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2020 - August 13: Christ Michael's Authority in Implementing the Divine Plan of Urantia through Mother's Song of Joy

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo 


PRAYER: Mother and Father, we are grateful that we can participate in the agenda of the Correcting Time by collaborating with the various orders of personality that you have bestowed to this world to assist us in this time of great healing and transformation. As we quiet our minds, relax our bodies, may we be connected to one another and to these circuits of our helpers. Bring us into holy divine union with them through the means by which we are connected all to one another—Spirit, Soul, Personality. We thank our Indwelling Spirits for amplifying our focus today and providing us with more insights and spiritual energy that we need as well as a spiritual energy that we receive from you as our Divine Parents, and we ask for your WILL to prevail today in what we focus on through celestial guidance. Thank you.


MACHIVENTA: Greetings, my beloved brethren! This is Machiventa Melchizedek pleased to join you today in this time of great trial and tribulation that is now engaged in the circuits of change upon Urantia. Yes, this is a time of tribulation for many people as the material level of life is being shaken in various ways. That which once held you secure and steadfast is now loosening its grasp; that which you found familiar and comfortable is shifting in you.

Many people are being rocked to the core of their beings by the many, many changes and outworking of the rebellion agenda that is now very much underway. It is causing people to re-evaluate their lives and what they find important and of value to them. This is one of the dynamics in which you are all now engaged. And this will continue to be the environment for a time to come as this outworking continues to reveal itself. I am here today to provide you with a message of hope and to encourage your continued and enhanced participation in the measures of correction that are now underway.

Christ Michael is our Sovereign Father. He is the authority in the universe of Nebadon. His plan of correction for this world and the other worlds of the Satania rebellion are now being vigorously implemented. What you see of the chaos around you is proof of this now as more light bathes the planet revealing the darkness and what it is trying to accomplish to maintain this rebellion mindset and agenda. But the growing awakening in the hearts and souls of humanity is providing for this inner quaking that will render all life free here.

So as I speak these words, I encourage you look deeper into your own selves. Take this question to your Indwelling Spirits: “How may I further participate with my Father Michael's plans of correction?”

This may not be a question wherein you find the answers from your intellects but from your hearts and souls. Because what is needed now are mighty hearts and souls willing to look beyond the fear that is being promulgated by this rebellion mindset; to see beyond its grasp, to see it as a fleeting shadow, and to glean the light within you that you may engage more further with your own hearts, souls, and spirits.

So, sit with this for a few moments. Take this within to your own indwelling Father Fragments with great heart and soul that you may perceive more deeply of what you can bring to this time of great healing and correction. (Pause)

Each one of you has been gifted with a divine plan and purpose. It is extremely important now for you to engage with this more, even though you may not fully understand or know what that purpose is. It is more of a matter of you bringing this to life through your heartfelt motivations to be of service to Michael and through the action of the Holy Mother Spirit whose LOVE pervades this planet.

Each one of you has a capacity to love, to forgive, to be merciful, and understanding. And when you enact with your brethren in this manner, you are assisting in the agenda of the Correcting Time. But there is more that you can do. So as we begin to engage with the various spiritual personalities who are participating with us, I encourage you just to feel that motivation for your own divine life purpose and plan to stir within you and catalyze new areas of your personality potential that you may share more goodness of your own hearts and souls with others. Move into that place of motivation where you would wish your divine plan and purpose be added to the greater divine plan for this world’s evolution toward Light and Life. (Pause)

Over the years of our engagement with you in this manner, you have been guided to focus certain spiritual word-energy dynamics into the collective. We continue to use this format with you today, inviting you to now place that focus into the collective circuits of the planet with these words wrapping around the world, enveloping it in your love and motivation for more TRUTH and GOODNESS and BEAUTY to prevail. Perceive these words in your mind's eye: CHRIST MICHAEL’S AUTHORITY IN IMPLEMENTING THE DIVINE PLAN OF URANTIA. CHRIST MICHAEL’S AUTHORITY IN IMPLEMENTING THE DIVINE PLAN OF URANTIA. CHRIST MICHAEL’S AUTHORITY IN IMPLEMENTING THE DIVINE PLAN OF URANTIA.

Hold this focus as best you can. What we are inviting you to join with us today is to add your own divine plan to this greater collective. The part participating with the whole that more of Urantia’s divine plan may operate more widely, deeply, expansively and more people become engaged with it. Appeal to your Indwelling Spirits for how you may best hold this. You can also use that familiar rotation of this energetic word dynamic to be seeded into the planet. The choice is up to you. We ask you to hold this with great love and deep motivation for this divine plan to be implemented through Christ Michael's AUTHORITY. We engage with you now. (Pause)

The momentum of change underway on the planet is unstoppable. There still are certain forces coming from various individuals who are still trying to thwart these changes according to Michael's plans of correction. However, let that not deter you from what is in your heart and soul to achieve during this time. You have more influence here than you know. You have been engaged with us for many years, but I ask you: do you really recognize how much good you can do on this planet through your own motivations and heartfelt and soul-derived inclinations?

This is a time of great potential to spark new creative ideas and ideals for the development of a Light and Life culture. That is not to say that this world will be transformed overnight for you are following an evolutionary progression toward the planet's spiritual destiny. It does mean that you can take more personal responsibility to be of service to Michael, to Nebadonia, to your brethren, and to the planet itself. So, allow these energies of Michael's AUTHORITY to move through you to help you access deeper places within your own hearts and souls. You become even further motivated to share your life with the world, to be the light to the world, and in that you gain much, so much more than you could even give.

