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What is Light & Life?

LESSON 1: The Coming Era of Enlightenment

Greeting citizens of Urantia,  I AM Uteah--a Trinity Teacher, and I reside on Jerusem, the Capital sphere of your local system named "Satania." Around me on Jerusem are a series of architectural spheres that function as an administration center that serves a greater planetary organization of up to 1000 inhabited worlds--Urantia (Earth) is one of the planets within the domain of this organized system.  "Urantia" is the name given to your planet (Earth) by the Creator Father and is known by this name throughout the universes by the spirit beings and celestial administrators that work to guide the eternal careers of souls that are born there as they pass through the experience of living on a world in time and space.  After your lives are lived and you have populated your souls with the various experiences of life on Urantia, you shall transition to the afterlife.  Your afterlife begins here on seven progressive architectural spheres called "The Seven Mansion Worlds of Satania."

The details of this afterlife, the cosmology, and the goings on there, are more intimately defined in the Urantia Book and I would refer you there to learn more.  However, because many of you do not have the background teachings of the Urantia Revelation, I will speak plainly to you seeing that many of you are searching for truth and meaning in a world that is very disconnected from the greater realities that lie beyond this mortal life.   This disconnection was mainly due to a rebellion that happen in this system (Satania) over 200,000 years ago by the System Sovereign of that time you may recognize as "Lucifer."  Like a virus, the Lucifer Rebellion spread to a number of worlds in the Satania system, and so it was decided by the high administrators of Nebadon (your local universe) to sever the intelligence circuits that connect all worlds in the system that nurture and feed the progressive energies that help developing planets evolve to a more enlightened state.  Only those necessary circuits that sustained life were left intact, but were soon to be tampered with by Lucifer and those personalities that followed him into rebellion.

It is necessary for you to understand the history of this that you may better know how and why your world has developed into the present state that exists today. Urantians know very little about the greater realities that lie beyond this world; the path of soul ascension; and the very reason for their being there.  It is in ignorance of these realities that you struggle to find peace in your personal lives, social systems, and governments--to move beyond conflict and war to a more enlightened era.  Although the Lucifer Rebellion was officially adjudicated decades ago, and the leaders apprehended, there still exist the aftermath of that rebellion and the stain that was left there that continues to exert control on your world.  It lives on through the biology of generations; military technologies and infrastructures; and the financial and governance systems that uphold the Luciferian values of unbridled liberty by an elite class to enslave humanity and continue the unspoken directives to prevent and deny souls from ascending to paradise.  Your world is to move beyond this state of confusion.

It is my purpose as a Trinity Teacher to prepare your world for a coming era of enlightenment called "Light and Life (L&L)." Through a series of teachings, I shall progressively build on the ideas of L&L and how you may understand that you are more than a mere citizen of Urantia, but a citizen of the universe.  It is necessary for citizens of L&L to have a basic understanding of the personal values and attitudes necessary to contribute to and become the progenitors of future generations that will be born into a world that understands universe citizenship--Light and Life.

LESSON 2: Light and Life begins in the Mind

I welcome you to this second lesson about Light and Life (L&L) that will explain Urantia's unique case--that in the beginning stages of L&L, Urantia will not follow the more standardized progression of other developing worlds in the universe. There are several major factors that require Urantia be cared for in a way that makes it necessary to apply non-standard administrative procedures to move a world from a rebellion mindset to a mindset that is oriented toward the future progressive epochs of L&L.  For any advanced civilization to emerge in L&L requires that its citizens first change the way they think and act--they must first have a realization that moves them toward a more homogeneous way of seeing the world and all the peoples that live in it. On Urantia, this will require a "bonding process" that brings unity in brotherhood with all people--something so profound that all differences between them take a "backseat" to the need for understanding of global events and the problems that will need to be solved for the benefit of all mankind.  In that moment, you will see yourself and everyone in the world as being as human as yourself.

What most people fail to understand is the fact that they are all brothers and sisters and they all share their humanness living together on the same planet--they are Urantian.  The failure to understand this is the one thing that separates them from one another.  Those of you that do understand this know that you are brothers and sisters and can go anywhere in your world and find brotherhood with any person that also understands this regardless of culture, race, nationality or social status.   If you were to visit with those in another country with this viewpoint, you would love and befriend them for their openness and kind respect.  This is where we want to go--to the brotherhood of mankind where all people understand and respect each others right to think independently while maintaining a common ground that you all share in your humanity--your feelings for those things and values that make life worth living.

