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Self Reliance


Self Reliant individuals are rare these days
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SOURCE: Lightline Teleconference  2024-11-27
Teacher: Amanson
T/R: Mark



Amanson on Self Reliance

To be 'Self Reliant' is to be reliant on that which is precisely not your 'self', but the capital-lettered 'Self', the larger You that invites your smaller self to follow along and learn. 

'Self-reliance' is a famously cornerstone concept in the foundational philosophy (socially speaking) of your country America, the continent of 'fresh Adams and Eves' , the freshly stamped individual, untainted by moldy traditions — the "New Man and Woman". But, ironically, what we find is mankind needs its brother, its sister; that man, despite his love (and need) of solitude, is a social animal. Yes, "Good fences make good neighbors", but the answer to that age-old question "Am I my brother's keeper?" is ultimately, 'Yes'. We serve. For my brother is myself. 

But that is looking at things horizontally. Vertically, the human race requires 'Self' reliance,  a reliance beholden to that larger Self, who trains the smaller self, and organizes that self, and is connected to the Sire of Selfs, whom we all host and whose Light we grow in. And as. 

But such a Self Reliant individual is a rare case these days, for the smaller 'self' is so triggered and led by the lure of daily electronic transmission and propaganda that the big Self is only rarely considered, let alone listened to. And yet ironically the purpose of the misleading propaganda is to convince the consumer that by embracing its product he or she is being self-reliant! That by conforming they are being truly independent, one of a kind, an original! While the Self that is the heart of Self Reliance sits patiently to the side of things, waiting for the small 'self' to awaken. 

Self Reliance, reliance on our larger Self, while a mostly half-understood concept, is an ideal worth nurturing; although its achievement is at odds with most of today's trends. This of course has always been the case, but understanding the concept at both levels is very important: 'self reliance' — independence of thought in the social sense; and 'Self' Reliance — independence beyond thought in the spiritual sense. It is an interior expedition, finding one's true Self. And then to learn to rely on that Self is the very essence of the adventure here. It both scours the Heavens and, in the connection this Connection creates, keeps us utterly down-to-earth, the very soul of fraternization, an ambassador of that larger Self on Whom Self Reliance relies.