37. I Am Happy About Your Sincere Prayers
My dear brethren, I am sincerely grateful to you that my name is so cordially and so often mentioned in your country, that my name inspires good thoughts and incites many of you to do good deeds. I am happy about the light and truth of your brethren that elevate my name and my person each time you pray in church or at home, whenever you open up to me sincerely. I thank you all who so sincerely defend my name whenever someone starts tarnishing it, for you do this out of love for me. I salute you that you build up new prayer houses for the Father and glorify and worship the Father in them. By this you all, and each, become even as I was, for I also glorified and worshipped the Father while in the human flesh. Even the interval of the two thousand years does not prevent us from getting connected by a joint act that is one and the same act in spirit – glorifying and worshipping the Father out of love.
It was this that I was striving for; that people would know the Father through me, and start glorifying and worshipping Him while feeling His love within themselves. I did want all the people to begin to feel that real love of the Father within their own selves, and having felt it, to respond to it by glorifying and worshipping the Father. Therefore, now I salute you all as my brethren, who do cordially mention my name with such a deep love, and who have opened up their hearts to both me and the Father.
Father and I are one in spirit. Therefore, if you are sincere, whenever you glorify and worship me, at the same time you also glorify and worship the Father. For I always see to it that this sincere glorifying and worshipping of my person would necessarily also reach the Father, since I strengthen this glorifying and worshipping and pass it on to the Father. The most important thing, to the Father and to me, is your sincere opening up so that your soul would desire a living communion with me out of love for me and for the Father.
Therefore, my heart is always within reach and it is happy about your sincere opening up to me. It is even happier when you sincerely pour out to me your problems and hardships, your pain and suffering, your sorrow and despair. However, it is even still happier about your will, courage, and resolution you apply to tackle these very problems and hardships by devoting yourselves to doing my and the Father’s will
My will completely fuses with the Father’s will. If you agree with my will it means you also agree with the Father’s will. If you agree with the Father’s will you also agree with my will. The Father’s will and my will are one in spirit. And whenever you agree with the Father’s will or with my will, then, your will also becomes one in spirit with the Father’s will or with my will. This way we are unified in spirit thanks to the Father’s love.
Only this type of bond is living, vital, and creative. And it was that relationship that I came to your world to speak about to the people, to be heard by humanity on your world as well as by the inhabitants of other worlds: material mortals, souls progressing on already after their resurrection, or spirits that are eternal, when their will is fused with that of the Father. I came to this world to enlighten people by love and truth, goodness and beauty, mercy and service.
And life would have changed had I been understood and had my life and teachings not been distorted, even by my immediate disciples whom I singled out from the rest of humanity by the name of “the apostles.”