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un corp franchise

The UN CORPORATION as An Example Franchise

By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our
Claims March 6th 2005, January 19th 2023 in Seq:

Though most people think of the United Nations Organization when they hear the name "UN",
the organization has been used as a storefront and mirror for the UN CORPORATION, yet
another renegade Municipal Corporation, first incorporated in France by members of the Vichy
Government in 1943, a full two years before the Organization was even chartered.

The same scenario applies to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and its Municipal
Government mirror, NATO, INC. Please note the roster of known Nazi Officers who have
occupied high organizational positions in "NATO" --- (1) Adolph Hausinger, (2) Hans Speidel,
(3) Johannes Steinhoff, (4) Johann von Kleimansegg, (5) Ernst Ferber, (6) Karl Schnell, (7)
Franz-Josef Schulze, (8) Ferdinand von Senger und Etterlin.

The fact that these men were Nazis was never hidden or debated; they were "private hires" of
the Municipal Corporation operated as NATO, INC., which was also founded by Nazis in the
midst of the Second World War. We should not even be surprised to see their names as
principal officers of NATO, INC., but what does astonish most people in the Western World, is
that NATO, INC. exists.

And NATO, INC. is being passed off as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, just as the UN
CORPORATION is being passed off as the United Nations Organization.

Again, we find the same theme of impersonation of one thing for another, and passing off a
similarly named Municipal Corporation operated by unaccountable and mostly criminal
persons, for innocent bystander organizations.

This is the same schtick that the Scottish Interloper, a British Crown Municipal Corporation
operating as "The United States of America, Incorporated" pulled in 1868, when they
impersonated and infringed upon the trademarks of our Federation of States, The United States
of America.

This is how we find WHO, INC. a franchise of the UN CORPORATION operating as a
criminal organization in the matter of the forced genocide mischaracterized as a pandemic, and
we find NATO, INC. as the chief perpetrator organizing and funding and promoting the
proliferation of biological weapons research and factories in the Ukraine.

These are all criminally run-amok Municipal Corporations and their franchises, are mostly
owned and operated by Nazis and former Nazis. Unsurprisingly, these Municipal Corporations
are being used to promote crimes against humanity, under the same anti-human influences of
the meddling alpha draconii.

Like their cohorts in the fraudulently organized independent, international city-state of
Washington, DC., these Municipal Corporations need to be liquidated or transferred by
forfeiture to their Creditors and Victims, the people of our country and all the other countries
that have been injured and preyed upon under conditions of fraud, deceit, and Pretense of War.
It now makes sense to the international press corps that Ukrainian Troops were found wearing
helmets with swastikas on them.

As these Municipal Corporations have indulged in all these crimes against the living people
and against the actual countries, they must be treated as criminal organizations and not as
political entities having any recourse or protection.

That is, if these guilty Municipal Corporations seek bankruptcy protection at the expense of
their victims, they must be denied. If their owners and operators plead for the solace of the
corporate veil, they must also be denied. It's past time for these crimes and criminal practices
by Municipal Corporations to be addressed in an effective and systematic manner that brings
this criminality to an end and which deters the Perpetrators from doing it again. And again.
And again.

We wish for the control of all Municipal Corporations to be surrendered to the national
governments, and in the absence of a competent national government to our government, acting
as their Fiduciary until this Mess can be straightened out.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
April 13th 2023
See this article and over 4100 others on Anna's website here: