father once it forbids its priests to get married and have their families, to raise their children, and to share their experience in the up-bringing of their children with the believers so that the l...

105. The Father Has No Exceptional Son Or Daughter

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Priests are not exceptional people even though you consider them to be special people. Priests are exactly the same children of the Father even as you are. And they have no additional rights beyond yours. I have neither appointed any priest, any pope, nor orda...

106. Mutual Relationships

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

One of the most important fields of mortal life are the mutual relationships which manifest themselves everywhere starting with family, friends, classmates, colleagues, compatriots, and citizens, relationships among people on the street or in any other place. ...

107. Your Faith And Birth Of The Spirit

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

However, man is much more than a beast or an animal beyond comparison. He is a son or daughter of the Father. He has a survival possibility as has no other living being on your planet. It is only you who might be awakened from your death sleep. No other living...

108. The Establishment Of A Living Relationship With The Father

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

I have already mentioned to you about that path how to set up a sincere and live relationship with the Father. Now I shall repeat it once more for it is the most crucial thing in man’s life – to establish a living communion with the Father. If two thousand ye...

109. Association With Ordinary People Of Other Lands Draws These Lands Closer

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

When I was in the human flesh, people were also interested in what was developing in other lands. And the only source of this news was in traveling. I did experience many pleasant moments while associating with the passengers of the camel caravans, traveling v...

110. Low Vibrations Of The Present Television, Radio, Press, And Online Do Harm To Humanity

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

You are constantly offered information that, actually, incites only low vibrations. You do not receive anything positive since those who promote such programs and articles to you live within these low vibrations themselves. They are even unable to understand t...

111. Humanity Has Become Hostage To Advertisements

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

You see by yourselves what a multitude of different and nice products, goods, and articles are manufactured in the world and how all this is presented glamorously to your eyes and ears, how all this is pressed upon you that your mind would be tempted ever more...

112. What Is One’s Learning And Its Meaning?

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Only two thousand years have passed since my sojourn among you in the human flesh. What progress you have made during these two thousand years in the quantitative spheres of your living. If the then-brethren of mine found themselves in your contemporary ambien...

113. Your Interests And Needs Have Impact On The Whole Of Creation

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

My teaching, even as the whole leading of the Father throughout creation, is devoted to the benefit of all, and each of you. It does not pursue the aim of providing you with a better job or a higher salary at which you currently aim. Its purpose is to help you...

114. Verification Of Spiritual Teaching By One’s Experience

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

It is necessary for you to understand one of the most important things – never believe anything just because it is said by your friend or a teacher if you cannot feel this teaching with your opened soul. You must know that no spiritual teacher of yours will ev...

115. The Sprout Of The Mortal Soul Is Within You

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

I am well aware of your foibles and desires. Therefore I do not blame anyone of you for your attitudes and decisions of your inner self that are so strongly controlled by them. You do not even ponder over your foibles. You lead your life as if these weaknesses...

116. The Flourishing Of The Current Vices Can Cross Out Your Survival

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Even the cost of your current childish vices can be very high to you, each of you. It can make up even the cost of your survival. You risk very much. You can cross out your survival after the so-called material death. Cross it out with your own hand. It is onl...

117. Teach Children To Discover The Father Within – It Is The Greatest Gift To Them

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

You often keep reiterating that you do everything for your children, that you even live for them, and try to give them everything that is the best. But there is nothing better for them than to teach them to discover the Father within themselves. It is beyond y...

118. The Development Of The Soul After The Resurrection

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

When children start attending school their teachers begin to tell them about different things they would be able to do when they grow up, when they finish school. However, after this school there follows still another school where they will learn the skills of...

119. Give Up Avoiding Decisions

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

And all this is done throughout creation under conditions of sincere and loving cooperation rather than under conditions of tension and stress. Since mistakes are inevitable, thus after having made them, you do not get upset the way you do on this world, but ...