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tell un bad news

Someone Needs to Tell "the UN" the Bad News

By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court in regard to
 our Claims, March 5th 2005, January 19th 2023, in seq:

The UN Corporation is also a Municipal Corporation based out of another illegally and
 unlawfully constructed independent international city-state.

The actual landowner, New York, a member State of our Federation, has never acted to issue
 any lease permit or ownership interest in any land within the borders of New York to the United
 Nations Organization or any UN Corporation or variation on that theme.

The United Nations enclave in New York is landless and stateless and cannot remain on our
 shores absent an agreement with the actual landowner.

Not only that, but Jimmy Carter, acting as a President of a Municipal Corporation
 Subcontractor, dumped a whole bunch of phony Municipal CITIZEN assets into the lap of the
 UN Corporation as birth certificates and presumed to exist Municipal ESTATES transferred to
 the IMF back in 1980 as collateral backing the debts of the British Territorial version of the
 United States of America, Incorporated.

Obviously, these are the same phony Municipal CITIZENS created out of thin air and legal
 presumptions that we have described throughout. These franchises created under conditions of
 deceit and non-disclosure are null and void, and so is any presumption of ownership rights or
 obligations of Municipal citizenship related to these THINGS, named after Americans.
 In other words, the UN Corporation / UN CORPORATION owns nothing in this country and is
 only being tolerated long enough to clarify the situation.

Part of that clarification is that citizenship obligations cannot be conferred on Americans via
 any act of legislation.

Our political status is established by the physical act of being born on the land and soil of one
 of our States of the Union, and if we are born at sea to an American Parent or two American
 Parents, our status is still the same and we inherit our birth State through our Parent(s).

This holds even if the Brits attempt to move the High Water Markers and scream that their
 Monarch is our Trustee on the High Seas and Inland Waterways; having a British Monarch as a
 Trustee on actual water, does not make us Wards of a Municipal State-of-State on dry land.
 This renders the actions of the Territorial Congress conferring Territorial U.S. Citizenship on
 the freed plantation slaves null and void, which also nullifies all later claims based on the same
 presumptions null and void.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse for commercial predation. The freed plantation slaves were
 not rendered "stateless" or available for "salvage" simply because a single State Assembly
 denied them the status of State Citizenship. They were still American State Nationals from the
 moment they were born, and so are all of us.

This also renders all of Jimmy Carter's presumptions about the clearinghouse certificates he
 passed off to the IMF and UN null and void. Those assets merely presumed to exist, were
 never his to sell or trade. Just because Franklin Delano Roosevelt made the same mistake and
 got away with it, does not establish a legal or lawful precedent enabling more fraud.

So the UN Corporation / UN CORPORATION is left with a whole lot of wind from the
 Municipal Corporation Subcontractors, just like everyone else.

All the same provisions apply, generally speaking, to all the former Commonwealth and
 Western European nations and others impacted by this gargantuan fraud scheme. They obtain
 their political status as a result of being born on the land and soil of their countries, and/or from
 the nationality of their parents, just as we do.

Part of the most recent despicable action from these Municipal Corporations, including the UN
 Corporation / UN CORPORATION, the genocide by purportedly "safe and effective"
 vaccination against a non-existent infectious disease, deserves extra and special consideration
 and asking the question ---- just how far do these people think they can go and still get away
 with this program of enslaving and abusing and making false ownership claims against their
 fellow man?

Where does both their arrogance and contempt end?

We have exposed the fact that the Nazis, like the Tories, didn't just evaporate. Wars and their
 outcomes have no ability to change bad beliefs and ignorant allegiances. These unfortunate
 patterns can last for generations and become more entrenched as people double-down, unable
 to admit that, yeah, what we did or what we believed in was wrong, and we need to change.
 It's apparent from reading the UN Agenda 2021 and 2030 that the Nazis learned nothing from
 World War II, and that a significant number of them embedded in Germany and many other
 countries including but not limited to France, England, Switzerland, and yes, The United States,
 just continued to "believe" in the Superman claptrap and to act upon those bad beliefs in
 contempt for others and their right to live.

