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false wards child labor

The Dead Baby Scam, False Wards, and Child Labor

By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court in regard to
 our Claims, March 5th 2005, January 19th 2023, in seq:

The Dead Baby Scam began as a result of a misunderstanding. People at the time of St.
 Thomas Aquinas didn't realize what the afterbirth and placenta materials were that
 accompanied each baby into the world, but they observed that these things appeared to have a
 heartbeat of their own and to in some sense, be alive. They also observed that this "monstrous
 brother" predictably died soon after the baby was delivered.

So, they gave the afterbirth materials a name -- your Given Name -- and a Christian burial as an
 unknown Pauper. You would have to wait for your official Christening and baptism to have a
 Christian Name and be enrolled as a member of the Church.

This resulted in a situation where your "dead brother's estate" was in probate and intestate
 under your Given Name at the same time that you were nameless and wandering around 
without a Christian Name as the presumed Inheritor of whatever your dead brother's earthly 
estate might yield.

Thus, wittingly or unwittingly, the Church put itself in the position of administering the estates
 of all these presumed-to-be dead babies and all these intestate dead baby estates were operated
 under the Given Names of living people and they were all operated by Magistrates appointed
 by the Church as trustees.

It's another Substitution Scheme, but instead of a phony Public Interest in an abandoned estate
 being asserted by a government entity or foreign nation under the rationale of the 1666 Cestui
 Que Vie Act in England, this one creates an equally phony Private Interest in what appears to
 be your private estate for the Church, which stands in as the receiver of the dead body and
 name of the deceased, and then also acts as the presumed Trustee of the estate they created for
 your "dead brother". As Trustee, the Church appoints a court Magistrate as the Administrator
 responsible for the probate of his estate.

Remember that this estate, which you are totally unaware of, is functioning under your Given
 Name at the same time that you are wandering around gaining skills and education and getting
 married and buying a house--- so that absolutely everything you are and that you acquire is
 accruing not to you, but to your dead brother's estate.

That so-called infant decedent estate is under the control of Church appointed Magistrates and
 being managed for the benefit of the Church's Commonwealth. And there it is again --- the
 connection to the Commonwealth, that is, Territorial Government, and the Municipal

This fraud is much older, by about 500 years, but it's basically the same pattern of fraud we
 already examined with Public Interest in private property being asserted by government
 entities. The only substantial differences are that the Church's gambit results in a Private
 Interest in the estate, and the estate is administered under a different form of law.

In both cases, the living man is impersonated and a thing bearing his Given Name is substituted
 for him. In both cases, the living man loses his identity and standing and control of his property
 rights by means of personage crimes, undisclosed fraud, and false claims in commerce.

It's nothing but self-interested fraud that benefits the Perpetrators by creating undisclosed and
 unauthorized trusts, both public and private, and leaving the Perpetrators or their appointed
 Executors de Son Tort in control of the assets belonging to living people.

The purported Public Interest in our assets asserted by the British Crown -operated Municipal
 Subcontractor has a private side, too, in that the British Monarch gets a cut of the action via the
 establishment of a subset trust.

The purportedly lost British Territorial Seaman who just happens to be operating under the
 Given Name of an American, is a Warrant Officer in the British Merchant Marine Service
 working as a "Taxpayer" for the Queen (or King) collecting excise taxes -- and this fictitious
 Warrant Officer is deemed to be a Ward of the British Monarch. As a Ward, he has no legal
 standing to bring suit, no control of his own assets, and is subject to Admiralty Law.

All of these schemes use Substitution, Impersonation, Unlawful Conversion, and constructive
 Identity Theft as a means to rob their American victims silly. The trust schemes set up the
 framework, and then, the phony unauthorized military district courts do the dirty work for the
 British Crown Municipal Subcontractors and the Municipal Subcontractors run their own
 probate courts and corporate tribunals, which are all unauthorized, too, to do the same thing:
 illegally and unlawfully tax Americans and confiscate American assets under color of law.

They have done the same thing in Britain, The United States, all the former Commonwealth
 countries, seventeen still-occupied countries in Western Europe, Japan, and everywhere else
 they can get their Municipal Corporation franchise system going.

