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2020 - December 27: Human Volition Aligned

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo 


PRAYER: Mother and Father, your MERCY and GRACE is far beyond our comprehension. Yet you extend that to our world and to each one of us—your children of Urantia. Thank you for fortifying us in your presence now as we are guided to focus as one to further the upliftment of Urantia to divine WILL. We ask are for those connections of Spirit, Soul and Mind—Personality to integrate us into this holy divine union with you today as our Indwelling Spirits prepare us to focus where we can produce the most good, the most divine alignment in planetary mind.

We thank you for providing us with mighty celestial assistance, those of planetary seraphic engagement and many others who are beyond our vision. We invite them to conjoin with us now in this circuit of intention for more of your presence to prevail, for the function of our Indwelling Spirits to have more room to guide human thought and feeling and above all, for the Father’s presence to prevail here on Urantia. Thank you, and may your WILL be done now.


GABRIEL: Beloved brethren, greetings to you all! This is Gabriel, and I am pleased to join you today as we come together in these circuits of mind to assist in the trajectory of this world into the currents of the universe stream of that which you know as consciousness. Urantia has been well prepared for this time of great change and transformation. You have assisted us in the past years to support this dynamic change of mind and heart. We invite you to continue in this direction today.

However, before we engage into the circuits of collective mind, I invite you to take a few moments and focus on your own Indwelling Spirit—that wonderful gift given to you by the Father in Paradise Himself. Take a few moments to elevate to the superconscious level. Ask to engage more with your Indwelling Spirit. Ask for your own human volition to align more in the divine guidance of the Father’s presence within you. It is enough to hold this intention for your human volition to align with the divine guidance Father wishes to convey to you.

As you focus here, take some deep breaths. Let that intention to align your own volition to that of the divine guidance of the Spirit Within to prevail. Allow the energies of your hearts to engage with this now, and allow for this exchange of your volition to reflect more of that divine guidance of the Father within you. We will give you several moments to have this experience on your own. (Pause)

Invite a deepening of this experience with your Spirit to prevail within your own volition; that ability given to you by the Father to choose Him—His plans for your life and for how it unfolds through everyday decision-making. This gift is very powerful yet it has been misapplied and misunderstood upon Urantia. As you allow this experience to move in you, feel that yearning for your own volitional abilities to become more Father-centered, Father-directed and Father-guided. If you need additional support, you may also appeal to the Personalized Adjuster of Jesus to help you go deeper into this experience and help you engage with your Indwelling Spirit more effectively. We will give you a few more moments of this experience before we move on to the collective. (Pause)

Engage with us now into the collective circuits of planetary mind. Ask for human volition to elevate, calibrate and align in the divine guidance of the Father’s VOLITION for Urantia mind. Hold a strong and keen yearning for this to prevail throughout the circuits of planetary mind. If you wish, you may project the words: HUMAN VOLITION ALIGNED IN DIVINE GUIDANCE OF FATHER’S VOLITION. HUMAN VOLITION ALIGNED IN DIVINE GUIDANCE OF FATHER’S VOLITION. HUMAN VOLITION ALIGNED IN DIVINE GUIDANCE OF FATHER’S VOLITION. Project this from your hearts with as much love and compassion as you can perceive for this world. Let it flow from your hearts into the globe, and you may use that familiar counter-clockwise spiral from the north to the south poles as we now engage in these circuits of mind with you. And we begin.

Invite your Father Fragments to keep your gaze strong and steady as much as possible, along with that yearning for more individuals to awaken and perceive the LOVE of Father Within and the GOODNESS of His VOLITION for each individual and for all life here. (Pause)

Elevating human volition to the divine guidance of the Father’s presence within encourages the individual to perceive this most majestic presence of spirit. It fosters more receptivity for truth and goodness. For when the human mind is thus engaged with Spirit and experience with the Father is able to be perceived, and thereby the individual is awakened and therein starts spiritual growth process. This time of awakening is vitally important now. And holding this intention for HUMAN VOLITION TO ALIGN IN FATHER’S DIVINE GUIDANCE will only provide more spiritual support for the planet and offer you new solutions for the troubling problems that vex the world at this particular time.

