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2024 - December 8: Manifesting Michael’s Plans of Correction at the Material Level for Personal and Planetary Rehabilitation

Planetary Transformation Conference Call 
Institute of Christ Consciousness

Topic: Focusing on Manifesting Michael’s Plans of Correction at the Material Level for Personal and Planetary Rehabilitation; Unifying the Planet with the Paradise Plans of Perfection.

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo 

PRAYER:  Our Paradise Creator Deities, Divine Parents, and Magisterial Son, we thank you all of the support you are providing to us as your human children during this great time of awakening and rehabilitation upon the planet.  As we join with our celestial helpers — our Planetary Seraphim and our universe brothers and sisters — may we be encircuited in ONENESS, coming into that harmonized and unified place of intention.  We are here to collaborate in your HOLY WILL for more planetary rehabilitation to develop on the planet and to deepen and manifest into the ways and areas that are now ready to open to this great spiritual energy.  So what is your WILL for today?  We are here to hold that focus.  We thank you now for this opportunity to be of service to our beloved world.  May your WILL be done through your MERCY and GRACE.  Thank you so much, Mother and Father, and we now begin.   

MICHAEL:  BE in my PEACE, my beloved children!  Greetings to you all!  This is your Father Michael.  I welcome you into our forum of co-creation to build the manifestation activities of planetary rehabilitation upon Urantia.

Center yourselves in me for I am your Universe Father.  You have the ability to imprint upon my divine qualities and characteristics that I freely share with you as part of your spiritual inheritance.  My children of this world are ready for a great change — a positive change, change that will lead you to your bright future that we are all creating together as ONE in the divine endowment of the universe and Paradise ways of LIFE.

Centering yourselves in me will afford you more spiritual “bandwidth,” you might say, to receive what I wish to impart to you today; to help you manifest more of your own divine life plans and purposes, that you may be a stronger and more vibrant part of my plans of correction for this beautiful world.  You are well prepared to be the way-showers of such love and truth and goodness and mercy to your brothers and sisters.  And it is my desire to help you gain more depth and strength and breadth of expression of your soul purpose that you may be a spiritual magnet for your brothers and sisters who need this upliftment to the divine ways of LIFE.  

Truly, human mind has been so perverted, so abused.  But now you, my children, who have received these corrections are in a very extraordinary place of service to demonstrate the LOVE that I wish to convey through you to my children, to heal them and bring them back to their true value and sense of purpose.

All you need to do now is to center yourselves in me and ask me to continue to move in you what I wish to share with you, providing you with more spiritual stamina, courage, perseverance, and love that you may convey this to my children — your brothers and sisters.  Receive me now, my beloved children, as I minister into each one of you.  Begin to feel my presence envelop you.  We begin.  (Pause)

If you wish, you may focus on the intention to manifest more of my PLANS OF CORRECTION through each one of you.  You all have incredible spiritual potential.  I encourage you to go your Indwelling Spirit with the intention to cultivate that now.  Even though you may not know what that means or what it is that you will perceive, you are activating your “faith muscle,” if you will, to receive this and for your Spirit to inlay new insights into your conscious awareness that you may ponder what it is you are receiving and use it for your soul growth.  

If it is helpful to open in this reception of what I am providing to you, simply focus on the words:  I AM MANIFESTING OF MY OWN DIVINE PLANS OF CORRECTION.  I AM MANIFESTING OF MY OWN DIVINE PLANS OF CORRECTION.  I AM MANIFESTING OF MY OWN DIVINE PLANS OF CORRECTION.  Allow me to realign you in these higher elements to grow in your spiritual potential.  (Pause)

The ability to manifest the divine ways of LIFE are innate potential that lives within each soul.  You, my awakened children, are being called to live according to this higher ideal and standard.  I am always available to you as your brother Jesus to help you learn how to do this from the human perspective.  So, in coming to me as both Father and brother, you are receiving a dual expression of who I am to help you grow in your human potential, show the divine ways of LOVE and TRUTH and GOODNESS and BEAUTY to your brothers and sisters. They need to see living examples of divine LOVE and MERCY.

While it is certainly possible for me to manifest myself in physical form to you, the bigger dimension of my plan of correction is to provide each individual soul to perceive this in his and her own way — with divine insight and revelation.  Here is where you step in to provide a pathway through your heart to radiate that love that can catalyze a soul awakening and recognition in them of who they are, replicating what I did as a human as your brother Jesus to help each individual soul open to their greater spiritual potential given to them by the Paradise Father.  Continue to receive from me, grow stronger in this ability to radiate my LOVE to my children, that I may minister through you into them.  (Pause)

During this phase of the Correcting Time for this world, you are being called to show the way forward to your brothers and sisters.  It is my plan for each individual to awaken to who they truly are, even those who have erred the most.  All are beloved by me, your Mother, and the Father in Paradise.  All are being given an opportunity to reckon within themselves how they may have misused and mis-stepped participating in the rebellion dynamic.  They too need an opportunity to come to grips with what they have done and to seek forgiveness, redemption, and rehabilitation.  

