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criminal hoaxes

The Climate Change and Other Criminal Hoaxes

By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court in regard to
 our Claims, March 5th 2005, January 19th 2023, in seq:

Given the history and behavior of the two Municipal Corporation Subcontractors housed in the
 District of Columbia, we should not be surprised that these same organizations, like the Nazi
 Eugenicists, have wrapped political agendas and personal prejudices up in pseudo-science and
 fed it to the public.

It is well-known to geologists in general and to volcanologists in particular, that a single large
 volcano belching gases during an eruption, is able to release more carbon dioxide into the
 atmosphere than the entire human race has contributed during the entire course of its existence.

With over 200 active volcanoes, on average, spewing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every
 day of every year, it is a no-brainer to come to the correct and truly scientific conclusion:
 carbon dioxide emissions contributed by people and their puny activities are totally

Furthermore, if the volcanoes want to belch carbon dioxide, there isn't anything we can do
 about it.

There is absolutely no sane reason for the Green Agenda, no reason for cow diapers, and more
 to the point, no reason for "Carbon Taxes" either.

Yes, this is another self-evident attempt on the part of these same guilty Municipal
 Corporations to come up with a rationale to pick our pockets on a global basis, nothing more or

It's also an attempt to justify and create more coercive regulatory powers and authorities for
 themselves --- authorities which do not exist and cannot be allowed to exist, in view of their
 track record.

So much for the Green Agenda. It's not about green grass. It's about green paper.
 The Perpetrators continue to think and talk and act as if this is not completely obvious to
 everyone else, which calls their competence --- scientific and otherwise, into question.

The recent genocide via phony vaccination is another pseudo-science hoax based on the idea
 that the Earth is over-populated and unable to sustain life if the homo sapien population is not

Once again, we find different forms of insurance fraud at work --- self-interested Municipal
 Corporations collecting death benefits and annuities and insurance policies that are all based on
 phony public interest claims and crimes of personage.

We have obtained plenty of credible evidence that in the past, the Earth supported much larger
 populations than we currently have ---and that information has been available to the Holy See,
 too, throughout this criminal rampage.

The motivation for the genocide appears to be multiplicit -- to garner the insurance pay-offs, to
 unlawfully and secretly convert human beings into Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
 that can be owned as "products" by the patentholders of the mRNA scrap now polluting the
 human genome, and assertion of new unauthorized regulatory powers for the Perpetrators and
 WHO, INC., none of whom should be trusted to do anything, least of all, allowed to dictate
 medical practices.

We are not cattle. We do not need any assistance in this area of our existence and do not grant
 any government or agency any authority to say one word about our health, public or private.
 Not even our States of the Union have any authority to horn in on that private arena, so no for-
hire Subcontractor does either.

It should not be our responsibility to constantly respond to offers made by our Subcontractors
 to increase their services and expand their own powers at our expense; if we wanted their
 services in these areas, we would have said so and we would have made provisions for it in our
 written contracts. The fact that we did not allow our Federal Subcontractors to interfere in our
private lives should be more than a clue for them to mind their limits, which are also set and
 present in the written contracts.

Most particularly, the Municipal Corporation Subcontractors, which are self-interested
 commercial corporations in the business of providing government services, have no excuse for
 attempting to force-sell their services nor any reason to assume regulatory powers related to
 health or medicine.

The Municipal Subcontractors have regulatory power over three things: alcohol, tobacco, and
 firearms. The only other thing they control -- somewhat -- is interstate commerce, and the
 intent of that empowerment is to encourage the free flow of trade and commercial activity
 across state borders, not to impose restrictions upon it and not to interfere with any private
 activity of living people.

The idea of Public Health is a relatively recent concept originating in the 19th century, mostly
 arising in the Third World and Urban Slums, and as a result of cholera and typhus and various
 other kinds of epidemics that the people and their lawful governments fought cooperatively and

The reality of worldwide epidemics is nothing new and does not justify the assumption of any
 new regulatory powers for governments --- least of all, any new empowerments for
 the Municipal Corporation Subcontractors and their Agencies, which are already operating in
 Breach of Trust and Service Contract.

A consortium of self-interested Municipal Corporation Subcontractors, including DOD, INC.,
 and the infamous Gates Foundation, and all the hand-maiden franchises owned and operated
 by the DOD, INC. --- NIH, CDC, FDA, DOJ, FBI, etc. plus other collaborators of the same
 kind, the UN, WHO, etc. --- saw an opportunity to employ their stockpile of already outlawed
 biological weapons for their commercial and regulatory enhancement--- and personal financial

That is all that underlies the purported Pandemic: reckless commercial self-interest illegally
 and unlawfully and immorally imposed on entire countries and billions of people under color of
 law and all via pretended authority.

