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blame civil service

Why We Blame the Civil Service

By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our
 Claims, March 6th 2005 - January 19th, 2023 in seq:

A few days ago we covered in some detail what we hold against the military subcontractor run
 by the British Crown Municipal Corporation Subcontractor as a Territorial Mercenary Force,
 the equivalent of an American Raj. Now we turn our attention to the Federal Civil Service and
 its sins against their American Employers.

The Federal Civil Service makes up the other side that has been necessary to keep the phony
 Mercenary Conflict and Government Substitution Fraud going for over 150 years.
 They are the inheritors of the Federal Civil Servants who fought in the so-called American
 Civil War with the Southern State-of-State forces known as The Confederate States of

The Southerners had the good grace and honesty to admit that they were operating as
 "Confederate States" and not as actual "States", and thereby at least tacitly admitting that they
 were engaged in a Mercenary Conflict, not an actual declared War.

The military end of this giant crime has been promoted by Britain and the Crown operating in
 Territorial capacity, while the civilian service end of things and especially the federal postal
 service, have been handled directly by the Holy See and its subcontractors from the
 very beginning.

This initial role for the original Holy Roman Empire employees was very limited, but as we
 shall see, these positions and the use of these bureaucrats as "slaves" of the British Territorial
 military has had a profound and severely damaging effect for them and for us, beginning in the
 1930's during the Administration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

It was under FDR's mandate to create as many federal jobs as possible that dozens of new
 government departments and over 350 "Federal Agencies" were created, and an estimated 85%
 of these new Municipal Corporations and federal personnel had nothing to do with the
 military. They were mostly civilian bureaucrats, initially operating under the direction of the
 Holy See and its Municipal Corporation subcontractors --- and for a while, all went well

The insidious part, other than the additional and largely unnecessary burden of all these new
 federal employees on us, their loyal employers, came with two later innovations: (1) the use of
 the Federal Civil Service members to duplicate work the Territorial Government
 Subcontractors were already doing, and (2) selling and/or otherwise losing control of certain
 key "Federal Agencies" --- most especially, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the
 United States Marshals Service, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the United States
 Treasury, the United States Patent and Trademark Office and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
 and Firearms.

As a result of FDR's new "federal" departments and agencies, we suddenly had a duplication of
 services all across the board and we were stuck paying for both. We had the British Territorial
 Department of Labor and the "DOL" operated under the Federal Civil Service provider doing
 the same work, and for the most part, the actual service was provided by the Federal Civil
 Service with the Territorial counterpart taking its ease and assuming a "monitoring" position.

Both these systems, which were either taken over in the wake of the Civil War by the Territorial
 military forces on an "emergency" basis, or added later under FDR, were, for the most part,
 never supposed to be operated by these two foreign Municipal Corporation Subcontractors at

The Territorial military was supposed to be helping us out on the "High Seas and Navigable
 Inland Waterways" and the Federal Civil Service was supposed to be running the Post Office,
 and virtually all the other functions were intended to be run by the American Federal
 Subcontractor, our own American Federal Republic.

Instead of assisting and defending their employers, these renegade Municipal Corporations
 operating out of the District of Columbia, are currently engaged pretending that they are
 representatives of our American Federal Republic -- a property and interest that, again, belongs
 to their employers, not to them.

Donald Trump and his supporters in the Territorial military have repeatedly signalled their
 intention to substitute their corporation "President" for our Federal Republic President, which is
 grossly improper, and which would amount to yet another British Territorial Substitution Fraud

In view of the end result of allowing a Confederation of states-of-states to exist and run the
 Federal Republic, our American Federal Subcontractor, which was supposed to provide the
 oversight and the majority of the eighteen enumerated services, we may not choose to resurrect
 the failed Confederation at all. That is, as it always was, the prerogative of the states of the

As the years went on and the American Public was lulled back to sleep (after all, the services
 were being provided and we were never explicitly told which Subcontractor was responsible
 for which service) the two remaining foreign Municipal Corporation Subcontractors eagerly
 gobbled up all the work intended for the Federal Republic workers and never said a word.
 The Federal Civil Service bureaucrats, like their Territorial military counterparts, never once
 turned to their actual employers and said, "Why are we doing this service for you, when your
 own American Subcontractor is supposed to be doing it?"

