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bank fraud us treasury bonds

Bank Fraud -- "United States Treasury Bonds"

By Anna von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our
 Claims March 6th 2005, January 19th 2023 in Seq:

In truth, the British Crown and Municipal Corporation banks have been bankrupt since the
 1930's, yet have been allowed to continue operations, giving rise to one of the most
 extraordinary fraud schemes and abuses of power ever witnessed anywhere on Earth.

Having unlawfully presumed upon and rolled the assets of the nation state governments into
 Public Trusts controlled and used for the benefit of the Perpetrators, there were no hard assets
 available to back a banking system.

So, the British Crown Subcontractors latched upon the "cargo" of our purportedly missing
 Ship of State.

They refunded their bankrupt bank operations on our bodies identified as "cargo" in their
 modern day Bottomry Bonds Scheme. To top it off, they built this system on public bonding
 and credit --- all leveraged on future payments, which of course, are never paid.

Meantime, the Municipal Corporation latched upon the labor-related property resources of the
 living people as part of the so-called Public Trust Interest, and have issued Child Labor
 Contracts in our names.

In both cases, the resulting slave bonds have been used as assets to fund the respective
 banks and other franchises of these hopelessly corrupt Subcontractors.

The "United States Treasury"--aka, IMF, INC., issues "United States Treasury Bonds" based
 on these labor bond assets that the Federal Reserve has purloined indiscriminately from
 Federal Employees and rank and file Americans alike. The Federal Reserve then buys back
 the "United States Treasury Bonds" at a substantial discount. This "Fed Discount" is the
 kickback owed by the IMF to the Federal Reserve for their part in the scheme.

These "United States Treasury Bonds" are fronted via literal bondage contracts in the form of
 Performance Bonds assessed against British Crown Subcontractors and Child Labor Contracts
 promoted by the Municipal Subcontractors.

The Performance Bonds result in a form of slavery still enforced under Admiralty Law and the
 Municipal Child Labor Contracts result in more slave bonds owed future payment.

Thanks to the Unlawful Conversion Scheme that created millions of unauthorized British
 Crown and Municipal franchises operated in our names, this secondary fraud scheme has been
 applied to Americans in general simply by misaddressing them as foreign franchises and
 issuing both Performance Bonds and Child Labor Contracts related to them.

None of this is ever disclosed to the Federal Employees, much less the American General
 Public, and it results in illegally obtained assets being used to support issuance of what appear
 to be Public Bonds, but which are in fact issued by the IMF, INC. in the name of the "United
 States Treasury"--- a trademark asset of our American Federal Republic illegally sold by
 Executors de Son Tort to the International Monetary Fund in 1924.

The British Crown Corporation Subcontractors and Municipal Corporation Subcontractors
 were thus continually refunded by bonding our labor and the labor of their own employees and
 dependents, to pay for their debts, and it was all done non-consensually, without disclosure to

Our foreign Municipal Subcontractors and British Crown Subcontractors should have fully
 informed their actual Employers, the American People. New public elections -- not private
 corporate elections -- would have been called, and life would have gone on in these
 United States.

Instead, we have suffered over 150 years of undisclosed and illegal foreign occupation by
 British Territorial Forces, pillaging, fraud, illegal confiscation, false arrests, unlawful bills of
 attainder, malfeasance, pretenses of war, impersonation, and worse.

We wish for all assets to be returned to the control of our lawful government and for all these
 Municipal Corporations, both former Holy Roman Empire and British Crown Subcontractors to
 be forfeited to us, the American Principals, in consideration of the crimes they have committed
 against their Employers in Breach of Trust, and against the peace that they have unlawfully

We wish for an end to all the lies and pretenses that have contributed to this situation and which
 have served to unjustly enrich criminals.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
April 13th 2023
See this article and over 4100 others on Anna's website here: