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Philosophy you somewhat grasp, and divinity you comprehend in worship, social service, and personal spiritual experience, but the pursuit of beauty—cosmology—you all too often limit to the study of man's crude artistic endeavors. Beauty, art, is largely a matter of the unification of contrasts. Variety is essential to the concept of beauty. The supreme beauty, the height of finite art, is the drama of the unification of the vastness of the cosmic extremes of Creator and creature. Man finding God and God finding man—the creature becoming perfect as is the Creator—that is the supernal achievement of the supremely beautiful, the attainment of the apex of cosmic art. Source: Urantia Book 56:10.3.


The Truth Beauty and Goodness Commission (TBG) promotes matters beyond mere physical survival. This site is built and operated by volunteers who have received hope and enlightenment in their lives, and who in turn wish to share it with others.


We teach that Truth Beauty and Goodness is all around us and that one only needs to focus on it with an open mind in order to see it.


We believe in the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man, and that it must be lived to become beneficial and appreciated.


The TBG Team encourages you to take this adventure with us. Come, let us learn together.

The Team