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2017 - April 23: Focus on Resurrection of Divine Plan

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo 


PRAYER: Mother and Father, we come together as one, one energy body in your LOVE, in your WILL to collaborate with our planetary Seraphim for their action in our world to gain greater prominence. Father Michael, you have the plans of corrections for this world, and Mother Nebadonia, you provide us with so much wonderful seraphic and celestial help in order to achieve these objectives. We at the human end are here to provide that anchoring of these energies at the evolutionary level that your WILL may continue to take greater hold within the circuits of our planetary consciousness. As you guide our focused efforts today, may they produce the good that is needed for more hearts and minds to open to the presence of the Father and to the ideas of what it means to be a member of the divine family, both individually and collectively. Our hearts are full of love and gratitude for all you share with us, that we may continue to work toward that end of full healing and transformation that will lead to the era of Light and Life. Thank you. May your WILL be done.


MANOTIA: My dear brothers and sisters! Welcome to this call today wherein we collaborate with you, our beloved siblings of Urantia. This is Manotia, and I am presently acting as the head of the Corps of Seraphim with whom you will collaborate today. Our gratitude to you is keen. We appreciate your devotion to your world and to Michael's plans of correction. They are indeed glorious, and we are here to share in the joy of this conscious collaborative participation with you, our human brethren, to impart more of these plans into the circuits of your planetary consciousness.

We have been with you before unbeknownst to you as you have endeavored to co-create with us with in the intention of the materialization of the Magisterial Mission. We have encircuited many energies into these fields of the planet's collective, and it is a very remarkable feat that much has been accomplished in this endeavor. But as you know, there is so much more to be outworked and in-worked of Michael's plans of correction.

We will follow a familiar format as you have used in the past. But most specifically, we will be using the format of focusing in the collective. This is where the energies can be put to the greatest use now as you have become familiar in focusing in this way and are acting together as a more cohesive energy unit.

It is your intentions that we seek. It is your desires to see Michael's plans of correction more fully implemented through these circuits of human consciousness and in the other areas of planetary functioning. For human consciousness, as you might say, is a particular bandwidth, and while it is an important circuit, it is not the only one that requires alignment in the Father's WILL. The damage done to your planet by the rebellion agenda has been vast and deeply entrenched. And while there are many players working to implement Michael's plans of correction, what we invite you to focus on today is for us as the corps of the planetary sectors of cultural advancement to infuse these circuits with more spiritual energy through the desires of your hearts. You might say that you are the anchors at a certain level inviting the higher frequencies to be instilled through your devoted desires. This is a two way flow of energy from your human hearts reaching up for the divine plans to be implemented, and then for us to instill through these circuits the divine plans moving downward to connect into the various arenas of your cultural life.

For some of you this may be an unfamiliar activity, but do not let that deter your heart's intentions, for it truly is only a matter of desiring the Father's WILL to be implemented here that allows us to do what we can to assist you in this undertaking.

As we begin, we invite you to simply focus in your hearts now. Feel your desires for Michael's plans of corrections, for His actual presence to gain greater strength and stature in the circuits of human consciousness, and for the divine plans of planetary evolution to continue to unfold in His WILL. This is, you might say, a renaissance of the divine plan, now having greater strength to function—a return to the original design that is the blueprint for all evolutionary worlds to follow and ascend.

Take a few moments now to place your gaze over your heart centers. Feel your love for this world, your love for Michael, your love for your brethren as we begin. (Pause)

Now, from your heart centers, project that line of energy to spiral around the planet north to south pole in a counter-clockwise direction. As you envision this, invite the energies of the RESURRECTION OF THE DIVINE PLAN UPON URANTIA to move from your hearts and embrace the world. Do your best to hold this gaze while we move into the base that you provide for us for our actions to perform their function. (Pause)

This world is deeply loved and valued as a member of the family of Nebadon and of all creation itself. Your isolation from the rest of the universe did in no way alter your importance. For did not Michael Himself choose to come here and enact His final bestowal? So while you may have suffered many challenges in the past, this is not to indicate any sense of devaluation or significance.

Each individual of this world is known and loved, and it is intended for the divine plan of planetary ascension to have each individual participate to his or her full human potential. This has not yet occurred upon Urantia, as you well know, but the stage is being set with this to continue to unfold.

Michael's LOVE of and regard for this world is beyond human comprehension, and you have yet to peel away the veil to see how much LOVE there is coming your way to support this wonderful transformation occurring. But you have perceived at some level that this is so, otherwise you would not be here. And it is through your individual desires formed into this collective circuit that helps us weave more of this transformational energy into the circuits that will help your brethren awaken to the goodness and the greatness that lives within them that is part of the Paradise Father, awaken to the truth of who Michael is through these circuits provided by your loving Mother Nebadonia.

If you wish, we invite you to also hold that desire in your heart for MICHAEL'S SOVEREIGNTY to gain greater access in the circuits of human consciousness. This desire intersects and combines with your desires for the RESURRECTION OF THE DIVINE PLAN. For is it not under Michael's rule and reign of LOVE that this divine plan can be enacted? So if it is helpful to see these two energy forms combine and commingle together as one bathing the planet in His SOVEREIGNTY, that His WILL, His LOVE, His TRUTH, His MERCY, His GOODNESS would prevail within the hearts of His dearly loved children. Let this be your dual focus if you can for the next few moments. (Pause)

Soon it will become more evident that a remarkable confluence of events is underway. We cannot inform you of what this will look like because it is subject to interpretation based upon your spiritual perspective. But, we invite you to stay focused on this desire for the RESURRECTION OF THE DIVINE PLAN through MICHAEL'S SOVEREIGNTY to continue to unfold. There is nothing to fear, my dear ones, for there is so much help and support for you to tap into as more change comes to your world.

Take a few moments to appeal to the Father's Presence within that you may be elevated to this higher perspective in order to render you more receptive to what is occurring through the eyes of Spirit. We will continue to minister through these circuits as you spend a few moments communing with your own Indwelling Father fragments. (Pause)

The twelve sectors of planetary Seraphim are ready to implement Michael's plans of correction in their particular domains. Over the coming months we will be focusing singularly on each one of these sectors that more of the divine WILL may be imparted through our collaborative efforts. Today, you might say, was a more general infusion and we have completed our objectives for this call.

I will withdraw now that your Father Michael may address you. It is in Him we all serve, and we send you our love and our pledge to be with you as Urantia shakes off the shackles of the rebellion agenda and emerges into the LIGHT of the Father's WILL for this beautiful world. Good day, my brethren. It has been a pleasure to serve with you.

MICHAEL: My beloved children, this is Michael. I come to you today to further fortify you through your Spirits of Truth that you may perceive me more as this world undergoes more change. You might say there is a weeding process that this planet is now undergoing—weeding out of corruption, deception, distortion, and the lure of sin that more and more your hearts may be purified of these influences, and awaken to the GOODNESS of the Father and His plans for each individual life that is being well orchestrated through the ministrations of your Mother and the over-control of the Supreme Being.

There are very few individuals of your world who are truly aware of their cosmic responsibility, and you are beginning to taste what this means. I ask you in the coming days to keep your gaze focused on me, and ask for that deeper fortification of our relationship to touch you in places to render you more empowered in Spirit. This will keep you safe and secure when the winds of change blow through human consciousness as this purification process intensifies and more individuals may be unsteady and unstable because their inner foundations are quaking.

But as you have been advised there is nothing to fear and you only have to turn to me as your anchor. I will hold you steady. You will be filled with peace and a heightened level of perspective that will help you see through the eyes of your Father what is incurring. And it is at those times when you may call on the planetary Seraphim to further anchor the divine plans upon Urantia.

Let this be a time when you come into more soulful collaboration with those of the higher realms. After all, it is part of your cosmic responsibility to come into a deeper understanding of your place in the universe and how it functions. This is one of the means by which you learn these higher principles and ideals. So you have everything to gain, and the only thing you lose is more attachment to the erroneous agenda, and you gain such stature in the Father's WILL that you will truly emit the LIGHT of TRUTH for your brothers and sisters to respond to at some level.

Make no mistake about this my children! You are given great spiritual power, but now you must learn how to wield it in the Father's LOVE with courage, patience, gentleness, kindness, strength, and fortitude. I am here to help you perceive these energies and to imprint upon them. Simply relax now as I commune with you through the Spirit of Truth connection that we share together as Father and child. Receive me now my beloved ones. (Pause)


And so it is. Grow in your spiritual power. Let the ways of the past no longer influence you. Live up to your cosmic responsibility, my children, and you will be given so much more to help this world heal and transform in the Father's LOVE.

Thank you for your participation in this call today. And even though I leave you in this fashion, truly there is no separation, and you only need to call on me as your Father to guide you through this very pivotal time of change as Urantia opens Her heart to the glories of being a member of our universe family, in the family of the Father's LOVE. Good day

