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Introduction – what are these 100 letters?

This collection of 100 letters (in alphabetical order) to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court was published in the year 2023 A.D.

While it is exceedingly difficult to discern the effectiveness of these letters in bringing about the requested remedies, they nonetheless serve as an exceptional curriculum into the past and present machinations of those purveyors of crime and darkness who are commonly referred to by many as: the Cabal, the Deep State, the Globalist Elite, the Khazarian Mafia, the Zionists and more. The Truth Beauty and Goodness Commission prefers to call them what they actually are, a Global Crime Syndicate. Regardless of the label used to describe them, these 100 letters definitely exposes this Global Crime Syndicate and clearly identifies many of the biggest and most nefarious abuses, schemes, scams, frauds, hoaxes, derelictionderelictions of duty, immorality, lies, violations, thefts, and more, all leading to parasitical and destructive behaviour on an unprecedented national, international and global scale. 

It should be noted that Anna Von Reitz is an American and therefore uses an America centric approach in these letters, yet the many crimes she exposes are mostly international and global in nature, and apply to most nations (often with some slight variations in actual application).

For your convenience we have compiled these 100 letters into a single PDF file which you can download by using this link:
100 Letters To The Vatican Chancery Court.pdf
This PDF makes it easy to print all the letters at once should you need to do so.

Information about H.E. Cardinal Mamberti is available here:

Information about the Vatican Chancery Court is available here:

Information about the publisher of these letters, Anna Von Reitz, and the individual letters (as PDF files) are available here:

These 100 letters have also been published on the Paul Stramer blog in html format at:

Of special note to those wishing to locate these letters at:   or

Be aware that there are some significant variances in the functioning of the Search tools across the two sites. They each produce totally different search results. Anna's site offers PDF files and the Search tool seems to work better if you use the original filenames of the PDF files as your search criteria. For that reason we have titled these letters, on this site, using the PDF filenames (all lower case). These are the (sometimes odd) titles at the very top of each letter. It may be helpful to use these names for searching Anna's site. We have added spaces between words for easier reading, and so it would be useful to remove these spaces in your Search query. Here's an example:

un corp franchise   <-- use this (without spaces) for searching Anna's site, like this: uncorpfranchise

The UN CORPORATION as An Example Franchise   <-- use this, as is, for searching Paul Stramer's blog

Searching on the Paul Stramer blog often works better if you use the title of the letter as we provide it on the second line from the top.

