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Agenda: The Globalist effort

There is much published information that confirms the existence of a Globalist depopulation agenda.

Question: What are we NOT being told about this nefarious agenda?
Answer: The truth.

The Globalists have published numerous Agendas, Manifestos, Patents, Guide Stones, Transcripts and web sites all warning us of the global warming crisis that their paid scientists are screaming about, and the absolute need to depopulate the planet in order to save it. They have openly published Patents for drastic population reducing bio-weapons such as viruses and vaccines. They also work very hard at manufacturing circumstances that should lead to famine, wide spread illnesses, deadly violence and much more. To be frank there isn't much they haven't already tried, yet we are still here, we are still alive, we are still breeding and eating and consuming, and if the published statistics are to be believed the global population is still increasing rapidly. None of the above strategies have succeeded because they are merely propaganda. Allow me to explain.

They tried endless wars for countless centuries, but it didn't work. It only made us stronger. Such is the nature of DNA. It's very hard to destroy, and the more you attack it the stronger it gets. That is the reality behind the old adage "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger".

They tried traditional diseases, they tried more advanced bio weapons, they tried technology...all failures because they all targeted DNA, and our DNA is simply too robust to destroy that easily. Unfortunately they have finally figured out where our real weak spot is...the mind.

This latest cycle of evil against mankind (some label it as WW III) has been a war against the mind. The first battle was won by evil when it divided us and broke the strength of our unity. They divided us into Us vs Them, Black vs White, East vs West and so on ad nauseum. Once divided we became weak. Once we became weak we became susceptible to irrational fear. Irrational fears such as disease and you need "medical experts and pharmaceuticals to protect you from your fear", became the one size fits all soothing prescription they offered everyone, for a price of course.

Do you see the clever deception at play?

They broke the strength of our real unity, then divided us and made us weak and fearful, then sold us a fake unity, to replace the one they took from us, in the guise of life saving, pain eliminating medical experts and pharmaceuticals. This one strategy has proven so effective and successful that the prescription or "script" was repeated over and over with every aspect of our now "scripted" lives, and the sheer success of this script has brought us to the precipice that we are now collectively facing. Yet none of this has even begun to depopulate the planet according to their infamous agenda.

So what on Earth is really going on then? Remember, this time around it is a war of the mind! Kill the mind and the war will be won without using a single bullet or bomb. Kill the mind and the depopulation agenda will be a guaranteed success.

So then, what kind of weapon is needed to kill a mind?


Smartphones (and similar technologies), designed to entertain us, emoticon us, sexualize us, and distract us to death. If you ever figure out how a man or woman can copulate with a smartphone, or TikTok a real pregnancy resulting in the birth of a living breathing biological baby out of such a transaction let me know.

No my friends, physical wars, coronaviruses, bioweapons, cryptos, quantums, patents, famines, you name it are NOT the real agenda. Sure some of these things may be real, but their existence is NOT the agenda, because it has been proven time and again that these things cannot destroy us, and the global crime syndicate which is commonly referred to as the Globalists know this very well.

The real agenda is not something you can ward off with a mask. You can't even be vaccinated against it because you carry it with you everywhere you go, whether you're healthy or sick. You place it right beside your bed at night in case you wake up feeling alone. It's the reason why your thumbs are becoming the strongest part of your body, why countless millions of young people are losing the desire for marriage, procreating and raising families. Why would they want to go through all that trouble and expense when they have a free app store well stocked with every digital gadget and toy needed to lobotomize such desires away.

Welcome to the real world, Globalist style.
This is the entrance to the rabbit hole. Do you want to know what's at the bottom of this rabbit hole and why the Globalists are really doing all this?

The answer to their greatest secret is here: Planetary Jurisdictions will give you in depth coverage.
