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Panic is a going concern in a world in flux
SOURCE: Lightline Teleconference 2024-12-05 Teacher: Amanson T/R: Mark |
Amanson on Panic
‘Panic’ is the human way, the way of mental disconnection, a disassociation from the current of the universe, that frequency of coherence that governs creation in its moment-to-moment birth.
The phenomenon of ‘panic’ (and from our perspective it really is a phenomenon, there is no other word for it) is so intrinsically ‘anti’ that it becomes its own self-fulfilling prophecy. When a person panics they are momentarily in a completely different dimension, one in a sense cut off from reality; a dimension that becomes the door through which they must reenter in order to proceed with life as it is actually lived.
Any situation causing ‘Panic’ is allied to the panic itself — the situation is panic itself — and therefore, as with the previous definition of the state-of-mind ‘panic’, cut off entirely from reality, the reality that holds all things together in its frequency; that coheres and is ‘All One‘ behind the [mere provisional] subterfuge of ‘panic’.
Calm — stillness — is the nature of the universe (for all its hyper-activity it does proceed from a place of absolute stillness) and it is that stillness that must be sought in any situation of - and to counter any situation resulting in - panic.
Now, this is all perhaps very easy to say from a height outside of the realms of panic, but it is nonetheless true. Panic is a ‘going concern’ in a world in flux, especially the flux of your world at present: the social upheavals; the geographic dislocations (and relocations); and the element of pending unknown in your planet’s immediate future. It all seems utterly cattywampus, yes? Topsy-turvy? Moment after moment of panic-worthy upheaval! But panic is, again, counterproductive in its irrationality (which some would maintain is utterly rational under the strange circumstances; thoroughly justifiable). But it is sheer obstruction. It disallows the mechanism that will truly right the ship: your connection to that hidden vibe that sets you and, eventually, the entire situation straight; a situation which may well bring a change to the landscape, to the world as we know it, but not to you. You will have weathered whatever storm might descend by the simple anti-panic technique of seeking the Stillness, that interior landscape which is not merely quiet but Still: Life before it has begun to move. It’s the same life that in its outside manifestation is causing panic, but this now is prior, this is life as you would have it be. And this life – calm, unhurried, still – can then advise you how to be, where to be, when to move, in contrast to the noisy exterior version of events that is comparatively — as a great author once put it — all “sound and fury, signifying nothing”.
Don’t let ‘panic’ push you around; you possess far greater strength than you know. But oddly, that strength is accessed beyond muscle, sinew, brawn and bone, in the deep, deep quiet of the unperturbed heart. This is where The-Life-That-Is-Not-Panic is lived. Go there. Often. Before any sign of panic sets in. Then you will know it well. You will have a home there, one free from all the different versions of panic the outside world would like you to fall in line with. It’s an unnecessary game. Don’t play. Come home. You’re here. Now.