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The Institute of Christ Consciousness Repair Protocol

Here is a synopsis of the process:

Where the words LIGHT and TRUTH are capitalized, the context is spiritual light and spiritual truth.

  1. There must be willingness on the part of the individual or group for the intended healing and circuitry clearing to be conducted.
  2. A prayer of intention is lifted up to the universe and Paradise levels to begin the down-flow of spiritual energy.
  3. The correct information containing the divine meaning and value appears as language energy and appears within the mind and focus is held within the heart-soul circuit for the energies to imprint upon the mind/memory circuits. The language is composed of color, light, symbols, codes, geometry, and sound which are the divine pattern that needs to be incorporated into the human mind-body/memory system.  
  4. The language energies are directed into the erroneous memory experience, and an infusion of LIGHT exposes the incorrect coding for it to be recalibrated to the higher divine pattern for its negative information to lose its influence within either the individual memory experience or the greater planetary experience.
  5. The divine LIGHT spirals into the erroneous coding and exposes the mental and emotional component of the experience that the higher divine perspective can be seeded into it, and imprints upon the experience going down into the root cause of when the distortion began. Most of the correction is focused into unconscious memory where blind spots in human perception exist and prevent an individual from perceiving divine TRUTH.
  6. While the exchange process unfolds, people report feeling internal shifts of energy and a lightening of an internal burden. At the planetary level, while the new encoding imparts into the collective mind/memory circuits, more TRUTH-LIGHT is conveyed into the circuits, assisting in the collective shift to perceive more from the universe circuits of Mind and open more to the evolutionary Deity of the Supreme Being to integrate the planetary mind into the higher dimensions.
  7. All of these changes are designed to help human Personality open to communicate to the human mind/memory system and to facilitate reception and recognition of the individual’s soul purpose. At the planetary level, the infusions are designed to help the planet’s evolving soul mind contribute to the higher mind of the planet — the Supreme Being.
  8. Human personality as bestowed by the Paradise Father then has more ability to help human potential activate through the influence of the Father fragments having more spiritual inner space to help an individual perceive the divine guidance that supports soul growth. The soul body expands and emits light fibers to the physical body to enhance the physical vibratory rate to higher levels, encouraging greater healing and health. Most of the correction occurs within the molecular structure of the body.  
  9. This same dynamic applies to the planetary level to help humanity open to its collective creative spiritual potential when focus is directed into the planetary circuits as facilitated by divine personalities, archangels, planetary seraphim and Midwayers, and other universe helpers.

As a facilitator of the correction process at the personal level, Donna D'Ingillo connects with a person’s Father fragment and asks what the individual needs for their higher development. I also ask our Divine Parents to provide the necessary endowments from each Deity. The synergy of Mother and Father holds the individual in the correct environment for the individual to imprint upon the characteristics of each Parent, which facilitates the repatterning. From our Divine Mother, She provides the environment of Her Universe Womb of Life to secure a person in Her Safety + Security to enhance the individual’s ability to perceive the higher setting for their soul to grow. From our Divine Father, we imprint upon His higher Personality characteristics of Love and Validation of our right to develop our Personality/Self potential and soul growth.  

At the planetary level, Donna appeals to our Divine Parents by asking for what our world needs to overcome the deficits of the past, and to incorporate the higher divine design and plans for our world to evolve to its destiny of Light and Life. They always offer the spiritual, mindal, and physical substances the planetary mind needs to provide the greater divine structure for the global mind circuits to cooperate with the divine design. A wide variety of energetic “exchanges” are involved: the erroneous information contained within the planetary mind is exposed, revealing rebellion language coding, and the divine design and information imprints and calibrates upon the erroneous information to elevate it up into the divine design. The energetic infusion from our Parents goes deep into planetary memory circuits, even down to the roots of the rebellion memory so that the memory imprint has the ability to receive and perceive the divine design. Then more circuitry connections are conducted at the various dimensional levels to bring the planet back into the Universe Fabric of Life so that there is more “bandwidth” for the higher planetary “Supreme” mind to evolve.  

