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319 total results found

120. One’s Growth Is Due To One’s Experience At The Present Moment

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Whatever views you might hold on your present life you can still expand and improve them. Never think that you cannot become better any more and by this also improve your very living. Neither must you think that you are sufficiently good and that you cannot be...

121. The Significance Of One’s Desire To Grow Spiritually And To Experience

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

One’s desire to grow spiritually contributes much to the progress of this growth. And this progress would be according to the evolutionary plan as designed. Without an individual’s desire, such spiritual growth is impossible. There is no spiritual growth by fo...

122. The Depth And The Foundation Of Children’s Up-bringing

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

My beloved brethren, I, Christ, want to go back once again to the issue of children’s up-bringing since today it is not explained to you anywhere. Different text books on children’s psychology, different books devoted to children’s up-bringing do not teach yo...

123. The Meaning

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Each day, each moment has its value and meaning which are just, as such as is attributed to them by your soul. If you do not live with an open soul, it means you do not live that day, that moment, at all. It is a wasted day or moment if it is not devoted to a ...

124. The Purpose Of My Teachings

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

My teachings are meant for those of you who sincerely desire to seek for more than you have already achieved. Those who are satisfied with their position, and with the environment, will not be interested in these teachings and they will disdain them as useless...

125. Different Views Of Death

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

There is not a single man who, while staying turned away from the Father, would not fear death. And on the contrary, there is no man who, while staying turned to the Father, would be scared of death. They are two antipodes of the way man passes away from this ...

126. Once Again About Non-existent Reincarnation, Faith, And Your Experiences

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Due to the fact that your wisdom has declined, or to put it better, is not risen from the level of its animal and selfish self, I had no other choice but once again to address you myself as Jesus Christ, with my teachings, and once again to awaken your souls i...

127. The Reward For Your Faith Is Your Resurrection

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Thus, I tell you that by having faith in me you also have faith in the Father. There is no faith in me without one’s faith in the Father. However, by having faith in the Father you have faith in me as in your senior Brother who helps you progress on the very i...

128. Dead Rituals And Dogmas Are The Greatest Obstacles To Your Relationship With The Father

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

The path of my human life that I chose two thousand years ago, corresponded to the then- conditions and I adapted myself to them. The present day conditions are greatly different from the vantage point of material development and the means of communication. Ho...

129. My Address To The Clergymen

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Therefore, now I address those who lead the prayer service and whom you call priests, pastors, imams, or rabbis. Open up to the Father with your soul in order to start sensing His love vibrations, and then you shall begin to feel how the Father’s spirit, indwe...

130. Faith And Food

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

If you make a decision now to discover the Father within your inner self through living faith, and if you sincerely and steadfastly strive for it, a moment shall come when you are born of the spirit. This type of birth will replace the faulty qualities of your...

131. The Mode Of Living And The Diet

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

You deviate from the path of the Father’s love so much that when you again have a desire to walk on it, you will have to make changes in all the spheres of your life starting with your personal faith and ending with politics, economy, education, family, and mu...

132. The Knowledge Of The Environment

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

The present time on your planet, even though it is very tough for you, and fairly wearing and full of anxiety for many of you, is so wonderful for us, your spiritual helpers, because we watch the effort being taken by you while making a choice between good and...

133. The Good Pilot And The Captain

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

As you recognize your brethren ever more, then you will realize that you have sailed to the other shore rather than to a separate island. And you will see a multitude of your brethren there, even though wearing different clothes, even though having different c...

134. The Present Time And Your Decision

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Your current time is magnificent by what it will testify to you in spiritual changes within many of you; even such changes of which you had no idea. The way the material discoveries changed your living, so will the spiritual victories also change you, and even...

135. After Your Resurrection

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

When from time to time you ponder as to what eventually awaits you after the so-called death, you cannot envision anything definite since there is no evidence of it from your beloved ones who already earlier set off on this path. Therefore, now I shall give yo...

136. Educational System Must Educate Children For The Benefit Of The Whole Rather Than For That Of The Individual

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Individualistic-egoistic teaching does harm to the whole and to the individual. Therefore, the sooner you perceive it the sooner you get rid of this vicious teaching system which is entirely based on an egoistic striving of an individual for the benefit of one...

137. Patience

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Your knowledge of reality is just beginning. Therefore, you must be happy about the fact that your Guide and Teacher is the Father himself through His spirit, His fragment, indwelling your mind and called the Thought Adjuster, so that you could understand His ...

138. Ravaging Of Natural Resources Is Destructive To You

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Today your natural resources are ravaged. You treat thoughtlessly that which you are given by nature, by the planet. You do not even give it a thought that you harm it by literally exhausting it. And it is not you who are its masters and owners, but you behave...

139. Do Not Waste A Single Moment

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Each wasted year when you do not care for the meaning and quality of your life, not only makes your own living more difficult and deteriorates your health, even though you might not yet feel it for long, but also distances you from the Father though He is with...