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The Light and Life Timeline

Intelligence is the ability to achieve goals, and all forms of intelligence have something to do with modeling - with trying to create a proxy of some limited section of reality (scope) that our intelligence can then use to inform our forecasting, our choice-making, and our goal-achieving efforts. But models tend to optimize for a narrow set of sense making, instead of the whole picture, and so they tend to blind us to what’s outside our models.

A sustainable way forward (the real goal) must be anchored in, and guided by wisdom. It could even be said that wisdom is the language of sustainability, whereas the path provided by, and grounded in, the reductionist corporate codes and profit driven strategies at the exclusion of wisdom always leads to one inevitable conclusion, bankruptcy.

In other words, the totality of the story (holism) is always more complex than what we say or think about it. There’s something very important and sacred about that fact. Because when we make a model that separates everything out (reductionism) and then improves that model's effectiveness (in pursuit of the corporate bottom line), the chances are high that we're going to start harming something that we don’t even realize we're harming because it isn’t in our model. What we're optimizing for is not the whole thing. This type of process is not helping us be wise. Models that win in the short term can — and so often do — generate long term, broadly horrible and unsustainable outcomes or even extinction.

This brings us to the crux of the problem, the shortsighted nature of mortal life. With an average life span of only 70 years, man has neither the time, the vision, the wisdom, or the long term continuity required to envision and plan a truly sustainable way forward, with conviction, clarity and certainty. This is the folly of man, to assume that building a truly sustainable civilization can be accomplished with only the toolset provided by our limited biology. The process of sustainable civilization building can only succeed as a co-creative effort between shortsighted mankind and farsighted cosmic wisdom, through a process of revelation of a fundamental plan to mortal man.

Once equipped with a basic plan (vision and wisdom) for long term sustainability, and coupled with man's inventiveness and intelligence, mankind now has at its disposal the core toolset needed to "work the plan".

Through a process of revelation to mankind, a cosmic plan for long term sustainability, referred to as Light and Life, is now available and being offered as a roadmap of past-present-future direction.

The Light and Life Timeline is a three page PDF containing the best available model and overview of the gradual planetary process towards full sustainability. It looks at the seven major steps in the process through ten major categories of growth, and presents where we should be in contrast to how far off course we have gotten. The timeline model offers an enhanced understanding through its matrix style layout which allows for the process to be examined in ways that a regular linear timeline doesn't afford.

Preview image only. Press this link to open the full 5 page PDF presentation:  Light Life Time Line.pdf

Light and Life timeline plate.png