How do you get there?  Do you think you can do it via the approach that religion has taken by setting up creeds and rules for acceptance into the "club" of enlightenment?  Surely history will tell you that this only creates more separation and disunity.  How then would this come about?  How would it begin to unfold?  In the past ages of tribe against tribe warfare, "The enemy of my enemy is my ally."  This thinking only brought about temporary unity that would soon fall apart when the self-interests of the group became more important than political alliances.  What would happen if the enemy was not flesh and blood and there was no one to hate or negotiate with?  What if this enemy could not be reasoned with and you had to pull all your resources together to fight this enemy because it threatened your very existence?  You, as the human race, would need to use your will and consideration for all people to work together to defeat this enemy.  Those differences that once divided you would then be seen as diversities of thought that could perhaps solve a part of the problem needed to defeat this enemy.  It would take an unparalleled effort of collaboration and communication on the part of all nations and peoples to understand each other and how they might work together.

With this scenario in mind, can you now see that rebellion thinking is the enemy that cannot be reasoned with--that it threatens your very existence--that it does not consider the human condition as it applies to all people?  It controls and divides and conquers using the sophistries that you need these systems of control to protect you against those that are different from you?  And by its very nature to divide it keeps its control over you because you believe you need it to live.  To see this in yourself is the first step needed to understand that Light and Life begins in the mind.
Peace is possible,

LESSON 3: The Mindset of Light and Life

In this third lesson on Light and Life, we will explore the differences between a rebellion mindset and a  mindset that is oriented toward progressive thinking--a people moving into Light and Life.  It would be wise for us to consider the "Golden Rule" as a universal understanding--and that would be helpful to keep in the forefront of your thinking, but in application on a world conditioned by rebellion, the Golden Rule is mostly thought of as a Utopian idea that comes after your neighbor adopts this thinking.  Light and Life is a state of being--simply being in a relationship of goodness with your fellows.

The application and expression of a Light and Life mindset is not something unattainable or afar off in the distant future.  Many Urantians are already living with this mindset and the application of the Golden Rule--they wake each day and apply this thinking throughout the course of their day.  They are naturally attractive in their energy and draw others of like mind to themselves. Herewith, a synergy begins to organize and they become moved to solve some problem of inequity in their lives, their social circles; and engage the world with an attitude that they can make a difference.  These people exist today and are seen as the "movers and shakers" of the world that draw attention to some need or problem to be solved.  They are not interested in self-indulgence or self-recognition--no, but the recognition of the problems and inequities to be solved.  These people often come from very humble or troubled beginnings and have made a decision--they used their mind and willpower to choose how they would live their life going forward--a thinking that anything is possible and achievable.

Many of you will see these people as gifted or ingenious, but mostly they are quite ordinary in intelligence--they only see the world differently and they do not follow the same thinking that creates suffering in the world.  They recognize that opportunity is a co-creative process whether they see it coming from within or through collaboration with others. The mindset of Light and Life is this way and you can be this way--you can begin today if you are willing and decide not to wait for your neighbor to adopt this thinking first.  Take your co-creative thinking to the next level and become the change you want to see in the world.  See the world, not as evil, but as being guided through co-creationism. Waking up to recognize co-creative guidance in your own life will empower you to work together with your fellows to move your world closer to Light and Life.

Conservative and liberalism are mindsets that exist as the antidote to the other and rarely will they become unified to solve any problem--they naturally create separation--"us against them" thinking.  Unity is found in the intersecting values both sides already agree on, but use different language to describe it.  Look for the intersecting values that are true, beautiful, and good for all people.  "Unconditional understanding" and communication are key to finding the intersecting values.  Too much listening to the opinions of others without having any discerning thoughts of your own is what keeps you stuck in the polarized mindset (rebellion mindset).  Recognize this polarized view and choose not to follow after it.  A mindset of Light and Life is one that recognizes the exclusionary thinking of separation and applies forgiveness and mercy--it seeks for the higher ground and considers the possibilities that a way forward can be found that benefits all sides.  

