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2018 - December 9: Unification of Human Thought Systems

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo 


PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you for centering us as one in your presence in the circuits of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, Paradise Adjuster circuit and in our own planetary system of consciousness. We are so grateful to continue to collaborate with our Planetary Seraphim as Urantia’s circuitry of mind is being upstepped in the ways that you know we need. We are here to foster this and we invite your presence to pervade this call as the Seraphim move into our intentional focus today. Thank you for this opportunity to serve and may your WILL be done.


MANOTIA: Peace to one and all! This is Manotia and I welcome you to our time together today. As you are well aware, much change is occurring within the circuits of Urantian system of consciousness. There is more light vibrancy and this is having an impact on the individual’s energy system as more people perceive something percolating within them. This is a time of tremendous potential for humans to awaken to the co-creative aspects of Spirit Within their own inner dimensions.

Many concepts and ideas attached to a rebellion mindset are now ready to be eliminated in how you think and perceive your reality. This is what we have anticipated for many, many years, and now the hour is striking when more change can occur as more hearts are liberated from fear and the isolation and abandonment that it creates in the human heart.

As part of this next level of upstepping we invite you to turn your focus to these words and energies today—UNIFICATION OF HUMAN THOUGHT SYSTEMS. This singular focus is designed to corral those energies of separation that have long existed upon the planet that has fostered certain types of human thoughts into separate, disparate ideas and belief systems.

All life is unified in Spirit, and what we ask you to do is to hold the focus today for more of that UNIFICATION energy to prevail in how human thought is conducted. This endowment can replace that type of separated and distorted thinking that is so prevalent on the planet. It tends to foster those belief systems that you term as black and white, either or. It would be very helpful today if you would focus on this desire for human thought to be more unified in Spirit that the existing thought forms still operating in this type of constricted and separation form can be transmuted in this higher energy of UNIFICATION IN SPIRIT.

As we begin, focus in your hearts. Allow some deep breaths to quiet your minds and relax your bodies. Feel your desire for this UNIFICATION energy to pervade all of the mindal circuitry of the planet as we move in this field now helping the UNIFICATION OF HUMAN THOUGHT SYSTEMS to prevail. Simply focus on the words UNIFICATION OF HUMAN THOUGHT as we begin now. (Pause)

As you envision these words, let them spiral around the planet, asking for these energies to penetrate into those areas where people still hold these black and white ideas. Let us remove the resistant barriers to UNIFICATION OF THOUGHT as you desire this for the world’s system of consciousness to evolve. (Pause)

As you know, there is a collective planetary mindset. This is a vast field containing human thought creations. It influences many minds. It impacts the feeling receptions of each human. When humans tap into this wider pool of collective thought it is difficult for the individual to discern what is composed of their own beliefs as contrasted to what you might call the group think. What we are helping this world achieve today is a greater ability to unify the disparate belief systems into greater comprehensive whole that is reflective of the divine ideals of TRUTH, GOODNESS, and BEAUTY. Many people will be able to begin to sense that how they have perceived their reality can be gleaned from a more unified perspective. And this is good.

This infusion today helps their Indwelling Spirits to convey this more unified perspective of life and to help them see that the black and white type of thinking can be counterproductive to their highest good. This is a subtle form of change, you might say, but this is one that will unfold over time to bring more people into spiritual unity and foster the expansion of the Parenthood of God and the Family of Humanity. The ways in which people view others as separate and not having any relationship to their lives will diminish over time. More and more people will see themselves connected to one another in a greater whole and the greater good that is developing.

So keep your desires strong for this UNIFICATION OF HUMAN THOUGHT to prevail and that this may also move into those areas of emotional bonding between individuals and groups. All of this is possible. It is inevitable in the divine plan. We are making more headway for this to prevail in today’s infusion of UNIFICATION into the planet. (Pause)

We invite you to shift focus slightly as we now move this energy into the UNIFICATION OF HUMAN THOUGHT throughout the various religious belief systems prevailing upon the planet. Religion has been a divisive mechanism in your culture. Allow this energy to be seeded into areas where there are many prevailing religious beliefs. Let the truth component be heightened, let what is of error fall away as you now feel your desire for the Gospel of Jesus to be unified into these areas of religious thought. Simply hold that intention and desire as we minister in these circuits and add what we can into areas where receptivity for this to prevail. (Pause)

The spiritual energies contained in the meaning and value of UNIFICATION is designed to foster a greater harmonious relationship between the various cultural and religious traditions and belief systems upon the planet. As this energy increases more people will see the way they perceive others become more loving and compassionate. That is not to say there will not be any differences of opinion. It is to say that more people will be interested to hear another person’s perspective, respectfully so, and perhaps even engage at a higher level of seeing that person’s perspective as important as one’s own. You are on your way to achieving this as a planetary culture. And in this infusion today, it is intended that more people will perceive this and honor and respect other people who are different from them because this UNIFICATION energy is infusing a bonding type of relationship, not only in thoughts but feeling and in relationships between individuals and groups.

So let your focus now spread far and wide where you would wish to see this UNIFICATION dynamic prevail. We will follow your gaze as you desire for this to impact more situations, geographical regions, circumstances or whatever it is that you would wish to see for more change to occur. (Pause)


Beloved brethren, on behalf of all Planetary Seraphim and the myriads of other spirit personalities who serve Michael’s Correcting Time, I thank you. Our objectives for today are in place and their will continue to make their way into this system’s connecting thought forms. Remember to spend some time in stillness asking for UNIFICATION OF HUMAN THOUGHT to prevail, and we will be there to add what we can to your focus. We are making provisions for greater changes to unfold in the coming days leading up to your Christmas celebration when there is more focus on Jesus around the planet and the celebration of His life.

We will be with you again in two weeks for a special Christmas program and we anticipate that there will be great spiritual vitality to move throughout the planet to uplift it into higher realms that Michael’s PRESENCE and PEACE may prevail here more. In the meantime go forth in joy and serve faithfully, compassionately, mercifully, and allow all things in you be renewed in the LOVE of our Father. Good day.