Not a single new proven-to-exist infectious disease has ever been in sight, but a "gene therapy"
 and illegal RF tracking and monitoring nanotechnology and experimental pathogens disguised
 and all misnamed and misrepresented as a "vaccination" -- that is in plain sight.

So is the preparatory legislation passed in the late 1980's by the Territorial Congress holding
 their own pharmaceutical corporation franchises harmless and free from liability for anything
 they might put in a vaccine and for any damage caused by these vaccine products. This
 legislation demonstrates premeditation of the crime on the part of the members of the
 Territorial Congress acting as the Board of Directors for the British Crown- operated Municipal
 Corporation Subcontractor.

The spectacle of these unaccountable commercial corporation officials pretending to be
 members of our government holding their own franchises not liable for crimes and omissions
 should be enough proof that things have gone too far.

Will they wave their hands and hold themselves unaccountable for murder, maiming, and
 dereliction of duty, too? Reckless endangerment? Fraud?

We heard the words "safe and effective" repeated so many times on our abused Public Air
 Waves, and yet none of these worthless public employees ever stated what their new product
 was safe and effective for? It was very early proven not to prevent infection or the transfer of
 infection -- the traditional and only purpose of a vaccine.

We find it to be safe for them, because they could maim and kill with the point of a needle
 instead of a gun.

We find it effective, in that they have succeeded in murdering a quarter million Americans and
 only God knows how many other people worldwide, per month, and maiming and disabling
 probably ten times as many people --- and these effects will continue on indefinitely into the
 future, earning big profits for their medical sector franchises--- to say nothing of the billions of
 dollars in immediate sales and profits and ever other possible permutation of fraud and self-
interest, up to, including but not limited to, the sale of "Pandemic Bonds".

We have seen it all before. We have no need to see more.

It was also effective for polluting the human genome and providing the Perpetrators the
 oppotunity to take advantage of pre-planned Supreme Court decisions allowing them to claim
 that their victims were redefined as Genetically Modified Organisms, and made subject to
 ownership claims by the Patent Holders having an interest in the artificially engineered mRNA
 that the victims accepted under conditions of deceit, non-disclosure, and color of law.

We interpret the situation quite differently. These organizations and individuals have polluted
 the genome of mankind and tried to overwrite our Creator's ownership. They are criminals of
 the highest order in all jurisdictions --- air, land, and sea.

We find these Municipal Corporations to be operating in an absolutely criminal and unlawful
 fashion, in Breach of Trust and Service Contract.

We wish for their total forfeiture, the arrest and punishment of their corporate officers, and the
 return of all unjust enrichment, all corporate profits and assets, for the benefit of the victims of
 their crimes.

We wish for the immediate payment of $234,000 trillion dollars in gold to our accounts in The
 Global Family International Trade Bank which we chartered for this purpose. This amount is
 due and owing for the destruction of nearly a quarter million American lives from December
 2022 to January 2023. This amount was due and owing as of March 6th 2023 and the
 Perpetrators have received Public Notices. If they cannot pay for their crimes, their
 corporations, including but not limited to their artificial persons, stand condemned, forfeit and
 foreclosed in the Jurisdiction of the Sea.

We wish for the immediate recognition of their crimes on the land and against the Law of the
 Land and against the American People, their Employers, and as a result of their crimes against
 Mankind and against their Employers, they stand condemned, forfeit and foreclosed in the
 Jurisdiction of the Land.

We wish for the immediate recognition of their crimes in the Jurisdiction of the Air, their
 multiple violations of Eternal, Universal, Natural, Ecclesiastical and Canon Law, their attempts
 to ruin Creation with their self-serving commercial profit schemes and their ignorant meddling
 against Nature, their misrepresentations against science and reason, their attempts to legalize
 and self-permit their unlawful actions, their lies, their premeditated crimes against God and
 Man, for which they stand condemned, forfeit and foreclosed in the Jurisdiction of the Air.

We have not directed, requested, required, desired, nor intended any of the actions that these
 criminal Municipal Corporations, their Boards of Directors, their Presidents, their Franchises,
 their Agencies or their Courts have taken. They have not represented their Employers, the
 American People, and have not acted under our direction. They have represented and taken
 their orders from other Principals, while deceitfully pretending to serve us in good faith.

We wish for the entire world to know this and take action accordingly.

We wish for the entire world to know that this same situation, and this same fraud scheme to
 undermine the national governments using Territorial Mercenary forces to illegally and
 deceitfully occupy friendly nations, has been applied by these same colluding Municipal
 Corporations throughout the world.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
April 19th 2023
See this article and over 4100 others on Anna's website here: