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Synopsis of the Urantia Book

The Urantia Book is divided into four major parts:


The Personality of God.
7,0007 billiontrillion Planets.
The Administration of the Universes.
The Source of Gravitation.
The Interplanetary Communications.


The Implantation of Life of Earth.
The Processes of Mutation.
Apparition of the Colored Races.
Extra-Planetary Personalities.


The Life and teachings of Jesus Day by Day.Jesus.
Childhood — Adolescence — Maturity.
His Family Responsibilities.
His Travel to Rome.
Simplicity of His Doctrine.
Without Him You can do Nothing.
The Conditions of His Return.

URANTIAUrantia is the name given by the universe directors to our planet, the Earth. The Urantians are the normal mortals of the various earthly races, the Terrestriansraces of the past, of the present, and of the future.

URANTIAUrantia was a commonplace planet of the local universe of NEBADON,Nebadon, whichdesigned containsto eventually contain about ten million similar ones, of which 3,840,101 were inhabited with life in the year 1934 A.D. For the reasons outlined in this book, Urantia was nevertheless chosen by Christ Michael, Creator and Sovereign of the universe of Nebadon, for His bestowal in the likeness of mortal flesh under the personality of Jesus of Nazareth. TheMankind Urantianon humanityUrantia was torn by the consequences of the Lucifer Rebellion. By showing the way to salvation, Christ Michael gave to the Earth and to the other planets of theHis universecreation an example of conformity to the will of God. Thereafter, Urantia was no longer a commonplace planet.