Topic: Focusing on THE LIVING FAITH OF JESUS and LIVING THE FAITH OF JESUS into planetary circuits for personal and planetary transformation.
T/R: Donna D’Ingillo
The prayer was not recorded.
MONJORONSON: Greetings, my devoted brethren! This is Monjoronson, and I am pleased to be here with you once again as we grow together in this very dynamic time of building the circuits of Light and Life for the planets’ divine purpose to prevail here one day. We recognize how challenging life is at this stage of your evolution. You are in the throes of releasing the human mind from the grasp of false ideologies, which have gravitated you to this point where so much damage is now coming to the forefront of how this rebellion agenda has purposely impacted this world in a very negative way.
In today's infusion, I invite you to focus on your Father Michael and as your human brother Jesus. Take a few deep breaths as you simply place your focus on THE LIVING FAITH OF JESUS. As you do this, invite His LIVING FAITH to embrace your own faith and move you into a greater faith dynamic to augment your natural relationship with the Paradise Father which is one of FAITH between Divine Parent and human child. Take a moment to invite your Indwelling Spirit to help you open to this greater memory circuit of THE LIVING FAITH OF JESUS and His FAITH relationship to the Paradise Father, that your own faith foundation may be augmented and supported through this living memory circuit. Take a few moments to breathe and relax and invite THE LIVING FAITH OF JESUS support you now, my beloved brethren. (Pause)
Each one of you is growing in your FAITH relationship with the Paradise Father. LIVING FAITH sustains you through times of crisis and provides you an inner knowing of assurance that you are well and safe. And even though you may undergo some challenging circumstances, this LIVING FAITH will hold you steady and secure as you go about the experience. And it will anchor you in something even deeper within you to activate more of your human potential to live a life based on trusting in the goodness and beauty of the Creator and the truths you are learning through the experience when you anchor into this LIVING FAITH FOUNDATION within you. (Pause)
Allow THE LIVING FAITH OF JESUS to infuse you like a refreshing wellspring of life—strength courage, hope and resolve. You may walk your life path with this deeper assurance, not only to help you recognize more of who you are and your human spiritual potential, but to also remain composed and peaceful that you may indeed be an example to your brothers and sisters in a way similar to what Jesus demonstrated during His human life. Drink deeply of His LIVING FAITH and let it also engage with your own to fortify it. (Pause)
THE LIVING FAITH OF JESUS takes you into a higher perspective of what LIFE is all about. Living on this very beleaguered world it is challenging for you to imagine what a highly advanced spiritual culture might look like. It is intriguing to the human mind to envision a world where there is no war, poverty, illness, and people are naturally more peaceful and loving with one another. But I say to you: this is your destiny, and you are building this destiny for the planet through every faith step you take, whether or not you consciously recognize the value of what it is that you do.
During this important time of planetary change, it is important not only to tap into THE LIVING FAITH OF JESUS but to also have a more sincere and humble interest and willingness to live the FAITH of Jesus.
So, as THE LIVING FAITH OF JESUS supports you, I invite you to consider what is it that you can do to live THE FAITH OF JESUS. Take this to your Spirit. Have that willingness, even if it is a small degree, to live THE FAITH OF JESUS and ask your sSirit to support you in this beautiful accomplishment that you may undertake what this truly means for your life. So few humans truly understand what it means to live a life of faith and to allow your willingness to become more aligned with that of the plans of perfection within you, which is a faith step you take on your part. Spend a few moments with your Spirit and allow all these energies to move in now and support you that you may indeed become more of an example to your brothers and sisters of what it means to LIVE THE FAITH OF JESUS. (Pause)
If it is helpful to engage with this faith dynamic, it is perfectly acceptable and advisable to focus on these words: I AM LIVING THE FAITH OF JESUS. Focusing on these words speaks to your willingness to embark upon this great adventure to live the FAITH that Jesus demonstrated. You have it in you to do this—it is a matter of your own accepting of the beautiful foundation of FAITH that lives within you to make it more real through your living experiences one day at a time, and thereby help you achieve more self-mastery and understanding and living who you truly are. Just simply repeat: I AM LIVING THE FAITH OF JESUS so your faith foundation can grow and lead you where your Spirit knows you can achieve something of the greatness within you in your own unique way. (Pause)
There is a restful energy that engages with the human mind-body system when you are more fully invested in your own faith foundations augmented by THE LIVING FAITH OF JESUS. Some of you have already experienced the sublime peace and composure that comes with this LIVING FAITH perspective. Others of you will continue to grow and expand in your own God-given potential and find great joy in discovery of what FAITH can do in you. This is an area of great untapped human potential. And it is time for humanity, as a whole, to start on this massive undertaking of moving from how you process your life through various belief systems, which can conflict and confuse, to this more simple direct path of living in FAITH and being guided forward by your Spirit to complete the objectives that have been seeded in you for your human life. You have it within you, it is a matter of you activating this the faith potential and dedicating yourself to living it one day the time.