The one caveat to separation is when one side is choosing an immoral path--there can be no intersecting values in immoral choosing.   Who then defines what is right and wrong?  Society does--it comes from a collective inner knowing and can always be held against the Golden Rule and tested. Society will always want a better path than what exists today and will work with its leadership to redefine it--it moves and transforms as the thinking of its citizens progress (or regress).

The mindset of Light and Life is already here on your world.  Look for it and you will see it--you will recognize it and you shall become more sensitive to the rebellion mindset-that thinking that creates separation or acts immorally.  Think about those rare instances where two polarized sides courageously stepped aside from their positions and reached out with a handshake in hope of finding a way forward. It makes headlines-there is a warm feeling of goodness that pervades the space around such courageous consideration and the recognition that both can co-exist having differences yet respect the other while solutions are sought.  Why are these events so rare?  Each side is waiting for the other to move first.  

Be the first to choose Light and Life in your own thinking and watch the miracles unfold around you.

Brotherhood is possible,

LESSON 4: Purposeful Intention

In this fourth message in the Light and Life Series, I will speak about the implementation of the mind-set of Light and Life (L&L) and how you can begin today using your mind as a citizen of Light and Life.  This way of thinking is not reserved for future generations, but for you in this moment.  The concept of a L&L mind-set is simple--the application of it is something that you work at everyday of your life here and hereafter.  Because L&L is born from the mind--your thoughts and your neighbor's thoughts, it must also begin with you, and the beginning for you is when you arise each day--each new day brings new opportunities.  

You cannot go backward in time to seize the missed opportunities of yesterday and so are you to understand that today is the day to begin anew.  Because a L&L mind-set is a progressive way of thinking, it requires you to clear your mind of old concepts that simply have not moved you into achieving a better way of life or a life with purpose.   L&L is a collective mind-set, but one that requires each individual to contribute to the betterment of the whole by finding purpose in your own life.  Therefore are you to begin each day with a purposeful intention to see that you are contributing to L&L regardless of whether or not your neighbor is contributing.  Acknowledging and accepting that you cannot control how others will think and act, you instead focus on being the captain of your own energy--your thoughts and actions and how you hold yourself (moral goodness) in the world while working toward some purposeful goal--that goal should include bringing a greater understanding of your purpose to others.

This "Purposeful Intention" becomes the theme of your day. It is to be thought of as a co-creative and guided process.  It requires an attitude of gratefulness and a curious mind to explore new concepts--even accepting that you may see beyond those static concepts of truth that you have come to believe.  Purposeful Intention is a statement of personal empowerment by a mind and personality that chooses to become something greater.  It becomes the inner light of opportunity--the seedbed that allows the co-creative powers of the universe to spring forth from you in a moment of clarity and in the synergy of your participation.  Co-creativity is cooperation with your own inner guidance (knowing within) and therefore requires that you state your intentions to develop your purpose and trust that you will recognize the signposts that lead to its unfolding--for without purpose, there can be no guidance.

It is said that "experience is the greatest teacher," but do understand that while this may be true for you in the particular moment of that experience, you have not experienced all things, and so it is also true that what you understand today may be revised tomorrow through another experience?  Accepting change is the greatest tool for growth and opportunity any soul can achieve.  Purposeful Intention requires the acceptance of change in your own beliefs.  A L&L mind-set is already within you and can be realized by "unlearning" what you have been conditioned to accept by a world in conflict. There is within each person a compass that points to what is good and it will lead you there if only you follow after that inner knowing.  Learn to recognize this inner knowing and also recognize your own habits of sabotage--to prove yourself "right" rather than follow the goodness that you know within.

I cannot tell you what your Purposeful Intention is--that is something that you create each day, but I will admonish you to wake each day and take time to create this open, hopeful, and expectant way of engaging your day following after the inner knowing of what is True, Beautiful, and Good for you and for your fellows.  This is something you can do today and everyday for the rest of your time here in this world, and I can assure you that you will have made this world a little better than it was had you not participated.  This is how Light and Life becomes your reality and the reality of your neighbor.

Light and Life is achievable,