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2023 - July 9: Focusing Self-Responsibility into Mind and Memory for Personal and Planetary Transformation

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo

Opening Prayer

PRAYER: We center ourselves in your presence, Mother and Father and our Indwelling Spirits, as we invite the presence of Monjoronson and all of the wonderful heavenly helpers you have assigned to support us during this call today. As you weave us together as one in this unified field of human/divine collaboration, may the energies we project from our hearts and souls be amplified mightily to engage with planetary mind and memory, and build more truth-light into human mind, more love to infuse the human heart, and to help us become aware of who we and what it is that we are to participate, cooperate, and create together in conjunction with our Spirits and in conjunction with one another. You know what the objectives are today you wish to reach for planetary transformation, and we are grateful that we can cooperate in this intention today as your WILL is done through your MERCY, GRACE, and GOODNESS. Thank you so much, and so it is.


MONJORONSON: My beloved brethren, PEACE be unto you! This is Monjoronson, grateful to join you once again in this forum of conscious collaboration, not only with your Indwelling Spirit, but with those of us from the higher order who are here to assist you on your transformational journeys.

Take some deep breaths as the spiritual energies that we hold are now conveyed into your energy systems and into this collective call dynamic that you are now participating in. Feel the need for spiritual energy to revitalize you, providing your Indwelling Spirits more presence it needs to convey the higher ideals and ideas that you need to continue to grow and progress on your path.

Today the focus will be on the concept, divine meaning and value of SELF-RESPONSIBILITY. As you open yourselves to the spiritual energy infusing you, feel that willingness to become more responsive to the spiritual leadings within you, that your human natures may grow into a greater awareness of who you are as an individuated self within the greater SELFHOOD of our Creator Father. Feel that willingness to open to that larger perspective of who you are and assert a more concentrated willingness to follow the divine leadings wherever it takes you. Take a moment to elevate your gaze to your Spirit as we prepare you to receive what you need to grow in this dynamic of SELF-RESPONSIBILITY. (Pause)

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY is part of the overarching dynamic of perfecting yourselves to become more Godlike in expressing who you are out into the world. We all exist within the growing SELFHOOD of the First Source and Center. You, as a unique of one concept of the God, are here to cultivate that through your long evolutionary ascension career. The more you assert your own responsibility to growing into your higher nature, the more spiritual energy you receive. Because this is eternal adventure and you are embarking a dimensional change in how you perceive yourself, that you may appreciate that you have a destiny to achieve at some future point, that you are committed to perfecting yourself on this wonderful and remarkable adventure. Each one of you has the capacity to achieve this, but it is through your own wish-fulfillment and human efforts at aligning your will to cooperate with overarching trajectory of the divine WILL and WAYS of LIFE that you increasingly expand into who you are as an expression of the God nature, especially here on this physical plane of reality.

Focusing on the word energy of SELF-RESPONSIBILITY begins to open you to more information about what you need to do or what steps you need to take, what attitudes you need to change, what behaviors you need to modify that your Spirits will helps you perceive especially if you are sincere, honest and humble about your human nature and the level of help you need to open to this greater area of SELF-RESPONSIBILITY.

We are all responsible to the natures our Creator Parents have given us. Even I as a divine being am still growing in my ability to express who I am. And you are all a part of this incredible dynamic that you have hardly scratched the surface of creating during this particular phase of your life. But that does not mean you have to stay stagnant in where you are. You were designed to grow, and by asserting your own SELF-RESPONSIBILITY to participate in the greater SEFLHOOD of our Creator you are giving your Spirit the green light to help you and feed you with the information you need that you can respond accordingly in conjunction with the leadings of the Divine within you. Continue to focus on SELF-RESPONSIBILITY and allow the spiritual information contained within that higher meaning and value of this concept to gently expand you through the Breath of Spirit from your Mother and from your Father Michael feeding you with as He is the VINE and you are the branch growing in who you are as a son and daughter of God. (Pause)

There is a natural spiritual energy that moves you in this evolutionary direction of attaining SELF-PERFECTION. Your Father Michael demonstrated this ability and capacity to grow in this way during His human life. He still remains the way-shower for you on this path that you may follow in His footsteps. Not necessarily by duplicating the way in which he lived, but by replicating what He achieved through His discipline of going to the Father and seeking guidance and alignment with His human will with that of the divine WAYS of LIFE. You can do this too! The only thing that separates you from what Jesus achieved is your willingness to devote your lives to this—completely, whole-heartedly, unselfishly, and letting the divine leadings become so strong within you that it motivates you to strike out on this path to be a shining example of what humans can achieve to your brothers and sisters.

