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2020 - March 22: Mass Awakening in and to the Original Gospel of Jesus

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo 


PRAYER: Mother and Father, we are grateful for all of the ways in which you are helping our world outwork this legacy of rebellion. And we are very committed to assist in this process. Center us now in your presence and in the presence of our Indwelling Spirits. May we perceive the deepening dynamic of your LOVE pervading us. We thank you for weaving us together as one in these circuits of mind and Spirit that what we produce are from our hearts and souls is put to good use. We trust you. We thank you, and we now invite your WILL to be done through us as we collaborate with our beloved Seraphim and the heavenly hosts participating with us today. Thank you.


MICHAEL: My beloved children, my PEACE is upon you. This is Michael. Center yourselves in me now by taking several deliberate breaths, mindfully engaging this breath to deepen in you and activate that spiritual potential within your beings to be of service to me, your Mother Nebadonia, your brothers and sisters of Urantia, and to the planet itself. Let us have these moments together where you experience more of my LOVE and presence within you to fortify you for the focus today, to heighten your receptivity to your own Indwelling Spirits for the presence of divine action to pervade this world through the circuits of mind. Breathe deeply as you perceive me now, my beloved children. (Pause)

All Urantia is now engaged with these circuits of change. This is a change for the better, a change for the outgrowth of GOODNESS and TRUTH as divine values to permeate human consciousness that many may now awaken to the spiritual potential within them. You have been prepared for this time of change. Much preparation has been underway during this initial period of the Correcting Time. You are now entering another phase following this initial preparation.

This is the time of truth revealing, and it is a time when people are being motivated from an internal dynamic of Spirit to awaken them to their own power and Personality potential that comes from the Father in Paradise.

We have encouraged you to focus on the intention for more MASS AWAKENING to occur. The circuits of mind have been primed with the dynamic of REVELATION. The Seraphim of Urantia have been mightily engaged in the circuits of mind to prepare all humanity on this trajectory of MASS AWAKENING. And so, in keeping with this theme, we are now adding another dynamic, especially into the circuits wherein people are attuned to the GOSPEL message that was shared with you during my human sojourn.

As many of you are aware from your Urantia text, my original GOSPEL message was distorted in the days after my resurrection. But the original GOSPEL as I taught it is simply stated as salvation through faith in the Father through the dynamic of the Parenthood of God and the brother and sisterhood of all humanity. This is part of a social dynamic that is now changing. It is values change. It is systemic, and it will alter the course of Urantian life for evermore once this original GOSPEL is fully implemented and operated throughout the circuits of mind throughout all Urantia.

Before we begin this focus today, continue to relax into the presence of your Mother Nebadonia, who gently expands you in Her circuits of mind that you may deepen in my LOVE, in my ESSENCE, letting that divine embrace move deeply within you. Continue to receive us, my beloved children. (Pause)

Let us now engage with all of the Planetary Seraphim as they take their position in this circuit. As well, there is such an outpouring of spiritual help from your universe brothers and sisters of diverse personality orders who love you and this world and now are engaged to assist in this MASS AWAKENING. Set your gaze on your heart centers and know that my presence is moving in you, engaging with your heart energies to direct them into the field of planetary conscience for more MASS AWAKENING to occur.

Today the focus is to help more of the citizenry of this world to become more attuned to the original GOSPEL as I taught it. There is a planetary record of this original GOSPEL message. It is still alive because it is true, but it has existed as a cocoon for many, many centuries. Now it is time for this to have more room to function throughout the circuits of mind all around the globe.

As you center in your hearts and move your focus out into the world, let these words stream through your mental screen projected from your hearts: MASS AWAKENING IN AND TO THE ORIGINAL GOSPEL OF JESUS; MASS AWAKENING IN AND TO THE ORIGINAL GOSPEL OF JESUS; MASS AWAKENING IN AND TO THE ORIGINAL GOSPEL OF JESUS.

Hold this as strong and steadily as you can. Invite the presence of your Indwelling Spirits to fortify this focus and to move through your mental and emotional currents, adding more spiritual vitality into the circuits for the celestial presences are now working in various places in various circuits all around the globe; some from the past, some from the present and some for future development. Feel your desire for this to prevail now as we collaborate with you to build this presence of the dynamic of the GOSPEL. Thank you, my precious children. (Pause)

You see, my children, when I was here in human form I was able to perceive what occurred on this world as a human. Once I became fully aware of my divine persona, my plans for the correction of this world and the other Satania rebellion spheres became more fully fleshed out. Having direct human experience with rebellion energy was a very important component of the cultivation of my Master Sonship with the Father. It is time for you too to take on this mantle of self-mastery. By coming more invested in the GOSPEL as I taught it, you are also investing yourself in this great social dynamic of selfless service that is now pivotal for more change and transformation to occur on this beautiful world. You are ready! You have been prepared. Now it is up to you to decide how you will respond to this time of change and minister to your brothers and sisters in this GOSPEL social dynamic. We are here to support this to break the ground open with this pattern that I have created you for more people to perceive the truth and the goodness of what it means to be in relationship to the Father in Paradise and to be in loving service to your brethren.

Feel your own desires and motivations and inclinations to participate. Ask the Father within you to secure you in this dynamic of the GOSPEL, and as you perceive this, send this into the world for more hearts to awaken, more souls to be enlivened for this GOSPEL dynamic to pervade the circuits of mind to all dimensional levels, even going into the deep past. (Pause)

MASS AWAKENING IN AND TO THE ORIGINAL GOSPEL OF JESUS breeds many spiritual and social changes. You are beginning to glimpse that things are moving in a certain positive direction. People are hungry for truth and righteousness, where the goodness within the human Soul and Spirit to rise to the surface. And now you are getting firsthand experience in this current planetary dynamic where the resistant energies of the past still promote fear. But there is also a message of peace and security and helpfulness to move you forward. This is a change in the values that have long held this planet in a way of life that has been detrimental to all life here.

So use this time to anchor into this dynamic of the GOSPEL. It will serve you mightily in the days to come as more truth is revealed and more people come out of their spiritual slumber to perceive a bright new reality now dawning on the horizon. Let this time also be one of joyful celebration, knowing that humans, spirit personalities, celestial personalities are all collaborating in this MASS AWAKENING.

What is there to fear, my children? It is a false construct. So let this fall away as your own system is heightened in this dynamic of the GOSPEL that I shared with you and lived to the best of my human ability that you may rise to the occasion and live this to the best of your ability, gaining more strength and stature in this one day at a time. (Pause)

We are anchoring circuits all around the globe for this dynamic to have more space to function within various mindal dimensions. This is the period of Lent in the Christian year. Many people are focused on my life. This is an opportune time to move this dynamic of the GOSPEL into these areas where people are focused on me. They may have more direct experience with me and this is all leading to the culmination on Easter Sunday when you celebrate the resurrection of my life. But what we are truly celebrating is a resurrection of my GOSPEL message. Let this sing in your hearts. Let the JOY of what is returning to the circuits of mind to pervade all around the globe. Let the SONG OF LIFE contained within the GOSPEL message come to a greater blossoming all around the world. (Pause)

I invite now to focus on your own Indwelling Father Fragments. As you know from your Urantia text, in my human life I had a Thought Adjusting Father Fragment just as you have. My Spirit separated and became personal at the point of my life when I had reached that perfection of personality expression at a human level. My Personalized Father Fragment is playing a very important role in this correction phase. So I invite you to focus on my Adjuster now, and if it is helpful, see the name JESUS capitalized, inviting that Adjuster circuit on the planet to receive more of this infusion from my own Father.

Allow your energies systems to be more carefully calibrated to my Adjuster and know that your own Spirits and mine are providing you a mighty space for more of your own transformation experiences in this dynamic of the original GOSPEL. This heightens a social dynamic wherein the social architects entrusted to this world can make more change to bring you closer together in the family dynamic of the Parenthood of God. Again, return your focus to MASS AWAKENING IN AND TO THE ORIGINAL GOSPEL OF JESUS as this heightened circuit of the Adjuster also moves into what you are focused on. (Pause)

Many celestials are securing circuits into various levels of mind. Invite the action of your Holy Mother Spirit Nebadonia to move into this energetic dynamic we have held and let these words prevail through Her action: TRANSFORM THE WORLD, TRANSFORM THE WORLD, TRANSFORM THE WORLD. Let Her presence pervade these circuits now as Her LOVE and MERCY embraces this world and all life upon it. (Pause)

Mother Urantia is smiling as these energetic changes continue to stream in. You are all a vibrant and dynamic part of this. Let the SONG OF LIFE reverberate throughout these circuits—the Life Song that is contained within Mother, the mothering essence: nurturance, comfort, safety, and security. Be grounded in this, my children, that your own Indwelling Spirits may fortify these change energies in you and make you more active participants in the dissemination in living of my original GOSPEL message.

You are ready. You have been prepared. You have spiritual power within you. It is up to you to learn how to use this and wield it in alignment with your Spirit’s guidance. So know that all is well; that my hand is steering this world forward. This is the time of change you have sought, and ensure that you are doing your part each day to make the changes within yourselves, and to serve unselfishly, with great joy and peace, and more will be added to you.

The circuits are secured and the changes are flowing. I thank you for your faith, my children, during this very important auspicious time on Urantia. Know and trust that what you do is making a difference. Add your good wishes and intentions, your actions into this circuit of change each day. Focus on MASS AWAKENING IN AND TO THE ORIGINAL GOSPEL OF JESUS between now and our next time together as the spiritual pressure continues to break ground, to enlighten human mind, to restructure your system of consciousness to reverberate with the divine echoes of peace, love, charity, compassion, kindness, patience, forgiveness and mercy.


Let us now elevate our gaze to the Father in Paradise for communion and worship and thanksgiving for all life created in and by the Father disseminated throughout the universe, and for your unique part in this creative unfolding of this divine plan restored to Urantia.

Father, I bring my children of Urantia to you to engage in the circuits of worship and the divine embrace of Holy Communion. I thank you for stalwart souls and I thank you for edifying them in the days to come that we may all contribute and participate in this MASS AWAKENING of your WILL pervading this world, your GLORY living in the hearts and souls of all humanity. Thank you. (Pause)

May the Paradise SHINING of the Father’s LOVE reverberate all through your beings—body and soul. May you find your unique place in the Father’s WILL to grow more strong and steady in the LOVE in which you were created. I am your Universe Father and my HAND is upon Urantia. May you continue to feel that Fatherly essence grow in you and the Motherly action of the Holy Spirit impel you forward on your own paths of self-mastery. Let your light be a strong beacon to those who are ready to awaken and join in our family. Let this energy anchor into your bodies, and may you feel the upliftment reverberate in every subatomic particle, reverberating throughout your entire being.

I will leave you now in this manner, my children, but I am always available to you. Do not hesitate to come to me. Turn your attention to your Spirit of Truth and say, “Father, speak to me, I need you.” I will respond and fortify you in my LOVE. I leave you in my PEACE as you take time to return to the presence of the room. Thank you for your faith, my children, and grow in the gifts that it discloses to you. Good day.

