4 Jurisdictions Flow Matrix
Notes about this flow matrix.
The process of civilizational growth is based on merit. It is designed to follow a cumulative step-by-step progression through the planetary jurisdictions. It begins by first earning sovereignty over the Soil jurisdiction, second the Land, third the Sea, and fourth the Air jurisdiction in that specific order. Delays in this progress are permissible as long as the flow remains in the correct order. But if all, or even part of this flow is altered (through reversal or inversion or both) then serious problems will result. At the time of this writing we are living through the end results of both a reversal and inversion of this growth process. For approximately 200,000 years of our planetary history the flow of this growth process has been distorted.
A normal and healthy planetary growth process proceeds from the ground up, but for the past 200 millenniums we have been subjected to a top down reversal, and that is in contravention of universe rule. To further complicate matters, in recent generations an inversion of two of these jurisdictions has also occurred. Starting approximately 100 years ago (early part of the twentieth century), the Air jurisdiction inverted its functional position with the Sea jurisdiction. Refer to the bottom part of this chart for more details.
How has this inversion manifested itself in real life? To be quite frank we have all been witnessing it and living through it our entire lives, but few of us have really grasped the true significance of this colossal occurrence. The manifestation of this Air <> Sea inversion is realised through the MUNICIPALIZATION of vast numbers of nations, states, provinces, territories, cities, towns, villages and communities.
The MUNICIPAL system is of the Air jurisdiction, and as such the Air jurisdiction has power over nothing. Refer to the chart in the Planetary Jurisdictions Curriculum LESSON 2 for more details. MUNICIPALIZATION is nothing more than an incorporation scheme for creating profit driven business franchise entities under a parent franchise, this parent being the VATICAN INC. Yet, through this functional inversion, the Air jurisdiction has utterly and unlawfully overstepped its bounds and encroached massively on all the other jurisdictions.