I appreciate that this may appear to be daunting to many of you. But truly this is a simple process of refining your human nature to reflect more of the divine BEAUTY of the spiritual nature that lives within you. Only you can make that decision to develop your SELF-RESPONSIBILITY in this way. Only you can achieve this level of SELF-MASTERY which so few humans have ever even dared to attempt. Nevertheless, we will always encourage you in this way, and hold no judgment against you even if you feel this is too much for you to undertake at this phase of your life. But once you leave this world and are truly on your soul ascension journey, you will find more willingness and motivation to achieve this. But we do wish to see more humans take up the helm of SELF-RESPONBILITY that leads to SELF-MASTERY because this is what is what will truly change this world. We appreciate that. Continue to focus on SELF-RESPONSBILITY and continue to invite your Spirit perceive what it is that you can do and the attitudes you can take to foster this within you. (Pause)

Now I invite you to ask for SELF-RESPONSIBILITY to imprint upon those memory patterns that you hold within your human natures. Were there experiences where you blamed others for your mistakes? Were there times you were judgmental toward others because you did not agree with them? Were there times in your life when you took the easy way out because you did not feel motivated or inspired to tackle something that seemed difficult? These are some of the ways in which SELF-RESPONSIBILITY has been denied due to the inclinations of human nature being somewhat lazy and complacent. But the Father Within you is able to help you to rise to any challenge before you. For you see, my brethren, you do not surmount any challenges on your own. You have ample help within you. And even around you through your angels and other spiritual helpers who are ready and able to support as you undertake an arduous task.

Do you not feel a sense of pride in the accomplishment when you have been successful that seemed almost impossible? Take heart that this is God wants to achieve in you and through you and with you—loving you every step of the way, encouraging you, being right in the depth of your being urging you onward! This, my brethren, is SELF-RESPONSIBILITY! You are responding to the call of Spirit Within, and you are asking to achieve something of great value and meaning. So let this SELF-RESPONSIBILITY energy imprint upon your memory patterns that your Spirit may help you outwork any blocks or interference that has come in your way to fortify you with courage and strength—perseverance—that you may recognize how much more respond-ability you have to the Spirit within you. (Pause)

Know that the flow of spiritual current is still moving through you as you gently shift focus now into the planet. Envisioning in your mind the world before you, invite the energetic dynamics of SELF-RESPONSIBILITY to spiral around the world, counterclockwise, north to south poles, especially imprinting into human mind and memory experiences to help your brothers and sisters feel a willingness to be more self-responsible for their own lives. Send love from your heart into the planet. Hold that willingness for more people to open up to this SELF-RESPONSIBILITY for their God-given nature to refine their own human sense of self and encourage their growth into the plans and patterns of their own Indwelling Spirits. (Pause)

Human nature has suffered an abrogation of duty—duty to one’s SELF and duty to the greater planetary mindset that helps this world evolve to its perfected destiny of Light and Life. You have all been living under a very oppressive authoritarian overcontrol, but that is not the WAY of the Father. The Father willingly gives you the ability whether or not to follow the divine inspiration within. Now it is time for more humans of this world to recognize and remember what SELF-RESPONSIBILITY truly means.

So this as best you can and ask it to move deeply into those memory circuits where that abrogation memory has existed, and invite the SELF-RESPONSIBILITY to create a calibrating wave of divine language, light, sound and color to imprint the divine meaning and value into this deep memory circuit all around the globe. All we ask for you is to hold this willingness for your brothers and sisters to remember their own SELF-RESPONSIBILITY. And we are deeply grateful. (Pause)

This is the period in this planet’s evolution for more individuals to recognize their responsibility to their higher selves. Why linger in so much human misery that is contained within the memory patterns of how humans been devalued and degraded because of the rebellion—not being able to recognize their true worth and value to the evolving nature of LIFE itself?

