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why no oaths of office

Why There Are No Oaths of Office

By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court in regard to
our Claims, March 5th 2005, January 19th 2023, in seq:

We are often asked to provide proof of our claims and we point to history itself, both the
history that is plain upon the records, and history that should be present --- and isn't.

Recently, a new generation has discovered that all these purported Public Officials, who seem
to occupy responsible positions of government, have no actual Oaths of Public Office. This is
true of both species of Federal Officers and the Officers of their State-of-State and "County"
franchise operations, too.

Written Oaths of Office are required from all Municipal and Territorial Officers, sometimes
called "District Officers", as a condition of occupying any Public Office. This logically applies
to all franchises operated by these Municipal Corporations, too.

This was deemed a necessary precaution to keep the individual foreign officers serving our
American Government under contract and fully liable for their actions.

Today, over 90% of all these purported Public Officials working for the District Municipal
Corporations have no written Oath of Office on record and the percentage is even higher
among the "Judges" operating the unauthorized military district courts and Municipal

The "Judges" are in fact acting as Hired Jurists, whether or not an in-house corporate
shareholder election took place. They are working for the Municipal Corporations housed in the
District of Columbia in a private capacity, and they have no valid Public Offices at all.

If these individuals were to write out and sign a notarized Oath of Office and place it on the
public record, two consequences would simultaneously occur: (1) they would be admitting to
impersonating a Public Official; and (2) they would be obligated to actually carry out the duties
of the Public Office.

As it is, they pretend to occupy the Public Office, and get paid to do the dirty work for the
Municipal Corporations, instead. Thus, they appear to serve the Public, while their actual job is
to fleece the public and collect money and assets under False Pretenses.

The judges, politicians, and even purported County Sheriffs on the corporate payroll evade
signing and publishing the required Oath of Office to avoid liability for this, and that is why
there are virtually no Public Oaths on record since the 1960's.

This is also the reason why none of the many decisions undertaken by these Actors are valid
with respect to the Americans they misaddress as members of their own "citizenry".

Wherever a Municipal Corporation employee occupies or appears to occupy a Public Office,
elected or appointed, and they are acting without a written and notarized Oath of Office
obligating them and making them liable for the duties of that Office, that same person is
committing fraud, is impersonating a Public Official, and is treasonously neglecting and
evading the duty of that Office.

Look at Kamala Harris, AWOL in Beverly Hills, doing as little as humanly possible to keep
collecting a paycheck, no Oath of Office, no liability for failure to perform.

All of these Municipal Corporations need to be taught that fraud only compounds fraud.

We, rank and file Americans, are not part of the citizenry attached to either of the foreign
Municipal Corporations housed in the District of Columbia and never have been.

Our Mothers may have signed undisclosed registrations seeming to affirm such a foreign
political status for us and consigning us to the obligations of British Territorial U.S.
Citizenship, and we may have, under similar conditions of non-disclosure, yielded to demands
issued under color of law that we apply for Social Security Accounts, too, but contracts
obtained under conditions of force and fraud are null and void as if they never were, and that is
exactly the circumstance pertaining to at least 300 million Americans.

Some Americans do choose to adopt such Federal citizenship obligations when they pursue
military or Federal Civil Service jobs, but those obligations have been self-interestedly
redefined by the the Municipal Corporations that have attempted unlawful conversion of our
entire population.

Up until 1946, when Americans were discharged from Military Service, it was rightly assumed
that they returned home to their birthright status as American State Nationals. When people left
jobs with the Municipal Post Office or similar Federal Civil Service, the same presumption that
the individuals returned home to their birthright status applied.

This is to be assumed because being an American State National or American State Citizen is a
far more beneficial status than serving as a British Territorial U.S. Citizen or as a Municipal
CITIZEN of any kind.

Instead, the Municipal Corporations determined --- without disclosure-- that Americans leaving
"Federal Service" would have to write letters to their Branch Commanders or Department
Heads, advising them of their return to "Original Jurisdiction" -- on the land and soil.
Otherwise, they, the Municipal Corporations housed in the District of Columbia, would
"assume" that these Americans, who were no longer employed by these corporations,
nonetheless voluntarily stayed in Federal Jurisdiction and voluntarily adopted the obligations of
Federal citizenship as a result.

In effect, using these undisclosed administrative maneuvers, the Municipal Corporations
contrived a rationale to latch onto and subject their former employees to their jurisdiction
without disclosure.

These schemes and presumptions allowed the Municipal Corporations to evade their
obligations owed to Americans under the Federal Constitutions --- not by undermining the
Constitutions that allow their own existence, but by misrepresenting, defrauding, and
unlawfully converting the natural political status of Americans, so that we were no longer
considered nationals or citizens of our States of the Union, and as a result, were no longer owed
the Guarantees and Protections our Forefathers built into the Constitutions.

Our soldiers and sailors were never allowed to come home and enjoy the freedoms and
guarantees they earned, unless they just happened to read the in-house corporate memo, and
wrote a letter to their Branch of Service Commander telling them the obvious --- that they were
discharged and going home.

