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Rules of civil conversation
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In the interests of all that is good, let’s remember the rules of civil conversation.

I resolve to:

  1. I will try to reach a shared understanding rather than ‘win the argument’.
  2. I will clarify with others to make sure I genuinely understand their perspective.
  3. I shall endeavor to avoid committing logical fallacies in support of my claims.
  4. I will attempt to account for my own biases and try to be intellectually humble.
  5. I will also try to be reasonable, rational, and create coherent arguments.
  6. I may challenge ideas, but will refrain from personal attacks and mean-spiritedness.
  7. I will use the ‘Principle of Charity’ to interpret others’ points of view in the best light.
  8. I promise to remain genuinely receptive to changing my mind.