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Executive Summary

We have a problem — a really BIG problem!

We live in an unwisely governed and unstable world. The proof of this is on display all around us as a multitude of failures. Our world is the product of many generations of leadership who have eschewed the higher universal wisdom and purpose of sustainable processes that lead to stability. The reasons for this neglect are widely covered in other parts of this website, and therefore will not be covered in this summary.

  • Stability is the ultimate goal. It is the combined and settled result of all the successfully applied sustainable processes.
  • Sustainability is a transient process, composed of numerous steps and approaches designed to create stability through applied wisdom.
  • Light & Life is participatory sustainability applied on a global scale.
  • Settled in Light & Life is the permanent realization of global stability.

In the broadest sense, sustainability refers to the ability to maintain or support a process continuously over time. This website uses the term Light & Life as a signature phrase for a global approach to the kind of wise collective decisions that can lead to planet wide stability needed to overcome the grave mistakes of the past and present, and to propel us safely forward into a brave new world grounded in love, peace, equality and unity.

A divided civilization that lives under the constant threat of war and destruction does not logically make any plans for the distant future while it operates in a defacto survival mode. Instead, it uses narrow self-centred intelligence instead of broad wisdom, and that promotes constricted, short-term and unstable goals. This is not healthy for a civilization's longevity. Our civilization, as we currently cultivate and experience it, lives for the present and the past, and does not worry about the future generations. It can be summed up in one word: unstable.

wise civilization will cultivate the continual improvement of its collective mental capacity and direct its thoughts more and more into the future while it operates in a cooperative and mutually agreed upon progressive maintainable mode, using broad intelligence and collective wisdom that promotes all-inclusive, long-term stabilizing goals. This kind of unity can ensure a civilization's longevity and indefinite survival. It aims to create a stable civilization on a clean planet, where the balance of man and nature can be maintained for unlimited time; where people live for the future, and expect great things from it; where people are constantly occupied with making the world a better place for everyone to live. This can be summed up in one word: stable.

Our Light & Life Timeline offers a broad, logical, and historical overview of the lateness and overall imbalance of our current civilization, and contrasts this with what we could be as a wise and balanced civilization. It provides the essentials for designing a long term plan focused on bringing about the kind of balance which can lead to unity, and ultimately guide us to becoming a stable civilization.

The root of the problem

In the brief coverage above, we have used words like unwise and unstable, narrow, short-term, self-centred, war, lateness and imbalance. These all describe certain aspects of the problem, like the branches of a great tree, but the problem goes deeper, all the way down into the soil. The root of the problem has to do with free will, which can also be called — unforced choice. In this case we are referring to the contravention of free will, or forced choice on a grand scale! 

  • Free will is one of the greatest laws of creation, so important it is that not even the Creator will contravene it.
  • Free will does not mean license to do anything one wants even to the detriment of others, and consequently;
  • Free will exists within certain boundaries, but within these boundaries free will has free expression to the extent that it causes no harm, which means — our individual rights end where another's legitimate rights begin.

The great failure of our world's leadership has been the large scale and persistent contravention of personal free will within its clear and simple boundaries.

Free will and personality are like two sides of a coin. You can't have one without the other, and that unity is what makes it sovereign in its own right. The two cannot be separated. Free will cannot be stripped away or its potency reduced in any way. That is why free will can only be personal. You cannot detach free will from personality and graft it onto an impersonal group or system. There is no such thing as group free will. The popular term "group think" is not the same as free will. True consensus is a collective by-product of free will and can inherit a degree of sovereignty, but it is not free will. Groups are never imbued with free will. Groups can only inherit delegated authority from the sovereign free will individuals that compose it. Sovereignty is covered in LESSON 4: Sovereignty & Delegation.

Continuing with the tree analogy, leaves can fall off, branches can break off, yet the tree can live on and grow more leaves and branches. But, if the roots are cut or pulled out of the soil and exposed to the air, the entire tree will surely die. Roots must be grounded, because they are not designed to live in the air. Therein lies the source of our civilizational problems. Countless leaders who have uprooted the sovereignty, and trespassed on the free will of individuals — and there is a long list of selfish, misguided, and stupid reasons why they did and continue to do so. The end result is always the same. Some kind of failure, only failure, always failure.

Free will is the one great law that can never be broken or trampled on to produce successful results. The opposite of free will is always failure!

It's time for a Planetary Transformation

We need a Planetary Transformation that will propel us out of this:

  • Survival mode guided by: Deception > Greed > Division > War

and into this:

  • Stable mode guided by: Maintainable processes > Wisdom > Intelligence > Modelling

A framework grounded in wisdom

A framework for a successful Light & Life transformation strategy begins with 10 broad categories that serve as the foundation for a healthy and flourishing civilization on the path to indefinite survival, and forms the directory for the Global Library of Wisdom which provides wisdom focused on wholeness and wise processes. These categories are:

  1. Personal Growth
  2. Family
  3. Religion
  4. Language & Education
  5. Culture
  6. Ethics
  7. Governance
  8. Economy & Finance
  9. Race & Biology
  10. Science & Technology

In addition to this unique and curated collection of wisdom, you will also find on this site, an assortment of support material that delves into root causes, and proposals for broad foundational approaches capable of igniting a global scale transformation out of our unstable past and present, and into a wise and ever stablizing future full of inspired hope and vision.

Why this, why now?

It is disturbing how much of our resources are used for the development of new and terrifying weapons systems that could utterly destroy all of us many times over, yet we still have people uneducated and in want of basic needs — a shameful misuse of unbridled freedom and free-will driven by the profit motive of selfish vested interests — an iron-fist system that has no intention of ever letting go of its stronghold on power.

This must change because:

  1. A tiny elitist class living in obscene wealth while billions live in poverty and millions starve and die of easily preventable diseases will not do.

  2. A global war machine that consumes, according to some estimates, over of 50% of our planet's energy will not do.

  3. A debt driven financial system used for funding both sides of endless corporate mercenary wars, for the purpose of destroying sovereign nations, so that this same cruel system can also greatly profit the elitist class by rebuilding over the rubble of their premeditated wars will not do.

  4. All of it is done through widespread and sustained contravention (trespassing) of the free will of billions of otherwise peaceful, honest, family oriented and hard working people, and that absolutely will not do and must stop!

By fixing these 4 fundamental problems, the ecology of our entire global civilization will finally be able to begin finding a healthy, ethical, peaceful, inclusive, life serving, family oriented and wise balance for the benefit of all mankind, both present and future.

If the observation of the multitude of life on this planet has taught us anything, it is that life will always seek out balance if it is given a fair chance. Our rapidly advancing civilization has not yet had this chance to balance and stabilize itself. This is what it needs to do and it needs to do it now.

Who must do it and how?

This page began with these two sentences: 

We live in an unwisely governed and unstable world. The proof of this is on display all around us as a multitude of failures. Our world is the product of many generations of leadership who have eschewed the higher universal wisdom and purpose of sustainable processes that lead to stability.

Our world is unwise and unstable because collectively We The People are unwise and unstable. The many generations of failed leadership responsible for the multitude of failures that surrounds us all today, are all rooted in We The People. It is We The People who are the source of all leaders and systems of leadership. Whether wise or foolish, honest of deceitful, good or bad, all leaders originate from the gene pool of We The People. Like it or not, each one of us alive today is part of the biological global collective that we refer to as We The People. And since that is the source of the problem, it is impossible to avoid the reality that We The People must also be the solution. It is only through widespread personal spiritual growth that this can be accomplished. Every individual is part of this. Every bit of positive personal growth, no matter how big or how small, by any person on this planet, will contribute to the overall solution.

This is the inescapable reality that we all face because a civilization is merely the sum of its individual members. How much we grow as a civilisation is the sum total of how much each one of us grows individually.

Because very few people were raised in fully functioning environments, families, and cultures, we all have a lot of baggage from our early childhood development that makes us less than self-confident and secure. And so, part of the beginning process of this is the inner work that each of us must do to get to a place where we truly believe and can accept, not as an ego or a narcissist or self-centred person, but truly, in humility and grace, accept that you are unconditionally loved just as you are, with no guilt, no shame, and that you are forgiven for all that has transpired in your life, all that you have received, all that you have perpetrated. And that if you are truly sincere, you are forgiven, and you can begin this journey. 

And it is when you can accept this unconditional love for yourself as an individual, that you can truly begin to reflect it out into the world and so begin this communal healing, and we are here to live that reflection to the best of our abilities as unconditional love for ourselves, for one another, and then as we gather in community clusters all over this world, we begin to see how we can use these values to create a wise and loving society. But the source of this is not just cleverness on humanity's part; it is that you are loved, and you can be this love, and then you can take all this wisdom, all these ideas that we can help plant here, that we can help illuminate; that have been here for a long time, and make it clear how you use that wisdom to live together in a loving and kind way. And that is good for everyone. Humanity begins to look at one another as brothers and sisters in a spiritual sense and treat them like they want to be treated. Then our ideas, blended with wisdom, will have the power to change. The true power is the spirit energy that is within you. That is the real power to make these changes that need to happen here.

Peace needs to come, but there can hardly be peace in a collective sense until there's peace in the individual sense. And then this peace must attract to itself more and more people, and we must put out there an alternative for people to choose a value system based on fairness, respect, honesty, and responsibility — not just within your in-group, but for everyone. How then would you create a society and all the institutions in it? This will take generations, if not centuries. It won't be completed in our lifetime. This is the time and place we are born in. The fact that we can keep our hearts open and feel this incredible pain and suffering and yet move forward with the light of divine love in the midst of it is a tremendous challenge. It's also a tremendous opportunity.

So, this is where we are, this is what we're called to do. We must build alliances across the globe to make this simultaneously happen as a spiritual awakening in many places at one time. This is our challenge. This is our opportunity.

Remember always:

  • Every man and woman is born free and deserves to live and die free.

  • Everyone is responsible for him or herself, for what we think, and what we do.

  • With every right comes a responsibility.

  • Our individual rights end where another's rights begin.

  • Rights and freedoms that are not exercised are moot.

  • When we enslave another, we enslave ourselves.

  • We are responsible for directing those we employ.

  • If we don't like something, it's up to us to change it.

  • If we see an injustice, it's up to us to correct it.

  • If we want peace, it's our duty to keep it.

  • If we are bogged down, it's our job to climb over or dig under.

  • If we cherish our own rights, we must cherish the rights of others.

  • If we cherish our own freedom, we must cherish the freedom of others.
    (this list was borrowed from:

We invite you to join us on this challenging journey, the greatest opportunity for doing good that has ever been available to mankind. May we recommend ‭A ‬‭Spiritual‬‭ Bill‬‭ of ‬‭Rights ‬‭for ‬‭Humanity as a starting point.