The same trick applied to Americans who held Federal Civil Service jobs.
It was all done under conditions of secrecy, non-disclosure, and deceit; it was all done by
Municipal Corporations housed in the District of Columbia seeking profits and coercive
political power under color of law.

Municipal Corporation employees have no Constitutional Guarantees and are subjected under
foreign systems of administrative, Maritime, and Admiralty law, so subourning all these
Americans allowed the Perpetrators to assess taxes and tithes on "Federal Income", to assess
taxes and service fees on utilities and commodities that actually belong to the victims, to apply
mortgages to American property which Americans never owed, to promote "entitlement"
schemes, to license the rights of the victims as privileges, and to abuse the General Population
of this country in the same way these corporations have abused their own employees.

All of these activities engaged in by the Municipal Corporations are crimes and most of these
crimes are recognized in multiple jurisdictions, so that they are not only unlawful, they are
illegal, too. Conveniently, the District Attorneys who are supposed to prosecute these crimes as
legal issues consistently fail to do so, because they are employed by the same corporations that
are committing all these crimes --- and until now, the lawful authorities have been obstructed,
lied about, and disrespected.

This has led to the promotion of a criminal piratical society on our shores, the pernicious
practice of propaganda and deceit, and a breakdown of social and cultural values that has been
promoted to expedite the lawlessness of the Municipal Corporations that have set themselves
up like Tarzan, King of the Jungle, and misrepresented themselves as our government.

As we've demonstrated, these Municipal Corporations have been causing this trouble and
creating all this violence while acting in Breach of Trust and in violation of their service
contracts --- the Federal Constitutions that pertain to them and the limitations of the services
that they are supposed to provide under contract. The Principals responsible for these
Municipal Corporations have been sitting on their laurels and collecting the cream from all this
piracy and commercial fraud, respectively, for 150 years.

We wish for a peaceful and practical end to this entire situation.

We do not wish to participate in the next presumptive fraud being promoted by these same out-
of-control Municipal Corporations, a fraud which is being advertised as the Quantum Financial
System and expedited by non-existent digital currencies being offered as new, exciting products
by the colluding banks.

The banks themselves have been operated unlawfully and illegally by the same District
Municipal Corporations and need to be under new management, while the victims of all this
fraud need to be issued prepaid credit cards for the return of all the illegally and unlawfully
collected taxes and fees and collections and penalties they have paid.

What these Municipal Corporations and their commercial bank franchises are actually offering
is a means to avoid their very material and substantive obligations and a way to continue their
fraud schemes against the living people they are supposed to serve.

We have observed this entire process. We started out with gold coinage and then, gold
certificates. This was echoed by silver coinage and then, silver certificates. This was then
followed by "Federal Reserve Notes" --- basically promises to pay, someday, in the future, with
no expiration date on the loan. This last comfy arrangement was made via legal tender laws
imposed under color of law and cannot be presented as a valid contract with any of the victims
of this fraud.

Always, the actual and material asset is purloined by substituting something that is less and less
valuable. Coins for certificates, certificates for notes, and now, notes for keystrokes entered in a
computer ledger maintained by block chain technology.

We've seen the same progression with their illegal, unlawful, and immoral enslavement
activities-- the progress from Mankind, to Humans, and now, if they get away with it, GMOs.

So, with nothing more than computer keystrokes and pings, these criminal Municipal
Corporations and their completely shameless bankers propose to buy the Earth and all the
assets of it.

We propose a counter-offer: the banks are foreclosed and forfeit.

They've built up their fraud scheme to such heights and have received something for nothing
for so long, that they see no reason that this can't just go on indefinitely.

With a few strokes on a keyboard, whole industries can be collapsed, national economies
enhanced or devastated, political opposition destroyed, individual freedom seekers, too.
No wonder the ilk of Bill Gates get a rush just thinking of all the power consolidated in one
new brilliant Fraud Scheme--- and forget that it is what it is: a computer-assisted fraud scheme.
They also forget that other people can see that it's a fraud scheme.

They may call this a Plan. We call it just another fraud scheme designed to get something for
nothing under color of law, and a means for these same criminals to employ more coercive
control over people who are their Employers and who are the actual owners of all the resources
that these self-serving criminals are trying to commandeer.

We wish for these wearisome trials to be over. We have remembered all that we need to
remember and must be set free of any legal system including but not limited to those legal
systems intended for the management of commercial corporations, rowdy sailors, dead man's
estates, and boats.

We wish for everyone on Earth to be given full disclosure about citizenship versus national
status and then allowed to make their choice freely, knowingly, and voluntarily.

We wish for all District Municipal Corporation Employees and all of their franchise
corporations operating as State-of-State Corporations and County Corporations to either
immediately stand down and vacate any Public Office they have occupied, or alternatively, if
they are eligible for the Office as Americans and agreeable to act in good faith and under
personal liability, fill out, notarize, and record their Oath of Office.

We wish for all Bar Attorneys at all levels of the franchise system to comply with the spirit and
intention of the Foreign Agents Registration Act and to publish their registration and foreign
titles freely on their letterheads, bills, business cards, etc., as Fair Notice to the American

We wish for these Administrative changes to take place immediately.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
April 17th 2023
See this article and over 4100 others on Anna's website here: