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2022 - July 24: Humanity’s Participation in the Magisterial Mission

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo 


PRAYER: We lift our minds and hearts to you, our Paradise Creator Deities, Divine Parents and Magisterial Son. We thank you for moving in these circuits of connection in which we are all engaged. May we be encircuited all together through the levels of Spirit, Soul and Mind. Bring us into this beautiful oneness relationship that we have with you and with all life and with one another. We open ourselves to focus on the objectives you wish to achieve today. We thank all of our Planetary Seraphim and the myriads of other helpers who are assisting us during this important time in our planet’s evolution. We thank you for preparing us now that we may be of great service to our world through your GRACE, MERCY and may your WILL be done. Thank you.


MONJORONSON: Dearly beloved brethren, greetings to you all! This is Monjoronson, pleased once again to join you in this manner as we build these circuits of conscious cooperation for the planet’s divine plans to function more effectively in human mind, stimulating humanity’s creative potential to blossom for more healing and transformation to occur here. What you have thus far engaged with us are some of the preparations necessary for this world to make greater strides in its evolution towards the planetary culture of Light and Life.

Your Father Michael’s plan of correction is so far encompassing that it does stagger your imagination. Where you are in this particular phase is to help humanity become aware of its rightful relationship to our Paradise Creator and the LIFE design of which humanity and this planet is a part. This involves many, many ideological changes and upstepping, and it is an important undertaking for humanity as it becomes more aware of its place in this great design of all LIFE.

The Magisterial Mission has been given to you to cultivate this higher planetary culture. I will be here assisting you for many, many years to come. As you may well appreciate, at this particular phase we are still working within the circuits of mind at an unseen level to provide the stage for more material changes to unfold. Each one of you on this call today has volunteered to be a participant in the Magisterial Mission. There are many ways you can serve.

In this format we are using today you are being of service. And so as we begin in our focus today, I invite you to take a few moments to elevate your thoughts, your mental current, your heart's desires and your soul willingness to receive from your Indwelling Spirit. Allow this beautiful Divine Presence to uplift you and embrace you, which will render your focus more effective in what we are about to embark upon today. Take a few moments now to engage with your Spirit, and in a few moments, we will direct you into certain areas of focus. (Pause)

This world is dearly loved. So much more than you can possibly imagine at this time and yet, many individuals on this world find it difficult to apprehend that there is a spiritual plan and path for this world. At this particular stage, what we invite you to focus on now is that willingness and intention and desire for humanity to become a participant in the Magisterial Mission. We cannot do this without human consent and cooperation.

And so, as we begin today, I invite you to focus on this dynamic HUMANITY’S PARTICIPATION IN THE MAGISTERIAL MISSION and add your willingness and your intention that we may strengthen this field and apply it in areas where it can stimulate humanity’s potential for spiritual attainment. Let these words settle in. Focus on HUMANITY’S PARTICIPATION IN THE MAGISTERIAL MISSION and allow your Spirit to help you maintain this focus at a deep soulful level. And we begin. Feel your willingness to allow this energy to engage with you personally to strengthen you and expand you in what you can do as an active participant. Thank you. (Pause)

As you know, humanity has suffered great spiritual deprivation. This has all changed now through this massive outpouring from so many divine personalities, spiritual brothers and sisters who love you and care about your well-being. Humanity as a collective body has yet to reckon and reconcile what has occurred here. In holding this focus today for HUMAN PARTICIPATION IN THE MAGISTERIAL MISSION to unfold, you are providing that field of willingness for more people to step into this great RECKONING dynamic, which is a part of the in-working of DIVINE JUSTICE and the out-working of the rebellion agenda.

This is a very pivotal time in human history. Many people are being impressed with spiritual current upon their minds to open to this great RECKONING dynamic now growing in strength, stature, and substance in human mind. In a few moments, I will invite you to shift focus into the collective as we engage in greater planetary circuitry correction. But let these words settle in and feel more of that intention for the planet to receive this willingness to participate in the Magisterial Mission, which you are holding, not only for yourselves, but for your brothers and sisters, and we will continue to minister in what you are holding today. (Pause)

Continue to engage with your own Father Fragment and add the focus now of these words to spiral into the planet in that familiar counter-clockwise rotation, north to south pole: RECKONING HUMANITY’S DIVINE DIGNITY IN THE FATHER’S LOVE AND THE GOSPEL OF JESUS. RECKONING HUMANITY’S DIVINE DIGNITY IN THE FATHER’S LOVE AND THE GOSPEL OF JESUS. RECKONING HUMANITY’S DIVINE DIGNITY IN THE FATHER’S LOVE AND THE GOSPEL OF JESUS. Let these words form in your hearts and send them forth as a clarion call to humanity for them to experience what this means at a foundational level of their intrinsic being and relationship to the Father in Paradise, and we will minister in these circuits now, my beloved brethren. Do your best to engage with these words as you see them weave into planetary mind. Invite them to go into memory, releasing your brothers and sisters from the spiritual bondage which has long perpetuated humanity’s inability to recognize the Father’s presence within and your relationship of love with your brothers and sisters. Hold that keen willingness and desire for your brothers and sisters to return to the bosom of the Father, who will nourish each individual so perfectly and repletely. Your brethren need to know who they are, and we thank you for holding this now, that we may accomplish our objectives for the circuits of consciousness all around the globe today. (Pause)