By you remaining peaceful and in a state of grace during this great time of change, you are providing a greater inner environment for those individuals to have their own reckoning and reconciliation activities be conducted within them by me, by their Indwelling Spirits to help them open to this greater corrective rehabilitation that is underway now.  It is very important for you to take full stock of how you think and how you feel, especially towards your erring brothers and sisters, and seek to see them through my eyes; to have that intention to not only see them through my eyes, but to feel my LOVE for them.  Here is where you gain more power and potency in the Spirit to be a way-shower of the ways of TRUTH and LIGHT and LIFE to your brethren.  (Pause)

Continue to imprint upon me, growing in your own ability to manifest more of your own inner divine plan and purpose, strengthening you to be a more potent spiritual magnet to draw your brothers and sisters closer to you, to help them receive me through your love and compassion for them.

Allow yourselves to be the open door through which I may minister to them; not only with the words you would speak, but through love in your heart where my presence becomes stronger and more vibrant and expressive to them.  Manifest me and I will manifest myself through you to your brothers and sisters.  (Pause)

Spiritually fortify yourselves each and every day, returning to the WELL of the LIVING TRUST — the LIVING WATERS OF LOVE that your Mother and I provide to you, that your Indwelling Spirit may provide you with more insights of who you are and how you may manifest more and more fully through my PLANS OF CORRECTION. You are the ones who are making the changes on this world.  Your Mother and I have great faith in your ability to do this.  

After all, this is one of the lessons of becoming, not only an upstanding planetary citizen, but a noble and inspired citizen of the universe which will mightily help you on your ascension career to live a life of faith and trust in the Father’s plans for your soul development that will take you far beyond the realm of Nebadon one day to stand in front of the Paradise Father Himself.  This is what you are actually embarked upon, my children. You are growing one day at a time, learning how to become this noble soul of great spiritual potential.  (Pause)

In moving through your upcoming week, remember to focus on MANIFEST IN MY PLANS OF CORRECTION for your life.  Here is where you will receive more alignment in me as your Father to grow in the divine attributes you have access to of my being.  I will always support and give you the STRENGTH, COURAGE, FORTITUDE, PATIENCE, PERSISTENCE, PEACE, and LOVE that you may demonstrate more of these qualities throughout your daily experiences.

I leave you in this manner now that my brother Monjoronson may address you.  Remember to come to me that I may share these attributes with you and your Holy Mother Spirit may expand you and help you embody these qualities more and more.  How far and how much can you grow in divine Love?  Well, it will be your joy to develop.  I hope each one of you will make that conscious choice each day to live in this way and be light unto your brethren.  You live in my LOVE, and may you grow in my PEACE.  With that I will withdraw and wish you all a blessed, peaceful, and happy good day.  

MONJORONSON:  My dear brethren, greetings to you all!  This is Monjoronson.  While you remain in peace from your Father’s infusion into you today, you are in a most opportune time and expansive energy to share the Father’s endowment with the world.  The planet is being readied to receive more of this MANIFESTATION attribute for the divine PLANS OF CORRECTION AND REHABILITATION to move more mightily across the spectrum of mind and memory all around the globe.  

This world is in the throes of a mighty spiritual energy.  Some of which you can feel.  Some of the energies are occurring at a level that is very subtle for human perception.  Regardless of how you perceive this, what we ask of you is to continue to trust in these endowments and to hold that intention that aspiration for this world to MANIFEST MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION AT THE MATERIAL LEVEL that the human mind and memory system may REMEMBER RECOGNIZE what humanity is here to conduct in terms of planetary evolution to a Light and Life social culture.

So remain in that potent relationship with your Father Michael and allow his LOVE to stream forth from your hearts.  Envision the globe before you in your mind’s eye and project these words to spiral around the planet counterclockwise from north to south pole:  MANIFESTATION OF MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION AT THE MATERIAL LEVEL. MANIFESTATION OF MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION AT THE MATERIAL LEVEL. MANIFESTATION OF MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION AT THE MATERIAL LEVEL.   Hold this as best you can with great love in your heart.  (Pause)

See the planet manifesting this wonderful PLAN OF CORRECTION coming back to life, not only the natural life of the planet, but human life, all life.  Let your love be the catalyst and the amplifier for this dynamic to integrate into all of the circuitry necessary for the MATERIALIZATION OF MICHAEL’S PLANS to unfold.  (Pause)

Hold the intention for the circuits of the planet to come into greater synergy with all of the dimensional levels of the planet which are beyond the scope of your true understanding at this time.  It is not so important that you comprehend all of what we are doing, but that your human willingness says, “Yes, we want this to occur.  It is our will for these plans of correction to manifest because they are divinely aligned in the overarching evolutionary dynamic for material worlds and material life according to the Paradise Father’s plans.” (Pause)

Humanity is being activated in many ways to participate in the MANIFESTATION of these massive plans of planetary rehabilitation.  Many of you are consciously aware of the roles you are now playing and will expand in over time.  Many are being activated in more subtle ways.  Some people feel the stirrings at a deep level, wondering what this means.  It is all part, not only of the GREAT AWAKENING, but the GREAT RECKONING that will lead you to this beautiful RECONCILIATION dynamic, that more rehabilitation may occur here.  And that more individuals may be willing, eager, and motivated to also collaborate with us in this mighty transformational undertaking.  