If we could be kept asleep, these two colluding (since 1937) foreign Municipal Corporations
 and their "Presidents" could continue to control and pad the cost of what remained of the
 federal government however they liked, borrow whatever coercive powers they chose, access
 our credit without our authorization and we, their employers, would be none-the-wiser.
 This is, in fact, what has been practiced against us and against our interests.

We blame the military and the civilian Federal Civil Service equally for their self-interested
 misrepresentation of their American employers, non-disclosure to their employers, and the
 many fraud schemes they have employed against their employers for their own benefit.

American History disappeared from our public schools and only "United States" History was
 presented, leaving people with the idea that only "US" citizens exist and that citizenship is the
 only political status available to Americans.

We were systematically and purposefully registered as foreign citizenry and stripped of our
 natural political status as nationals of our nation states of the Union under conditions of
 misrepresentation, deceit, non-disclosure, and color of law by persons employed by the same
 Municipal Corporations under discussion.

More and more coercive powers were assumed by so-called "federal" personnel and both the
 Internal Revenue Service and the IRS were set loose like vicious dogs on the General Public of
 this country and we were forced to pay "federal income tax" on our private sector earnings,
 while never receiving a penny-worth of actual federal income.

The Territorial military, hungry for more payola and power, became expert at generating False
 Flag events and propaganda, expedited by their control of our airwaves via the Federal
 Communications Commission (FCC) and airspace (FAA) and media outlets --- with the result
 that the American people were deliberately misled into undertaking (and paying for) two World
 Wars and literally hundreds of lesser Mercenary Conflicts for their corporate benefit.

All this fighting and destruction and bombs in the air weren't doing the other countries that
 were the targets and victims of this veiled, self-interested war profiteering any good, either.
 Their peace and progress and happiness has been constantly disrupted by these Municipal
 Corporations pretending to be governments, when in fact, they are commercial organizations in
 the business of providing government services and have no granted authority to function in the
 capacities of an actual government --- and no natural right to exist.

All the Territorial military organizations occupying Great Britain, the former Commonwealth,
 The United States, seventeen countries of Western Europe, South Korea and Japan had their
 own version of the Raj, but increasingly they were all tied together, continent by continent, and
 placed under a central command structure that was in turn directly tied to their political parties
 and foreign Municipal Corporation "Presidents".

All of this misery and criminality was brought to our shores and we were used as both the
 money and the materials to produce this end result, by two foreign Municipal Corporations that
 were supposed to be here providing us with (1) assistance on the High Seas and Navigable
 Inland Waterways and (2) postal service.

Most recently, the Federal Civil Service has been armed to the teeth with surplus military
 equipment and over 800 FEMA Camps have been built on our soil, while the employees of the
 FBI, CIA, BATF, IRS, DOJ and so on, which are all owned and operated by the Municipal
 Corporation dba DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, INC. have been fed a whole bunch of lies
 about criminal "insurrectionists" labeled as "sovereign citizens" ---- that is, their erstwhile long-
lost, disrespected, and misrepresented American employers who have noticed that the
 unauthorized military district courts are not functioning as courts of justice and that their own
 constitutional Guarantees to such things as free speech and the right to bear arms are not being
 honored by their own public employees.

Many have also noticed the open criminality of Joe Biden operating as what appears to be our
 American President, while in fact operating a foreign Municipal Corporation "President",
 allowing senseless looting and rioting throughout this country, allowing and promoting the
 Vaccine Genocide, and only a fool would miss the fact that he threatened to blow up the
 Nordstream Pipelines --- and did so, to the harm of our traditional Allies throughout Europe.

