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The Goal

A roadmap for true stability in harmony with the Divine plan.

Our planet's evolutionary progress has now reached the point where we must begin transitioning into a new mode of operation.

From the start of the industrial revolution up to now the mode of operation has been one of rapid development, construction, and global scale expansion. The focus has been on building increasingly bigger, more complex, and more powerful systems. The incessant and rapid speed of development of this expansion stage has often resulted in abuses, inferior quality, and misguided plans.

Yet, we have managed to build a superior civilisation, because we now have adequate infrastructure systems to support such a civilisation, albeit one that is sprinkled with a variety of problems that cannot be adequately corrected by the incessant march forward of aggressive industry, expansion and development.

These varied problems we speak of now require a different type of approach for their resolution. This approach is one that gradually starts shifting our civilisational focus from aggressive expansion and development, and more towards wise administration and maintenance that is in accordance with the divine guidelines for a planet such as ours.

Expansion and development will not be eliminated, but it must be gradually and wisely transitioned to a level that is balanced with the needs of administration and maintenance requirements.

Once this balance is achieved, stabilized, and shown to be durable, then our planet will receive the status of having settled in Light & Life. This means that we will have reached a point as a great civilisation where we can effectively maintain Life (rather than focusing first on systems as we are now doing), and we can do so in harmony with the Light of the Divine plan.