So continue to focus on I AM LIVING FAITH OF JESUS while your faith foundation is augmented by THE LIVING FAITH OF JESUS. (Pause)
Let us now turn our attention to the planet before you in your mind's eye. Ask for the memory circuit containing THE LIVING FAITH OF JESUS to engage with planetary mind. Feel that need for this to more fully embrace, not only the unconscious memory patterns, but that which is held within the conscious level of mind. And even to let that elevate to the higher levels of mind, which you might consider to be the superconscious level. Just hold that intention now with the memory circuit of THE LIVING FAITH OF JESUS to rise, rise; rise, and embrace the planet as a whole. (Pause)
Do your best to hold this focus while also asking for LIVING THE FAITH OF JESUS to spiral around the planet from the north to the south pole counter-clockwise and ask for it to engage with the memory circuit containing THE LIVING FAITH OF JESUS. These two forms, spiritual energy language combine and move the planet into a deeper recognition of what FAITH truly is. (Pause)
If it is challenging to hold a dual focus, simply ask for LIVING THE FAITH OF JESUS to continue to penetrate into the memory circuits, helping more of your brothers and sisters to be unshackled from various erroneous belief systems that have held them captive in false ideologies and theologies. Feel your love for your brothers and sisters to be liberated from that which holds them back from being secure in their own faith foundation. (Pause)
And if you wish to hold these two dynamics together and let them blend and harmonize and integrate into these two dynamics, simply place your focus on the FOUNDATIONS OF FAITH. Feel that need for this foundation to embrace the planet, embrace human mind and memory, and bring about a greater recognition of what FAITH truly is and what Jesus contributed to this great dynamic of FAITH IN THE FATHER—the Father of all LIFE and the Mother who distributes all LIFE throughout all creation. (Pause)
Hold that intention in your heart and send it into the planet for your brothers’ and sisters’ faith foundations to become more secure in THE LIVING FAITH OF JESUS. Whether or not they recognize this, this infusion will support them to open to the Spirit of Truth, their relationship they have with Michael as their Father and elder brother Jesus. Your brothers and sisters are very hungry for this infusion though they may not recognize it yet. So many still wobble in insecurity and unworthiness, not knowing their status as sons and daughters of God. But you are aware of this reality and you can certainly hold that intention for more of your brethren to open to this dynamic. And as you do this, we will continue to amplify the circuits of THE LIVING FAITH OF JESUS to secure that into more individual FAITH FOUNDATIONS. (Pause)
As we have done so many times before, join with us now as we elevate the gaze to Paradise where all of the PATTERNS OF PERFECTION exist and replicate down into the evolutionary Supremacy reality of growing in God-consciousness. Take a few moments to thank the Paradise Creators for these gifts that they are bestowing to this world, strengthening you in who you are, building you more in your own patterns of perfection. Thank your Divine Parents for their spiritual natures gently helping you perceive your humanness from a higher perspective. Let us spend these moments in worship together, focusing at the Paradise level and let the divine reflection of their LOVE gently reverberate in you now through your gratitude and thanksgiving. (Pause)
As you spend these moments in quiet thanksgiving, also ask for that divine reflection—the FOUNDATIONS OF FAITH to hold the planet in this loving divine Paradise embrace and let yourselves experience a deeper connection through your own inner faith foundation. (Pause)
My dear devoted brethren, take a moment to descend from Paradise. See yourself standing on the ground on this beautiful world. Stand in the FOUNDATIONS OF FAITH, envision it as a circuit of energy underneath your feet, just rising up from deep memory circuits and let it engage with you, securing you in this deeper assurance of who you are and what you can accomplish as a vibrant son and daughter of God.
Invite that LIVING FOUNDATION OF FAITH to pulse upon the planet on the earth plane ground level so more of your brothers and sisters may drink deeply from this wellspring of what FAITH truly means and how they might be able to engage with their Spirit and open up to the greater potential within them. Invite all of the energies we have co-created together that fall under the activities of DIVINE JUSTICE to engage with this FAITH FOUNDATION. Hold that focus and intention for this to engulf the planet and liberate more hearts and minds to engage with the Spirit Within. (Pause)
Beloved brethren, thank you for participating with us today in holding the focus for this LIVING FAITH FOUNDATIONto embrace the planet and uplift more of minds and memories from the grasp of the rebellion mindset. Truly, this planet is on a recovery trajectory and process that is beyond human comprehension. Stay the course. All is well. Become more of that living expression of your own inner beauty and goodness that your living truth may be a shining inspiration to others.
We have completed our objectives for today through your participation, know that this FAITH FOUNDATION will continue to grow in you and engage in planetary mind and memory. Please continue to focus on these dynamics during your meditation times, and continue to add more spiritual vitality through your heart, through your willingness, through your intention, for more correction to be conducted, and for Michael’s PLANS OF CORRECTION to engage with the planet in a broader and higher way.
You are ready for this change; it is already upon you. There is no turning back. Go forth boldly with the assurance of your own inner faith foundation, becoming so secure that whatever befalls you, you know that God’s hands are in the experience. Trust this, my brethren, and thrive in the LOVE and the FAITH living within you. And with that, I withdraw and leave you in the Fathers blessing of PEACE. Good day.