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2017 - February 26: Grounding Circuits of the Magisterial Mission

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo 


PRAYER: Mother and Father, as we settle into our hearts, may we be encircuited as one in your LOVE—soul to soul, heart to heart, Spirit to Spirit. Our intention is to collaborate with our celestial helpers to bring the circuits of the Magisterial Mission closer to the event of the materialization on the earth plane, and we offer you our sincere intentions and desires for this to occur when you know the time is right. May we stay clear and focused in where you guide us today and may your WILL be done. Thank you.


MONJORONSON: Peace be with you, my dear brethren! This is Monjoronson. I am happy to join you once again in this forum of conscious cooperative co-creation in the Father’s WILL. There are many circuits in place now in the constructs of Urantian consciousness for more transformational change to occur. Much of what is occurring is through this change of heart individual by individual. This is the act of free will to open to the presence of the Father Within, and every individual is being given an opportunity to feel those inner stirrings of Spirit. Your Mother Nebadonia has provided you with much spiritual current which will catalyze this inner awakening for your brethren. And this will continue to expand and help each individual make that choice of turning within, seeking the Father, and participating in the great healing of Urantia.

You have joined with us today to participate in the eventuation of the next phase of correction—the Magisterial Mission. This has not yet occurred on the material plane, yet there are great preparations underway in, what you might call, the higher realms to help bring this to the earth.

In today’s focusing, I invite you to join with us to secure these circuits into those already established closer to the earth plane as you yourselves become more fully encircuited in these energies and help them to expand around the planet as a whole. As usual, we will begin by inviting you to receive more of what we can provide to you. If it is helpful in your visualization to maintain that internal focus, let your gaze settle on the words MAGISTERIAL MISSION and see yourselves standing upon the ground in these words as a large energy field. The circuits of consciousness are gently imprinting upon these words and the meaning and value of the Mission to help you participate when the time is right. Let us begin. We will open those circuits wherein you may imprint upon these energies. Receive them now as you focus internally on the MAGISTERIAL MISSION pulsing on the earth plane. (Pause)

What many people desire as divine intervention is actually occurring. The circuits of your planets’ consciousness are altered in many ways through these infusions of LOVE and LIGHT and Michael’s MERCY for His children of the rebellion spheres. Never before has there been so much light infusing the planet and it is opening certain circuits of hidden darkness within the human heart and mind for you to perceive, and it has caused much inner turmoil for many of this worlds’ citizenry.

Yet as this Mission moves closer toward its implementation on earth, will there be increased interest, curiosity you might say, in who I am and my role in the evolution of your planet back on its divine trajectory toward the era of Light and Life? There will be a certain degree of confusion, even suspicion. But you are being well prepared in various ways to help your brothers and sisters awaken to the larger perspective of reality of which this world is an integral part. The more you allow us to help you become more integrated into these circuits of the Magisterial Mission, the more help you will have from your Seraphic helpers and other guides and teachers to portray certain words and feelings that will allay others fears and confusion.

This Mission will be a largely of faith for many individuals and they will not truly be oriented for a while as to what this means. Therefore, we look to you to help your brothers and sisters feel more secure in what is happening that they too may benefit from Michael’s LOVE and MERCY. Continue to receive and imprint for the next few moments before we turn our focus to the collective. (Pause)

I invite you to turn your attention to the world as you envision the globe in your minds’ eye, pulsing before your heart centers. Feel your love for Urantia and your desire for the Magisterial Mission’s energies to penetrate deeper into the very ground of this planet. If you would wish to focus, simply let your inner gaze settle on the words MAGISTERIAL MISSION as it gently pulses on the ground. As it weaves in that familiar counter-clockwise rotation around the planet, every inch of soil and water and air is saturated with this word-energy. Maintain your gaze on this as we move in these circuits now. (Pause)

Feel your desire for your Mother Nebadonia’s presence to expand these circuits as you maintain this focus with our help, gently growing the spiritual potential on this beautiful earth plane.

Know that the earth has regenerative powers. When this is combined with human spiritual insight and action, these energies are magnified. There is much healing to be accomplished upon this world, not only in the realms of mind and emotion but in the restoration of physical vitality that will heal your bodies and upstep your entire structure of consciousness. This is beginning to occur now but it has not reached its full potential. So herefore in today’s infusion we invite you to maintain that gaze of the MAGISTERIAL MISSION on the earth as your Mother ministers Her LOVE for you and this world into deeper levels of its circuits. Continue to maintain your focus as we continue to impart what we can. (Pause)

I invite you know to expand your focus. In your mind’s eye, envision there is a beautiful geometric design in the very core—the very center of the planet. Invite the energies of the MAGISTERIAL MISSION to gently imprint upon this core.

Each planet that is deemed fit to harbor life—intelligent life—has an intention and purpose. It is part of its evolution toward the era of Light and Life based on certain divine patterns. This energetic earth’s core contains that blueprint, I should call it. It is a template. It is a divine pattern. What we invite you to participate with us is to hold that focus of the MAGISTERIAL MISSION upon this divine template to assist in the construction of the circuits that will feed the planet’s consciousness and help more people awaken to the divine intervention that is underway. You may not fully understand or appreciate what this means; therefore, we appeal to your trust and ask you to focus from that place of faith as you see the words MAGISTERIAL MISSION gently pulsing in the core of the earth. Maintain focus as best you can while we add what we desire to achieve at this juncture. (Pause)

There is much activity occurring now, my brethren. Your hearts of faith are so integral to this healing process. So in the coming days you may notice certain new feelings or feel stirrings within your bodies helping you attune to what we are providing to you today. Know that these energies are here to further upstep you, uplift you into the embrace of the presence of the Father Within and to help you perceive more spiritual information that you may more fully participate with Michael in His plans of correction.

Join with us now as we come together as one in the circuit of worship and gratitude to the Paradise Father for His plans of creation and actualization of the divine plan upon Urantia, for it is in Him that Michael takes His origin. And we invite you to simply feel that energy of thanksgiving and appreciation for what is being done to and for this world. And be appreciative of your own inner awakening and how your consciousness is expanding in the circuits of the Father’s LOVE. Let us all bask in this time of adoration of the Father. (Pause)

My dear brethren, as you descend from Paradise GLORY may the energies of worship continue to flow through you and keep your hearts and minds more attuned to the presence of your indwelling Father fragments. You have helped us accomplish much today and I am deeply grateful for your participation. This truly a cooperative undertaking to build the circuits of the divine upon this world, and we need every man, woman and child, optimally, to participate with us, and that is gaining strength.


As we close this circuit, I ask that you continue to spend some time in your moments of stillness to focus on the MAGISTERIAL MISSION. See those words pulsing on the ground and we will join you in that place and add what we can. One day this world will know that there are divine beings—spiritual beings—who walk with you. And if you are so fortunate to still be here on the planet when that day comes, then you will be mightily gratified in what your efforts have produced.

Stay focused in the Father’s LOVE. Call on Michael for His PEACE of mind and heart when you feel an inner turbulence. Invite your Mother Nebadonia to expand you in your Father that you may evermore be able to participate with us in the healing and transformation of this beautiful world – Michael’s world – the jewel of all Nebadon. I leave you in the Father’s LOVE. Good day!