Humanity’s divine dignity has been assaulted, but you do not have to be influenced by this nor do your brethren. The DIVINE JUSTICE of my essence is here to support this environment for this RECKONING experience in the FATHER’S LOVE AND THE GOSPEL OF JESUS to gain greater strength within human mind. It is safe to divest yourselves of these imprints of sin. It is safe for your brothers and sisters to awaken and reckon to these spiritual dynamics you are holding. The more you assert this for yourselves and your brothers and sisters, the more LIGHT is provided by Spirit to engage with human mind, especially into those memory patterns that have caused you such confusion and despair.

This is not the Father’s plans for human life, and now with your help, with your willingness, with your participation, we can provide more of these greater spiritual structures to engage with human mind as you brothers and sisters one-by-one release themselves from the grasp of sin and iniquity. You are helping us provide this spiritual environment for this great RECKONING IN THE FATHER’S LOVE AND THE GOSPEL OF JESUS to restore the divine dignity of humanity to its rightful place in the circuits of planetary mind. (Pause)

My dear brethren, do you recognize what power and potency you have in the Spirit? Now it is time to engage with this more on a daily basis as more TRUTH reveals what has been so carefully hidden from human awareness. Many of your brothers and sisters will be rocked to the core of their foundation of belief and so, we look to you to provide that steadiness and peace of heart and soul that you can convey this to them.

This is a challenging time for humanity but you are ready to rise to this challenge and be victorious in the LOVE of Father. Do you have doubts? Take them to your Spirit. Do you have questions about your role? Take them to your Spirit. Ask for clarification and expansion with that sincere willingness to be a light for your brothers and sisters. And together we build this greater fabric of LIFE for all to enjoy, all to receive, and restore this planet’s rightful integrity in the Father’s LOVE. Is this not what you signed up for?

And so, become a more active participant and engage with what Father has given you. Yes, sometimes you have to challenge yourselves and move beyond your limitations. But all of the help you need is there within you, so do not hold back any more. Ask your Spirit to expand you that you may gift the planet with more of your potential that is so good and beautiful and will be a delight to others to observe and engage with. What more encouragement can we give you? It is now up to you. So, continue to hold this RECKONING IN THE FATHER’S LOVE AND THE GOSPEL OF JESUS that humanity may remember, recognize and reconcile that there is DIVINE DIGNITY within each individual. (Pause)

We are now ready to engage this circuit up to the Paradise level. As you observe Urantia being held in this dynamic, take a few moments to thank our Paradise Creator Deities for their LOVE and LIGHT shining down on this world, held in the LOVE of your Father Michael your Mother Nebadonia. Let the Paradise shining move down into the memory circuits and engage with planet’s divine plan that the Magisterial Mission may proceed and conduct what it is here to do through human participation, and allow the flow of GRACE to engage in this circuit. See yourselves standing on the planet reaching up, just drawing down this spiritual energy, letting yourself grow stronger in it, letting it engage at deep levels of memory, that the heavenly ways may be restored on this world and humanity engage in its great development of PLANETARY RECONCILATION WITH LIFE. (Pause)


My dear brethren, much has been accomplished today. In time, you will see and know the effects of what we have achieved together, and you will feel a great satisfaction in knowing that you have contributed in your own unique way to this great healing of this beloved world. You have Michael’s LOVE supporting you. You have your universe brothers and sisters cheering you on in the embrace of your Holy Mother Spirit. So, rejoice in the victory that is at hand, and know that as the shadows recede from this world of its distortion and deception, there will be so much more to reveal to you about what you can do to contribute to the correction.

And now, it is time for you to focus on this: what can I do? What is my role? What am I willing to do to achieve this? Let your Spirit guide you through these days and you will surely blossom in your potential of what Father has seeded in you in this important time of planetary transformation.

I invite you to focus on these dynamics between our next call in three weeks, and know as you do this, we engage with you and more LOVE and LIGHT and LIFE enhances Urantia mind and bring it back into its rightful place in the Family of Love in the BOSOM of the Father.

Thank you again for your faithful participation and may each one of you receive a mighty blessing and upliftment for your role in today’s great infusion. Good day.