Their excuse? That this is the only way they can fund the government and the good works of
 the Church.

They conveniently forget the non-budgeted side of their crooked Double Accrual Accounting
 System designed by Al Capone's bookkeeper, Easy Eddie O'Hara---- the proverbial second set
 of books where all the undisclosed "non-budgeted" profits and our "encumbered trust assets"
 and all the slush fund accounts are cashiered away and never talked about.

They also forget to mention the mammoth influx of gold they received from the private Avila
 Family Trust that was meant to build infrastructure, provide direct relief, and pay all the costs
 of government -- but was then side-tracked and converted into assets backing low interest loans
 enabling the world to rebuild all the damage these same Municipal Corporations caused in
 World War II.

Conveniently, when this loan fund agreement came due in 2005, the Perpetrators defaulted and
 put forward False Claims on Abandonment on the deposited gold assets, in order to avoid
 payment back to the Avila Family Trust.

These Municipal Corporation Subcontractors, themselves acting under conditions of deceit and
 misrepresenting themselves as our representatives concerning matters we never delegated to
 them --- have proved corrupt and dishonorable, and there can be no doubt that they have
 operated unlawfully and illegally, both, for many years.

We have noted throughout the skillful use of "enclaves" and the choice of where these
 Municipal Corporation Subcontractors are incorporated, as a means to take advantage of
 foreign systems of law to evade their constitutional obligations and access forms of law that are
 not authorized in this country.

The British Crown Municipal Corporation Subcontractors arbitrarily and non-contractually set
 up military "districts" in The United States in order to front their phony military district court
 system, and they have not only done this here, but in many other countries, too.

The Municipal Corporation Subcontractors have operated unauthorized and undisclosed
 probate courts within the military districts provided by their colluding British cohorts, resulting
 in Municipal Districts and more phony courts on our shores, practicing so-called
 Administrative Law, and misapplying it to the General Public and utilizing probate courts that
 have never been authorized here to confiscate American property under color of law.

These white-collar criminals set up shop in Puerto Rico, a convenient and safe United States
 (meaning Federal Republic) Possession, because it is still a Commonwealth nation and because
 it gave them access to The Spanish Law of the Inquisition, which they have used to prosecute
 tax cases.

Similarly, while child labor is largely outlawed in most of the world and certainly in The
 United States, they have set up their latest version of "the United States of America,
 Incorporated" in India, in order to continue running a particularly obnoxious child labor
contracting service and money laundering scam. India allows child labor and child labor

So they pick and choose where they set up shop and take advantage of different national laws
 that allow them to do things that are utterly outlawed in this country -- the problem being that
 they do these things while operating their secret franchises under our Given Names.

This results in a situation where we have an American named John Andrew Wilkes, and a
 British Territorial U.S. Citizen also named John Andrew Wilkes and a Municipal infant
 decedent Estate doing business under the name of John Andrew Wilkes and a British Subject
 operating as a Merchant Seaman called John Andrew Wilkes, and a British Territorial Cestui
 Que Vie trust operated as JOHN ANDREW WILKES, and so on.

Most of these phony persons set up as public and private trusts, public transmitting utilities,
 etc., have been further exploited and encumbered in derivative schemes --- where their
 purported assets have been bundled together and unassigned fungible shares of undesignated
 interest have been sold to investors.

Some of those guilty parties responsible for this are so deluded by the illusions of power and
 pelf that they congratulate themselves for building a world-spanning crime syndicate --- using
 nothing more than deceit and fraud exercised under color of law against their Employers--- and
 some of them think that they can go on and keep skating by promoting just one more scam:
digital currency.

We wish for all these schemes and abuses to end, and for the Municipal Corporations
 promoting these schemes and abuses against living people to be shut down, permanently. This
 includes but is not limited to the Municipal Corporation Subcontractors that have been housed
 in the District of Columbia and their Successors --- both those operated by the British
 Territorial Government and those operated by the City Government -- and all their fraudulently
 constructed state-of-state franchises and agencies, too.

We wish for all their assets worldwide to be forfeit and made available for the use of the
 national government and the people they have harmed.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
April 16th 2023
See this article and over 4100 others on Anna's website here: