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2022 - July 10: Focusing the Reckoning Dynamic of Divine Justice

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo 


PRAYER: Paradise Creator Deities and our Divine Spirit Parents, we open ourselves to participate in the unfolding of the divine plan for this planet to make more changes of a positive nature into planetary circuits of mind. You know where we stand in our transformational journey as a planetary culture. You know that there are activities conducted behind the scenes of our materials lives that we cannot always see, and yet we trust in you. We step into that place of trust. We open our hearts to you. We thank you for weaving us together in oneness in unity that all of our focused efforts may be put to the uses that you wish to conduct today to build more LIGHT, LOVE, and LIFE into the planet for all individuals and all life here to benefit. We thank our heavenly helpers for their assistance as they work so diligently to weave in these circuits. We thank you for your WILL being done now. May it be so!


MONJORONSON: Greetings, my beloved brethren! This is Monjoronson. Continue to quiet your minds that you may tap into the deeper levels of consciousness and provide that space for us to weave into this world’s system of consciousness those spiritual dynamics that will foster more outworking of the evil ways and sponsor more TRUTH and GOODNESS to be gleaned within the human heart.

As you know, this world is on an ascension journey, just as each soul is on his and her own unique ascension path. The process of planetary ascension is a normal spiritual unfolding. However, on this world, there has been great variance and deviation from the divine plans of evolution, which we are now correcting through this very robust collaboration of individuals—human and spirit and divine personalities—who have volunteered their hearts and minds to create a higher spiritual social order.

You have volunteered. And we are deeply grateful for your participation because it is up to you as the citizens of this world to create this higher spiritual order. But as you know, we have been assisting you, and we continue to do so as this world continues to progress on this beautiful process of remembering and reclaiming its divine inheritance and destiny.

As we begin our ministrations today, I invite you to look into your own hearts once again. Take a few moments to make contact with your own Indwelling Spirits; that which has been provided to you by our Creator to accompany throughout the long, long evolutionary course of your life, that you may perfect yourself and align in the divine GRACE that is part of all LIFE. Take a few moments to ask your Spirit to guide you into that deepening place within you of who you truly are and what it is what you can uniquely contribute to this time of planetary transformation. Take this into your Spirit. Allow the divine reflection to imprint upon your conscious mind. (Pause)

Each one of you is an integral part of the overall unfolding of the DIVINE LIFE PLAN of all creation. This may stagger your human imagination for you have the potential to live eternally, and what you will be discovering in the future is something that is a mystery to you now at this phase of your human development. Yet your human potential is part of this unfolding dynamic. You only have to be willing to grow to support your Spirit to reveal to you what you can achieve through this time.

This is something that very humans undertake, but there is, as you know, this dawning recognition of the spiritual potential for all humanity. We have been supporting your efforts in this awakening process. It is well underway as some of you can see by the outer events occurring at the material level.

What we invite you to focus on today is the spiritual dynamic of RECKONING, which is part of the activity of DIVINE JUSTICE being conducted upon this world. I invite you explore this word—its divine meaning and value—with your Spirit now. What does this mean? How does this impact you? How does it upstep and uplift you? Focus on this word in your heart, and invite your Spirit to help you perceive the meaning of this dynamic from the spiritual perspective. (Pause)

What we have been guided you in recent weeks is the focus on RECOGNITION and RECONCILIATION. This is all a part of the RECKONING activities now being conducted on the planet. Humanity is becoming aware that a way of life has existed here for many millennia that is not healthy for all life itself, including animal and human species. This RECKONING dynamic is here to help you become more deeply aware of the divine plan of this world that you may see into its beauty and goodness and wish to participate in the continuation of the divine plan expression through your individual unique efforts.

This is also a part of DIVINE JUSTICE unfolding on this world. We are helping you move into this RECKONING period that more people may open to what is now unfolding in a broader and deeper context. You can assist us today by actually holding that space of the RECKONING dynamic in your hearts while your Spirits help you adjust to what this may mean for your life individually. So be in that place of curiosity. Try not to engage at the intellectual level of trying to understand what this means all at once. Instead, focus on your Spirit and feel that willingness to open to what this value is of RECKONING to help you become more of who you truly are as a son and daughter of our Paradise Creator. Allow yourselves to experience this, and then in a few moments, we will invite you to move this into the collective. (Pause)

The circuit of the Indwelling Spirit supports all of you in holding this divine meaning and value of RECKONING that it may support the planetary system of consciousness to receive what is necessary for the next phase of transformation to unfold. Continue to focus on your Spirits as they are all moving together in this beautiful unison and unity to help you individually deepen into what this will imprint upon your mindal system and help you continue to grow in your soul development. (Pause)

Now, as you begin to shift focus into the collective, feel that inner desire for more individuals of this world to have an experience with their Indwelling Spirits—to know, to perceive, to experience of LOVE of their Creator for them. The support system that the Spirit provides to their minds to build this deeper spiritual structure, hold that as your intention, while at the same time, ask for this RECKONING dynamic to spiral around the planet in that familiar counter-clockwise rotation. If it is helpful, simply see this word weave around the planet, as you hold that desire for your brothers and sisters to have an experience with their own Spirit. We will move in this now. (Pause)

The experience of Father-consciousness changes a person fundamentally. It discloses within human mind a divine presence that is unmistakable and undeniable. Your world is being prepared for humanity to have this RECKONING experience with the Father Within. It is a loving, inviting… I find words are insufficient to express the deep value that this brings into a person’s conscious awareness. But those of you who have experienced this know the beauty and the sweetness and the grandeur of this. Do you not want this for your brothers and sisters as well? Continue to hold these two dynamics for your brothers and sisters to have an experience with their Spirits as we continue to move into this RECKONING dynamic. (Pause)

When this experience from your Spirit is opened to you and you perceive the LOVE of your Paradise Creator Father for you, it banishes all fear, all unworthiness, and leads you to forgive yourself for your human frailties and foibles. It is such a life-affirming and changing experience that you are altered in a way that sets you firmly on your path of soul growth. As well, you are afforded incredible amounts of support from your Universe Parents—Christ Michael as your Father, Mother Spirit Nebadonia as your Mother—providing you the foundational inner environment for your Spirit to continue to deepen that recognition of your divine dignity upon your whole mind-body system.

So continue to hold this intention for the world that more people may have this RECKONING experience with their Spirits, and lead them into that place of deep LOVE of themselves contained within the greater SELFHOOD of our Creator of all, and let those bonds of LOVE strengthen, deepen, heighten all around the globe. (Pause)

Contained within this RECKONING dynamic is also the ability to discern TRUTH from error as it will become more clear within human mind of the ways in which missteps were made both personally and collectively. So you see, my brethren, there is so much to gain within this RECKONING dynamic, and you only have to ask your Spirit to hold you strong and steady in this as more activation of DIVINE JUSTICE pervades this planet and brings about a deeper awareness in humanity of the divine plan for this world and its beautiful trajectory into the era of Life and Light which will one day be fully accomplished, and you will have participated in its development. (Pause)

Continue to rely on your Spirit as you hold this intention for more of your brothers and sisters to have an experience with their Spirits as this RECKONING dynamic continues to imprint upon planetary mind. (Pause)

More and more people will feel an inner prompting urging them to go within and seek the presence of Spirit. This is all part of the activities of DIVINE JUSTICE, and it is a time of great learning and growth for this world to remember its rightful place in the Family of Love in this vast container of LIFE. What a glorious destiny for both humanity and this world and all of its life forms to experience this grand recognition of their rightful place.

And so, the love for this is building. The need for this is growing. The more you settle into this RECKONING dynamic will we continue to help you move into that place of the deeper awareness of the LOVE of the Father within you and the life of possibilities all around you for this world to achieve its glorious and grand destiny. Are you beginning to reckon within yourselves the potential you have? We have been encouraging you in this way for many years now. We hope you pay heed to our exhortations to be of service to your brothers and sisters and to this world in its time of great need of spiritual development.

So let these dynamics settle in, these words make a deeper impact upon your system of consciousness, and bring you into greater states of union with your Spirit. We continue our ministrations. (Pause)

I invite you now to take a few moments to thank your Universe Parents for their loving beneficent plans of spiritual correction for this world. As you do this, allow them to reflect back to you their LOVE and their appreciation for you stepping up to engage with them to be an ambassador of love for this world, for the divine plan of Urantia to unfold through your efforts. As you and they communicate together, may you feel that the UNIVERSE SUPPORT SYSTEM hold you steady in your internal foundation that you may feel more secure and stable as this RECKONING dynamic continues to make an indelible impression upon this world’s consciousness system. (Pause)

Let us now elevate our gaze to our Paradise Creator Deities. Thank the Paradise Father for the gift of the Indwelling Spirit given to you with such care and devotion to your welfare and nature. Do you yet appreciate the magnitude and magnificence of this gift? In thanking the Father, let that appreciation come back to you in a new way that you may experience more of the Father’s LOVE for you. And allow the coordinate Paradise Deities to provide you with that bountiful inner environment that helps you perceive the Spirit, giving you what you need to grow here and now in this moment of sublime peace and light. (Pause)

Invite these energies—spiritual dynamics—to integrate into your body now. See yourself standing on the earth. The earth is full of light and the vitality of LIFE feeding you at deep levels, even into your cell memory. Let your body become a living vehicle of love. (Pause)

Invite this RECKONING dynamic to move into the planet’s memory, what you might call the earth plane level, for more individuals to awaken and reckon to the LOVE that lives within them. (Pause)


In our final moments together, feel your appreciation of the unfolding of Michael’s plans of correction now sweeping through the circuits of error and false representations of reality. Allow the Spirit to encourage you to become these light vessels of life and love to your brothers and sisters. Let your soul resonance and radiance reverberate outwardly from the core of your being to send that signal to another person: YOU ARE LOVED. YOU ARE VALUABLE. YOU ARE WORTHY. YOU ARE NEEDED. These are spiritual dynamics that you actually embody. The radiance you exude can assist another person in their awakening and reckoning to the presence of Spirit Within. The more you develop this inner radiance it will naturally flow out of you. No words are necessary because now you are living in truth and goodness and beauty, and it is felt by others. We can only encourage you to develop this within. It is your right and privilege to grow yourself in this way, and it is all ready to birth new potentials of your own glorious personality in how you can participate in this great glorious plan of correction for this world. (Pause)

As these words settle in, receive our thanks for your participation today. Let us embrace you with our appreciation. We have completed our objectives and know that this will continue to integrate into planetary mind and bring about more RECKONING to the LOVE of the Father Within. (Pause)

I leave you in my appreciation to each one of you for your participation today and I invite you to call upon me in your meditative states that we can continue to deepen these spiritual dynamics into the planet and encourage more transformation for each soul to participate. My blessings are upon you. Good day.