Many hearts are troubled. Many minds are confused. What is the solution? It is the divine guidance contained within the presence of Father that provides the individual with a wisdom perspective that supports a change in how a person perceives his and her material environment in relationship to what is real, true, and good.

So, continue to be fortified in this intentional yearning and desire for human volition to elevate to these levels of divine guidance, and we can work in these circuits of mind to help this become stronger in the fabric of mind and apply it in areas where it will do much good. (Pause)

The emotional temperature of the planet is at a high point. You might consider it to be at a boil. It is volatile. Yet this can be soothed through an infusion of Michael’sI PEACE that renders the human heart more stable and provide for a sense of faith and assurance that all is well. As you continue to invite the HUMAN VOLITION TO ALIGN IN DIVINE GUIDANCE OF FATHER’S VOLITION, also invite Michael’s PEACE to prevail within the heart circuit of human mind. And for your own benefit, invite His PEACE to move deeper within you to render you more emotionally stable and balanced through this tumultuous period of change upon Urantia. You may also ask for HUMAN VOLITION TO ALIGN IN MICHAEL’S PEACE as we continue our ministrations in the circuits of planetary mind. Let all of these dynamics combine and act to unify and upstep human volition to perceive the divine guidance of Father Within. (Pause)

The trajectory of human mind is elevating to higher levels of the true Mind contained within your Mother Spirit Nebadonia that originates in the original Mind of the Infinite Spirit. Human volition is very relevant and pertinent to the arena of mind wherein this is the place where decisions are made, actions taken based on those decisions. Consequences of human decision-making have been ill understood because of the overarching grasp the rebellion agenda has had upon this planet. Now it is time for this grasp to be broken.

So, as you continue to ask for HUMAN VOLITION TO ALIGN IN THE DIVINE GUIDANCE OF THE FATHER and Michael’s PEACE, I invite you to add one more focus and that is for human mind to reflect more of the TRUE MIND contained within the vast domain of our Universe Mother. Invite Her LOVE to prevail here to reverberate widely and deeply in human mind, letting Her pervasive PRESENCE prevail as we continue our ministrations. (Pause)


There is one final focus we invite you to engage with us. Direct the energies of IT IS TIME TO RESTORE URANTIA’S DIVINE PLANS OF EVOLUTION. IT IS TIME TO RESTORE URANTIA’S DIVINE PLANS OF EVOLUTION. IT IS TIME TO RESTORE URANTIA’S DIVINE PLANS OF EVOLUTION. Project this from your hearts. Ask it to engage with what we have been previously focused upon as all of these dynamics now unify, harmonize, and begin to integrate. Let your heart move into a place of great yearning for this prevail now as human volition moves to a higher level of divine alignment. (Pause)

Nothing of experiential value is achieved without the awareness of the contrast between a purely material perspective contrasted with the spiritual insights the Father wishes convey to human mind. This world is undergoing a sorting of the ways: ideas, ideologies, symbologies, and other thought forms that have led you down a very dark path of destruction. But now it is time to see the LIGHT, to stand in the LIGHT and let the TRUTH be revealed. Stay focused in this LIGHT OF DIVINE GUIDANCE of Father Within. Ask for Michael’s PEACE to support you, encourage you, strengthen your faith and resolve to be a minister and messenger of love your brothers and sisters.

It is up to you as Urantians to heal your world, but you do it with great support and spiritual strength. And sometimes when the spiritual muscles are weak, you feel pain. But that pain means you are gaining strength because you are learning how to wield spiritual potency in alignment with the Father whose LOVE graces you bountifully within.

Stay focused in the light, my brethren, and allow what Michael wishes for His world to prevail. Trust in Him fully and completely and know that all is gaining in the divine values for all life here to benefit. Allow these words to settle in and may you deepen your experience with Father’s LOVE in our final moments together. (Pause)

May peace prevail in the hearts of all humanity and may the Father’s LOVE quicken the mind. Remember what it is of your responsibility of your part to the whole during this time, and let the Father’s LOVE flow freely from you to others to be a light unto their souls and a balm unto their hearts of Michael’s PEACE.

I withdraw in this manner now, my brethren, thanking you for your faithful participation today. And my wish is for you to enjoy your holiday season of LIGHT, PEACE, and HOPE as Urantia turns a corner on its trajectory toward Light and Life. Farewell.