Continue to project the MANIFESTATION OF MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION AT THE MATERIAL LEVEL from your hearts and feel your souls’ desire to fully manifest in the ways Michael has ordained.  (Pause)

One aspect of Michael’s PLANS OF REHABILITATION is to provide for my Magisterial Mission to also materialize. And while we still have a way to go, preparations are underway for this to occur.  As you continue to hold the intention of the MATERIALIZATION OF MICHAEL’S PLANS, also hold that intention for preparation of the materialization of the Magisterial Mission to deepen upon the planet, that more people may respond to what this means at a spiritual level to engage with their hearts and souls, expanding their minds to the greater possibility of what this means for this world.  

Again, all we ask of you is to hold the willingness for this to occur because this is the spiritual magnet from human will that brings these dynamics into the planet to make them real at this material level.  (Pause)

Do you recognize how fundamental you are to this process of planetary rehabilitation, my brethren?  Are you beginning to sense a greater role you can play at this time?  You are all being encouraged to expand yourselves in these dynamics.  The Spirit Within you may provide you with greater insights; that PARADISE PERSPECTIVE of who you are you may engage with us and demonstrate the ways of LOVE, PEACE, MERCY, and GRACE to your brothers and sisters. 

The human heart is healing, and you are the ones who are helping in this great endeavor.  Once the heart is healed and is able to perceive more divine LOVE, this alters the perspective of humanity, provides a window into the PARADISE PERSPECTIVE which we have been helping you imprint upon in the circuits of mind and memory.

And now all of these dynamics are coming into a greater unifying form and field.  All we ask of you is to hold this intention through your willingness to be the open door for the Father’s LOVE to shine forth from your hearts and souls. (Pause)

There is one additional focus to add.  Invite your Holy Mother Spirit to weave Her JOYFUL SONG OF LIFE into the planet of the energies and dynamics of the PARADISE PERSPECTIVE, that it may engage more fully with mind and memory, elevating human consciousness in all of its related levels to perceive more from this beautiful divine level of reality.  Simply hold that willingness for the PARADISE PERSPECTIVE to engage with mind circuits, and let the RADIANCE of that existential level shine upon the planet.  (Pause) 

Let us now elevate our gaze up to the Paradise level.  Commune with us in thanksgiving and communion, being grateful for all that is being endowed into you, into beloved Urantia.  Thank the Creator Deities for their MERCY MISSION through your Divine Parents to this beloved but beleaguered world.  Let the divine RADIANCE and REFLECTION of Paradise to not only shine in your hearts, but for the world to become radiant with it.  Enjoin with us in these moments of worshipful communion together.  (Pause)

May the UNITY that exists at the Paradise level reflect mightily upon your mind and the planet itself.  If you wish, you may descend from Paradise but maintain that connection.  See yourself standing on the earth plane in the UNITY at that exists at the Paradise level, shining down upon you and through you into the planet.  May the planet’s energy system more fully conform to this UNIFICATION process that is part of all LIFE.  (Pause)

If you wish, simply see the words UNIFICATION WITH LIFE pulsing into the planet, bringing about more circuitry COHERENCE with the DIVINE PLANS OF CORRECTION to manifest at the material level.  (Pause)

In our final moments together, may URANTIA unify with the PARADISE PLANS OF PERFECTION, and may all life return to the beauty and the harmony that exists within these beautiful DIVINE PLANS OF EVOLUTION.  (Pause)

My dear brothers and sisters, we have completed the circuitry objectives for our time together.  Know that these energies will continue to integrate, and lead more hearts and souls out the past rebellion influences into the co-creative energies of Paradise and the PLANS OF REHABILITATION that Father and Mother have provided to this world.  

What a joy it is to see the planet so rebellious come back to LIFE!  This is one of the greatest joys that the universe can ever experience, and you do not even yet recognize how much joy you provide to us when we see you come out of the rebellion influences that have perverted your human nature.  Truly this is wonderous time and age in which you are living.  I encourage you to remember what it is that you are here to do, and to pledge your loyalty to the Father each and every day and do your best to live according to His plans for your life.  For in doing so, you help the planet on its ascension journey make one more step forward to Light and Life.

I leave you with much to consider and integrate, my beloveds.  And I hope that in the future days you will well remember what it is you are here to do in co-creation with us, with your Spirit, with all life around you to live in the JOYFUL SONG OF LIFE that rings throughout all creation.  And with that I withdraw and leave in the Father’s LOVE.  Good day. 

