136. Educational System Must Educate Children For The Benefit Of The Whole Rather Than For That Of The Individual
Individualistic-egoistic teaching does harm to the whole and to the individual. Therefore, the sooner you perceive it the sooner you get rid of this vicious teaching system which is entirely based on an egoistic striving of an individual for the benefit of one’s self at any price. Even at the price of damaging the whole.
Such a nearsighted approach to education and a child’s up-bringing already today produces plenty of painful results when you see that less than one per cent of the whole of mankind controls the rest of humanity. The percentage of the leaders of humanity cannot be greater, yet the problem is that these leaders subdued everything for their own interests rather than for those of the whole. And that is the outcome, consequence, of your children’s up-bringing and education.
You do not have teachers, therefore, you cannot draft good programs for children’s up-bringing so that these teachers might be trained. There are no good programs on teacher training, therefore there are no skillfully trained teachers. It might seem to be a vicious circle. However, it is not a vicious circle at all. It can be removed very quickly and on a very large scale, on the world scale, without any of its trace left. So that it would burst like a bubble. It is just sufficient for each of you to discover the Father within. And then, instantaneously, each one who discovers the Father within will know how to bring up his children, what they must be taught, and in what way. And the programs will not be necessary as they will be dictated by the Father through your soul. And it is only then that you will realize that the child’s up-bringing and development start with filling him with the content of love rather than with cramming dry scholastic information without absolutely comprehending either the possibilities of its application or its use for society and humanity.
You must keep in mind the essential thing – you live in the creation of the Creator-Father and you participate, truly participate up to your capabilities, in the project of the development of the whole of creation. Therefore, you will never achieve good results either in science or industry if you eliminate the role of this very Creator-Father from your activity, and the more so from the child’s up-bringing and education.
The sooner you realize this, the sooner you discover the Creator-Father within yourselves, the sooner you eliminate this seemingly vicious circle in the current up-bringing and education of children; and without any additional investment, and on the widest scale, and within the shortest span of time.
When your experiencing of the Father enters your own daily life, the quality of your decisions will change right away. And that which seems today to be a driving power, a competition, or individualism, you will clearly see that it is your destruction; destruction of all. And then you will vigorously thrust yourselves into correcting this type of distorted situation on the world. No scientists, no politicians shall tell you this, you must hear it from the Father the way you hear this very message now being rendered to you through my apostle. However, now you are reading it, yet it is not close to your heart, and it is not ringing to you the way it will when you discover the Father within yourselves and experience Him. Then you will realize that transferring industry to less developed areas for a higher profit is absolutely not the same as sharing one’s experience so that even these less developed areas might get engaged in industry and learn cooperation. It is only the Father who will tell you, each of you, as you open up to Him, what must be done, and in what way, so that this cooperation would benefit the whole as a harmonious family. It is only with the Father that you will have courage and resolution to take this step which will deny all your current assertions which you call scientific, that it is only competition that can ensure the development of humanity and that it is an indispensable stimulator of progress.
These are the most erroneous assertions invented already by intelligent people. If you continue to cling to these nearsighted attitudes, it is inevitable that you will come up to such a line as to stand up against each other as the greatest enemies. Then you will not be interested in either a profit or industry, or even in the very assertions any longer because you will be thinking of how to survive. However, there will be no place to hide since chaos will reign everywhere. And chaos causes not only disorder but also panic. In its turn panic makes chaos even greater. And in this situation, no one desires to listen to anyone. Under these conditions a common language is merely impossible.
Therefore, I call on you to draw your conclusions as soon as possible and turn to the Father within you with all your soul in order to discover Him, to be born of the spirit, and then to start a normal human life as the sons and daughters of the Father who know how to raise their children and what to teach them, and in what way to teach them at school. And these young people after having finished school will be well aware of the meaning of their lives – to give their entire love, received from the Creator, and devote their entire activity for the benefit of the whole. And they will strive for implementing this in their daily lives.
It is then that your teaching programs will change into one program of real life – to serve each other with love, even as the Father serves you. It is only then that your schools and universities will become true schools and universities, for it is only then that the fluctuation in teaching popular professions at some definite time segment will cease, since it is expedient for an individual and the university from the point of view of profit-income while other professions cannot attract students at all. These are the diseases of an immature society and they must be healed because they will sway the vessel of humanity ever stronger. The remedy is only one – faith.
It is only then that prestigious and profitable professions will disappear because one’s job will be regarded as a chance to reveal the abilities of one’s higher and true self through service to all rather than as self-aggrandizement of one’s animal self. It is only then that one’s judgment by status of one’s wealth or the power of one’s impact will disappear. It is only then that each one will enjoy enormously expanded opportunities to express oneself in a particular field to which one’s heart is inclined. And the quality of a job is higher beyond comparison if one’s heart is given to it. It is only then that you will realize that cooperation and emulation for a better outcome, so that your newly invented and better methods subsequently would be shared with others, so that they might also achieve better results, is incomparably a much greater driving power of progress which humanity has not yet known. In this way, you will be able to equalize the uneven economic development of the world, and to reduce a chaotic migration when people die of hunger in one country since they have no jobs and means for living, while in another country there is great overabundance which attracts people there.
There is not a single unsolvable problem. So far, there are just unwise methods of their solution. Even now you often repeat that with God everything is possible. So, why do you not apply this assertion in your practical daily living to tackle the problems which so heavily oppress you in the spheres of economy, politics, children’s up-bringing, education, enlightenment, and society’s development? Turn to the Creator-Father and start your cooperation with Him, and then you will notice that you learn from Him how to cooperate among yourselves. Because of your new attitude and way of living, all will get richer. Each of you, personally, will also get richer. Just take a practical step towards the Father who already made His own step because He even bestowed a fragment of Himself, His spirit, the Thought Adjuster, upon you, each of you, and inhabited him within your mind. Now the Father is waiting, patiently waiting, for you to respond to Him in a similar way, and to turn to Him with your entire heart so that your opened soul would start experiencing a live relationship with Him. Open up to Him, and then you will be able to tackle all the problems, personal and social, which are still unsolvable at this moment.