It's also apparent from the pro-homosexual and bestialities and pedophilic program that the
 same Nazi Playbook is being repeated by the UN Corporation as Hitler used in Germany --- use
 the disrespected and disenfranchised members of the LGBTQ community as a means to power,
 let them come out of the closet and self-identify, just like Hitler's Brown Shirts, and then kill
 them all when they have served their purpose.

It's also apparent that the Nazi Eugenicist just moved from Kassel to Warwickshire and went
 right on punting and publishing and polluting every mind they could pollute with their self-
righteous and reckless political agenda wrapped in pseudo-science. They've murdered millions
 upon millions of babies in their contempt for human life in general, and in their twisted realm,
 they continue to think that they are right, long after their lack of moral conscience and ethical
 compass has been demonstrated and proven by their own actions.

We've seen it all before. We have no need to see it again.

What's called for is shutting down these corporations, arresting their leaders, and forcing the
 banks to defund these criminal organizations, especially WHO, INC., which has already
 demonstrated its complete incompetence and corruption, by its willingness to take money from
 the Gates Foundation and then stand by with their fingers in their ears while his "vaccinations"
 killed and maimed thousands in India and Africa.

It's not just the criminals, it's the accomplices to the crimes.

It's the news agencies who failed to report on Bill Gates and his "vaccine" activities in India
 and Africa, and also didn't report on the World Bank's scandalous Pandemic Bonds, and all the
 Clerks at the United States Patent Office that allowed the patenting of criminal products and
 processes for profit.

It's the members of the Territorial Congress back in the 1980's holding the vaccine
 manufacturers harmless for anything they might put in their vaccines including dog dung and
 snake venom ----and also removing any liability for any effects their "vaccines" might have on
 helpless trusting people. If any of the members of the Congress that passed these "laws" are
 still alive, they need to be arrested for gross dereliction of duty and reckless endangerment of
 the public.

It's those who took the money and went along to get along when they had good cause to know
 better, those who facilitated the crime like getaway car drivers, those who killed and maimed
 others for no better reason than scientific curiosity and payola, the Agencies set as Watchmen
 who failed to sound off and colluded and expedited the crime instead, the "Department of
 Defense" under contract to protect us, feeding the coffers of the DOD, INC., instead, and DOD,
 INC., itself, which failed the whole reason for its existence in spectacular fashion.

The whole thing, all these Municipal Corporations, top to bottom, first to last, have to go,
 including but not limited to the UN Corporation and the UN CORPORATION and all its
 various spin-offs, franchises, and would-be Successors.

This is no way to establish a worldwide government in the interests of peace and health; and
 these closet Nazis pretending to be Democrats and pretending to be Republicans and pretending
 that their corporate shareholder elections are anything but corporate shareholder elections
 -----are certainly not people that anyone should trust, especially not after repeat performances
 of incompetence, corruption, criminality, dereliction of duty and gross uncaring.

These are crimes, not political matters, and they have been carried out by Municipal
 Corporations acting in Breach of Trust and in violation of the Service Contracts that are the
 only basis for their existence and in violation of international law and finally, resoundingly, in
 violation of the Ecclesiastical Law that allows these entities to exist.

We wish for all these criminal Municipal Corporations that have been spawned worldwide to be
 permanently destroyed, their Officers and Boards of Directors arrested and charged with their
 crimes, their assets handed over to the national governments, and their access to physical assets
 and credit belonging to us and to the other nations impacted by this fraud, ended.

If the banks want to collude with criminals, and don't want to open up the accounts owed to the
 national governments and the people of these nations, shut them down, too.

We wish for the Indian Government to shut down the Municipal Corporation that they have
 chartered calling itself "The United States of America, Incorporated" for infringement on our
 venerable trademarks by a criminal organization.

We wish for the United Nations Organization to broadcast this situation to all member nations
 and ask that nobody grants any charters to any incorporated entity infringing upon our names
 and trademarks.

The United States of America is not incorporated and neither is The United States.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
April 18th 2023
See this article and over 4100 others on Anna's website here: