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2022 - September 25: Receiving Michael’s Peace

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo 


PRAYER: Our Paradise Creator Deities, Divine Parents, Magisterial Son, Planetary Seraphim and all of our helpers, we are so blessed together today to share our willingness to cooperate with the divine plans underway on this world. We ask for your guidance today as we focus into those areas where you know human will needs to further align in the divine plans of transformation. May we be woven together as a tightly knit formation, elevating our minds to that of our Spirits to maintain that higher focus for that spiritual gravity to blend into the circuits that we need to cultivate for our world to continue on its healing journey. We thank you for centering us in the higher circuits of mind that we may be more receptive to our Indwelling Spirits. And above all, we thank you for your MERCY and your GRACE extending to this world. And may your WILL be done now. Thank you.


MICHAEL: My beloved children, I greet you today as your Father Michael, holding you in my PEACE; speaking that PEACE directly into your beings. As you receive me now, take a few moments to engage with your Indwelling Spirits and allow my embrace to enfold you and bring you into a deeper recognition of the PEACE in which you live in your Mother and in the PEACE I convey to you through the Spirit of Truth. Receive me now and allow your mindal focus elevate to that of your Spirit and we will begin from this point. (Pause)

Drink deeply of my PEACE, my children. Let it settle into your beings, gently expanding you in your emotional capacity to remain at peace through this important time of change underway on your world. (Pause)

Urantia is making a transition in its transformational journey to one day achieve its destiny of Light and Life. As you know, this is a rugged part of this ascending adventure. And I wish my children to remain at peace while these changes are being conducted by you and by we of the higher realms. It is important for you to come to me as your Father and anchor into the greater PEACE of my being which exists beyond your comprehension. Yet, it is a spiritual quality that you can embody more and more, especially when you ask for my PEACE to move you beyond feelings of fear, insecurity, and doubt. I will help you experience a wider expression of PEACE from my being into yours that extends all around you, that you may live in this container of peace as so many changes at the material level swirl about you.

Allow my PEACE to become a stronger anchor in you now. Allow my PEACE to become more of a foundation within you as this world undergoes more of its transformational journey. This is a time of transition, and it is a time to be spiritually prepared and aligned that you may truly remain stable and calm, mentally and emotionally through this intense period of change. (Pause)

The changes underway in your planet’s consciousness system are very troubling to many. This is one of the reasons why it is so vital for you to remain in a state of peace, and to invite that to envelope the whole planet, like a soothing blanket cultivating this serene environment within the human heart. The changes necessary for Urantia to reach its ultimate destiny are going to occur regardless if a person is in a state of peace or not. We would, as your Parents, encourage you that this is the most optimal way to make these changes in your perception so that you can ride out this storm with assurance and security in something better that is emerging from the chaos of the rebellion.

So simply in your mind's eye, feel that need for your brothers and sisters to remain at peace. Invite the angels to weave a blanket of PEACE deeper into planetary circuits, especially into memory, where there is still so much insecurity and fear people hold about their lives and their livelihoods. We can extend this energy of PEACE around the planet and move it into the necessary belief systems, thought forms, emotional patterns to help people perceive that the way of peace is the way of healing and transformation. Simply invite this blanket of PEACE to embrace the planet and allow my PEACE to make a greater impact through the Spirit of Truth of my connection to each one of you. (Pause)

Urantia’s transformational journey has been a bumpy ride for many. Most individuals are unaware of what is transpiring upon this world from a spiritual perspective. Therefore, it is necessary for us to collaborate with you that we may construct this soothing emotional balm within the heart circuit; that this may steady more people through this time when so many individuals are beginning to perceive something quite astonishing and new. There is a period of orientation that will be necessary for people to adapt to new revelations of what life is all about.

So, for a few more moments, focus on my PEACE and let us weave this more deeply into the circuits of mind and memory that my presence may touch more of my children. Because you have asked for my PEACE to speak into each heart, and this is what will continue to enhance the emotions of humanity all around the globe as a blanket of PEACE continues to integrate into planetary mind. (Pause)

My children, challenging times are upon you. We encourage you to perceive this as a time of unparalleled growth within your soul. It still may be rather easy for you to succumb to fear from time to time. When you experience this, turn to me. Ask your Mother to breathe in Her JOYFUL SONG OF LIFE and I will expand you in my PEACE.

You can be such inspirational examples to your brethren. And it is certainly advisable to admit to them that you have been in fear about this time occasionally. It is very human to feel insecure because the spiritual foundations are still growing in you. But do demonstrate to them that you can remain in a state of peace, and be filled with that grace that can speak volumes to another silently through the soul. And in this way, whether you recognize it or not, you are indeed aligning yourself in the Father’s WILL, and that has a radiance that can speak volumes into another’s soul and begin to help them recognize something of greater value. (Pause)

I withdraw as Monjoronson steps in to address you. However, even though I may not speak directly through this means, I am alive in you, and you are growing in the divine nature a little bit each day. Call on me when you need that refreshment and I will continue to uplift you and help you perceive more of the perfect guidance from the Spirit Within. And remember to maintain your practice of communing with the Father's presence. For we are pledged to help you make these changes that you so need on this world through your own efforts. You have more power and potency than you truly understand, my children. But in this coming time, you will be called to exercise that, learning to wield this with love and compassion, forgiveness and mercy. I leave you in my LOVE, and may you continue to grow in it each day and become more beautiful and expressive of the divine gifts within you. Good day.

MONJORONSON: Greetings, beloved brethren! I now enter into this field where you are still engaged with your Father Michael’s PEACE. Let it continue to deepen and expand, for truly this is the environment in which you were designed to live. Even though the conditions around you may tell you otherwise, this is part of your birthright. And we all encourage you to maintain this composure to the best you can each day and to return to the well of Michael’s LOVE that your inner peace may grow.

As we move into the portion of the call where we focus into the collective, today we are adding a new word form of Spirit. We invite you to focus now upon the energetic dynamics of TRANSFORMATION to help this world's consciousness system progress through that changing trajectory, that the world's consciousness may truly form into greater alignment with the WILL of the Paradise Creator and Michael’s plans of correction for Urantia. In your mind's eye, spiral the word TRANSFORMATION all around the globe, counter-clockwise, north to south poles. Invite its divine meaning and value and its action through your Holy Mother Spirit to gain more access into those areas in planetary mind and memory where it is most needed now. Feel your love for this world, and feel that need for TRANSFORMATION to escort this world in its trajectory toward Light and Life. (Pause)

If it is helpful, you may also wish to envision the world held in your heart chakra with TRANSFORMATION weaving into it. Let your love provide a certain type of human willingness as fuel to bring about more of the changes your Father Michael wishes to impart to His beloved world of His human incarnation. Feel that need for spiritual gravity to draw human consciousness into its vast domain. This is part of the transformational dynamic now underway. Hold this as best you can in your heart, my brethren. (Pause)

Feel that willingness for human mind to have more space to receive this spiritual gravitational pull toward Light and Life. The planet’s destiny does exist in potential. You, the humans of this world, are making it real one day at a time. The manifestation efforts you make in loving your brothers and sisters, being kind and compassionate of their human frailties and foibles is making this manifestation real. But, the glory this world will one day experience is far in the future and there is a long way to go.

But you can certainly hold that objective and ask for more spiritual gravity to calibrate to human mind, and to pull those currents of mind up to a higher level that more people would experience revelation from their Spirits, from their Father Michael, and from their Holy Mother Spirit Nebadonia. It is all such a seamless interlacing of many spiritual energies that do have an impact at the mindal and physical levels.

So, feel that willingness and that need for this transformational infusion to move deep into mind and memory. For this is the natural order of life. You have limped along on this journey toward Light and Life and there is an acceleration underway now to support this greater infusion of TRANSFORMATION to help you in that separation from the rebellion mindset into the of LOVE and BEAUTY, GOODNESS and TRUTH of the divine ways of LIFE. (Pause)

The conditions of truth recognition and perception are growing. As well, there is a need for goodness to prevail within the hearts of humanity. TRANSFORMATION provides you a greater bandwidth for the separation of evil to eradicate its stigma on human mind. Cooperating with the divine ways of LIFE can become much easier when you outwork this memory imprint of rebellion. It has fostered much resistance to the divine ways of life. And what we are accomplishing today is to provide you more space that you may further separate yourselves from this, further move into a more graceful means of cooperating with your Indwelling Spirit. It is hoped, that as these energies continue to expand, you would become more attractive to your brothers and sisters, and that they would seek to be around you because they feel your peace. This can quell some of the emotional and mental agitation that plagues them. All we ask is that you feel that need for TRANSFORMATION to continue to move into the planetary circuits and help this planet remember what it is here to accomplish through human willingness. (Pause)

Let us now elevate our gaze to the Paradise Creator Deities in whom all things exist, wherein the process of manifestation reverberates into the time-space worlds to bring about more alignment in divine WILL. Move your focus up to that place of glory and magnificence and ask for that divine reflection to embrace Urantia that its TRANSFORMATION may be infused with the LIFE of Paradise GLORY. Open your hearts in human gratitude, which is recognized, and know the love within you is alive and real. (Pause)


As the divine reflection from Paradise spirals down into the planet, hold that as a focus in the core of the earth to intersect with the planet’s divine purpose. And if it feels right, see yourself standing in that earth's core, letting your own divine purpose become more enlivened and drinking in the well of TRANSFORMATION. (Pause)

 Allow and invite these circuits to integrate now and that the divine patterns from Paradise become more operative in the circuits of Urantian mind, even deep into memory as we now integrate what we co-created together now. (Pause)

Beloved brethren, our objectives are complete for today. These energies will continue to make their indelible impressions all around the globe. Pay close attention to what you experience within and ensure that you are spending the time you need to replenish your spiritual battery in communion with all of the help you have within and around you. grow in your stabilization in your Father Michael, and in the expansive environment of the universe all around you. This world is so dearly loved, and one day you will truly comprehend what is now transpiring here. And you will recognize all that has been provided to you to make these changes that we are now helping you, not only perceive, but actually manifest. Grow in your powers of manifestation. They are quite prodigious, mainly untapped, but now it is time and we will be there to help you and bring forth those beautiful potentials of the Father that He has entrusted in you to make real at the material level. As always, we are deeply grateful for your participation. I now withdraw, leaving you with much to consider and integrate as you grow in the Father's LOVE. Good day