Let these energies flow through you as we continue to build this energetic dynamic of CHRIST MICHAEL’S AUTHORITY IN IMPLEMENTING URANTIA’S DIVINE PLANS, making a commitment to yourself that you will participate to the best of your ability each day. (Pause)

Those individuals who are awakening will soon discover that they have their own divine plan and are being stimulated to open to it that they may follow the leadings of their own Indwelling Spirits. There are those who have yet to awaken. What we encounter as we view the, what you might call, mindal climate of the planet, is that there are many, many individuals still influenced by great fear—fear that is being stimulated by those who resist the divine plan and its implementation and who have used certain means to stimulate the fear response.

So today, we invite you to simply ask for more of CHRIST MICHAEL’S AUTHORITY IN IMPLEMENTING THE DIVINE PLAN OF URANTIA to move into those fear constructs. It is not necessary for you to engage with fear. All we require and ask of you is to sense that deep inclination and motivation for this to be eradicated and for those hearts still very, very much infused with fear to be liberated, for the POWER of the Holy Spirit to break up those fear patterns, wash them clean, and be filled with Mother's SONG AND LIFE FORCE OF JOY.


Let them stream from your souls and hearts as there are many, many celestial orders using this to weave this into those places where the liberation of the heart is ready to receive all around the globe. (Pause)

All through the ages, those long epochs of human life, the divine plan has been slowly implemented, even though at times it has appeared that these plans have been thwarted. Urantia has yet to experience the flowering of the divine plan. You might consider that it is still in its budding stage. The bud has yet to bloom and reveal its beauties, visual and other senses to stimulate human creativity. It is this MOTHER’S SONG OF JOY that can move through the human heart and stimulate that motivation to be more creative and spiritually inclined. Her VOICE has been suppressed but not extinguished.

And now we invite you to feel that motivation for Her SONG OF JOY to resound so brightly, and to be so melodious and harmonizing within the human heart that its reverberations break free of the fear and the stagnation that that causes and brings about more liberation for more souls to awaken to the beauty within and the relationship they have with the Father in Paradise and to our Divine Parents.

Allow Mother’s SONG OF JOY to move through you, allowing Her VOICE to gain greater breadth and depth of expression through you that those reverberations may imprint upon others and help them in their awakening. Continue to maintain your focus on CHRIST MICHAEL’S AUTHORITY IN IMPLEMENTATION OF URANTIA’S DIVINE PLAN THROUGH MOTHER’S SONG OF JOY, and we continue to move in these circuits all around the globe. (Pause)

In the coming days, we invite you to come to know your Mother Nebadonia more, that Her SONG OF JOY may reverberate through you more deeply and activate those places within you where your Personality potential is waiting to reveal such wonderful qualities in you that you can share with others. Come to Her. Drink deeply of Her WELL OF INFINITE GOODNESS. Let Her expand your range of influence that you may contain these energies of love and joy deepen your faith and hold you more secure and steady as this great outworking continues and more individuals awaken to the Spirit Within.

We can only encourage you to take more responsibility for your soul growth by your actions and your motivations, and to appeal to the Father Within you to ensure that your motivations are divinely aligned. It is fundamental to do this now because it is now a matter of choice about participating in the correction or maintaining these holds that keep you paralyzed in states of fear and uncertainty.

Every spiritual measure is being taken to ensure your success. But it is up to you whether or not you will rise to the challenge of this time and BE the love that Father have gifted you and live it the best you can each moment. Is this a tall order to ask of you? Why yes, indeed! But do you have the capacity? Is the potential there? Yes! Indeed it is, and mightily so when you activate this through your motivations, sincere motivations, honest motivations, soul-felt motivations. Allow these words to settle in as we continue to move in these circuits. (Pause)


My dear brethren, we do appreciate how challenging this time is for you. But you also can appreciate that this is a necessary step to be taken to purge the world of this rebellion scourge. It is a group effort—human and spiritual, material and divine beings all participating. And what a time it is that you will one day look back when you are further along on your careers to marvel at what you could achieve as what you might consider to be a mere human. But look what Jesus achieved, and you can always come to Him and ask Him to fortify you in very human manner to be the best person you can be—to love freely, to forgive rightly, to maintain peace and composure even in the midst of the material changes underway.

We will continue our ministrations, and we thank you for what you have provided to us through your motivation and intention to build more of Michael's AUTHORITY that the divine plan can be implemented more fully through Mother's SONG OF JOY. Go to Her. Let Her SONG OF JOY reverberate in and through you and send that out into the world with great light, hope in your heart, faith in the future, faith in humanity. For now it is faith in humanity that is being awakened and activated that you can make the changes that Michael has given to you to implement through your every action, thought, and feeling.

Let the LIGHT of the Father's LOVE shine forth on Urantia, may it stir in every heart and soul and bring about the flowering of Urantia’s divine plan, that those days of Light and Life come ever closer to you, preparing the world for the Magisterial Mission and the forward momentum to those days of GLORY! I leave you in the Father's LOVE and I thank you for your devoted dedication to Christ Michael. Good day.