Continue to hold and feel that willingness for more of your brothers and sisters to open to this beautiful dynamic. For it will impart within them a sense of potency that gives them back their creative powers and help them feel more of the GOODNESS of the Father Within each heart, and to recognize the beauty that lives within them at a deep level. When more individuals taste this delicious fruit from the Father—of the Father, it will seem more natural to them to respond to the Spirit and take more accountability for their own actions and scrutinize the way in which they think and feel to recognize what is out of alignment with Father, or what they are doing that is in alignment with the Father’s plans for their lives. We ask you to hold this intention for your brothers and sisters that we may impart more SELF-RESPONSIBILITY into planetary memory and unshackle your brethren from a type of authoritarian overcontrol that has demoralized and devalued them. (Pause)

As you hold this, know that your Parents—Father Michael and Mother Spirit Nebadonia—are feeding them with what they need to come out of their own self-created ideation and to become more responsive to the Spirit Within. Hold love for these individuals. Continue to hold that willingness for more people to respond to what it means to be SELF-RESPONSIBLE to the Father Within. (Pause)

Invite the divine meaning and value of LOYALTY TO FATHER’S WILL to engage in this memory circuit and to be a part of the recoding and recalibrating that human memory needs to open to this greater awareness of what SELF-RESPONSIBILITY truly means. You are holding a place for human recognition to appreciate how good it is to do the WILL of Father—the type it can generate within the human heart and the expansive concepts of universe living that can illuminate the human intellect and understanding. These are what you are holding now for us to weave into the planetary circuits of mind and memory. If you wish, see these words SELF-RESPONSIBILITY AND LOYALTY TO THE WILL OF GOD pulsing in the core of the earth, feeding human memory from its deep place of these values living in the divine purpose for this world to accomplish. (Pause)

Hold that intention for your brothers and sisters to perceive that their human selves are contained within the greater SELFHOOD of the Father that He has given to each person to evolve. This is the path of soul growth, and it is time for your brothers and sisters to awaken, remember, and recognize that growing your soul in loving alignment with Father’s WILL is part of SEL-RESPONSIBILITY. (Pause)

Invite this dynamic to supplant the patterns and memories tied to the rebellion mindset, asking for this (rebellion) dynamic to release more human mind and memory from its tethers, adding more spiritual gravity into this entire configuration for that momentum to draw the human heart to the Father Within. (Pause)

I invite you to elevate your gaze, bringing your image of the planet in your mind’s eye before you up to the Paradise level, asking for the GRACE of our Creator Deities to their LOVE and REFLECTION upon this world to encourage more humans to open to their spiritual potential. Let us spend these moments of communion together in appreciation of the divine plans of evolution that you now hold in sacred trust for you to cultivate for this planet to reach its destiny through your own contribution. Feel that love and appreciation for what you have been given, even if at times it feels daunting. Know that you are up to the challenge. You can achieve great things for Spirit. Take this time to appreciate this whole evolutionary trajectory which is a part of the Father’s great design for all LIFE. (Pause)

My dear brethren, take a few moments to return to Urantia. See yourself standing on the earth plane. You are drinking deeply from the well of SELF-RESPONSBILITY as you are held in a circuit that comes from Paradise, reflecting down into the core of the earth, and then feeds you from the earth upwardly, creating a completed circuit for you to continue to evolve in this beautiful mystery of becoming more of who you are by taking more SELF-RESPONSIBILITY for your spiritual growth. As you stand in this, feel the need for the planet to be fully engaged in this dynamic that more individuals may feed upon the SELF-RESPONSIBILITY that has been given to them and open to their divine leadings of their own Spirits. (Pause)


Grow in the GRACE and GRACIOUSNESS of the Spirit’s presence within you. Speak words of love and understanding to your brothers and sisters. Radiate love from your hearts that they may feel the safety and non-judgment in who you are and what you express to them. Know that when you have faltered, you can always try again and ask your Spirit to provide with you another experience to gain more mastery over yourself and take more responsibility for who are becoming as a brilliant child of divine LIGHT that lives within.

I leave you with much to ponder, my brethren. Know that we are here to be responsive to your every need to help you in your striving. I leave you in the Father’s LOVE and may you become a more beautiful reflect of it each and every day. Good day.