Many Americans have also noticed that, despite his much better business acumen and apparent
 fondness for this country, Donald Trump has promoted the same Vaccine Genocide and done a
 lot of saber rattling for the Territorial military which has been trying to generate an excuse for
 World War III.

What we have here, masquerading "as" our government, is not our government --- it's just two
 out of control, self-interested Municipal Corporation Subcontractors housed in the District of
 Columbia -- entities that are supposed to be providing us with "essential government services"
 in good faith, but which are both operating under false pretenses and in Breach of Trust and
service contract instead.

All of these problems could have been solved long ago by either Municipal Corporation, but
 they chose to power-monger and cheat and misrepresent their employers, instead. Either one
 could have been honest and asked the American People, our State Citizens, for guidance.

We wish for these Municipal Corporation Subcontractors to be liquidated in our favor and
 transferred to our direct control. We wish for an end to all presumptions of "emergencies" and
 "wars" and "custodial interest" on or in our soil, removal of the foreign military districts and
 military district courts, an end to all military occupations by so-called territorial forces, an end
 to the presumptions of the Internal Revenue Service/IRS to the effect that our earnings are
 federal income, respect for our Constitutional Guarantees from all Municipal Corporation and
 state-of-state and county-of franchise employees, an end to all the preparations for yet another
illegal, unlawful, and immoral "civil war" on our soil ---when in fact, at the end of the day, all
 these corporations are owned and operated by the same people.

There aren't even two sides to this purported conflict, and all concerned Municipal
 Corporations, both those housed in the District of Columbia and those associated organizations
 occupying similar enclaves throughout the world, have violated the privilege of incorporation
 and the basis for their own existence. They have all been heavily engaged in unlawful activities
 since 1840 in Britain, 1860 in The United States, 1917 in the Former Commonwealth and again
 in the 1960s throughout the Former Commonwealth, 1939 in Western Europe and Japan,1950
 in South Korea.... the list goes on.

We wish for all the phony "governments" promoted by these Municipal Corporations to be
 collapsed in favor of the actual lawful governments of each country.

We wish for the banks to shut down the unlawful and illegal access that these renegade
 Municipal Corporations have had to our credit resources. We wish for our accounts, both credit
 and hard asset deposits, to be restored and reopened under our own control, and for all
 concerned to recognize that the lawful American Government is present, is in Session, and is
 competent to conduct business and run its own affairs.

We have chartered our own banks for the purpose of distributing prepaid credit back to the
 victims via our own commercial bank system, and for the purpose of distributing our own
 asset-backed money, our well-known United States Silver Dollar, our gold-backed American
 Federation Dollar, and certificates for the same, through our international trade banks.

We recommend shutting down the central banks as a failed and mostly criminal experiment;
 their control of commodities, and especially currency commodities, has not led to the security,
 stability, and peaceful world economy they advertised as the result of their activities.

Like everything else, the potentially helpful and positive functions of the central banks have
 been undermined and usurped by the criminal Municipal Corporations operating "as"
 governments, and the central bank functions have instead been used to promote political and
 economic agendas dictated by these commercial corporations.

Specifically, the central banks' ability to impose so-called "economic sanctions" have been
 politically and economically motivated by these renegade Municipal Corporations instead of
 being motivated in the interest of world or even national economic security, stability, and
 peace. Their control of national currencies has not overall led to an end of counterfeiting ---
 instead, we have suffered the worst episode of international counterfeiting in world history
 orchestrated by the Obama Administration. Likewise, the central bank system has failed to
 control widespread inflation and deflation of currencies and currency manipulation for illicit
 commercial gain.

At the very least, a transparent public understanding of the central bank system, bank
 leadership that is accountable to the public, and an end of self-interested manipulation of the
 system for the benefit of the Municipal Corporations herein under discussion, would result in
 far greater likelihood of success in achieving the potential benefits of central banking and
 would serve to curtail the abuses of it.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
April 7th 2023
See this article and over 4100 others on Anna's website here: