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2017 - March 26: Focus on Universe Consciousness

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo 


PRAYER: Mother and Father, we come together as on in this group of individuals dedicated to the materialization of the Magisterial Mission. We do long for that day when He will be with us in physical form and we are grateful that you have provided us with a new dispensation. Today, as we end our focus in this way, we thank you for your infusions that you provide for our focus that will serve the greater collective, that will help us individually receive more insight and guidance as to how we may further participate in this time of correction. We open ourselves to you. Thank you for connecting us as one, heart-to-heart, soul-to-soul, Spirit-to-Spirit. We ask our celestial helpers to step in. May what we provide be put to very good use wherever you know the Father’s WILL is needed. Thank you, and may you WILL be done now.

MONJORONSON: My dear brethren, this is Monjoronson and I welcome you to today’s call. Over the years you have joined with us to help grow in the intentional circuits of LOVE that my presence may be here with you one day in physical form. That day is approaching and it is a very great day for the history of Urantia when a new dispensation begins.


On worlds such as yours some divine dispensations have been met with disbelief and disdain. But it is Michael’s intention that this world be mightily prepared to receive me in a way that humans have not yet been able to perceive. Therefore, much time and effort and attention has been given to grow these circuits of the Mission for more hearts and minds to connect into what we provide to you at higher levels that you may be assured that this is occurring upon the planet.

You have collaborated with us to build circuits of FORGIVENESS, MERCY, COMPASSION, LOYALTY TO THE FATHER’S WILL and JUSTICE to prevail. These are all parts of the greater bandwidth, as you might say, for humans to perceive that they may not only align with this dispensation but willingly cooperate and enjoy the benefits of working alongside us to build the energies of Michael’s SOVEREIGNTY to prevail upon Urantia.

I will turn this call over to your Planetary Prince, Machiventa Melchezidek, who will address you. My words today are brief but they are with deep gratitude for your faith, for your attention, for your devotion to the Magisterial Mission. I do not perceive this mission as my own. It is rather a mission for all of your world, and I am here simply as a minister and a messenger, helper, friend, and teacher that you may participate with me and my staff when the time is right. So receive my gratitude and my support that whenever you focus on the Magisterial Mission, I will be there with you and helping the construction of the circuits of consciousness for this to occur. Sit with this now, my brethren, and allow me to share my gratitude with you. (Pause)

Thank you. I will withdraw now that Machiventa may address you and conduct the focus for today. However, I will participate with you and our celestial host as we continue to bring more TRUTH, GOODNESS, LOVE, and LIGHT to the circuits of Urantian consciousness. May the Father’s presence grow more alive within each and every one of you, fill your hearts to overflowing with His gracious GOODNESS and His LOVE for you.

MACHIVENTA: Greetings, one and all! This is Machiventa Melchzidek and I am pleased to be with you once again in this forum wherein we continue to work in the circuits of Urantian consciousness to evoke more change and healing to occur. We will follow the usual format as we have done in the past. Today, I invite you to focus on the concept and energies of UNIVERSE CONSCIOUSNESS. You are moving away from an insular way of life, one that has kept you planetarily focused on your world. It is, you might say, an egocentric type of focus but it is not the way of the Father’s plans.

Each planet has a purpose and is designed to communicate with other worlds in the universe of Nebadon, and it is Michael’s plans for this world to be fully encircuited in these energies that you may enjoy this stream of information to help you in the conduct of your planetary affairs to reflect more of the divine patterns of LIFE. The Magisterial Mission is here to support your efforts. The twelve sectors of planetary Seraphic involvement are also designed to support this. And so in this final focus on the Magisterial Mission, we are also beginning to help you move into that realm of deeper contact and awareness of the Seraphic help you have all around you. This is indeed an upliftment into the realm of UNIVERSE CONSCIOUSESS, wherein the circuits of your mind can be infused with higher information to render you more receptive to the ways of the Father and His plans for the healing of this world.

To begin, I invite you to focus on the words UNIVERSE CONSCIOUSNESS and to invite you to feel your desire to learn more about the ways life is conducted in the higher realms. As you focus on this today, simply invite us to help you imprint upon what it is you need to learn in this moment of time that you may continue to expand in this type of awareness that will further support your own individual efforts at service to your brothers and sisters. Take some deep breaths. Let these words settle upon your energy fields and upon you hearts—UNIVERSE CONSCIOUSNESS as we move in you now, my dear brethren. (Pause)

There is so much for you to discover as your world opens her eyes to the beauty and the majesty of the divine plans and the splendors of what it means to be a part of the universe. Future generations will be truly astounded at the changes imparted during this correction phase and how far you have come in shaking off the shackles of the rebellion legacy. You are in the midst of this great time of change culminating in the Magisterial Mission to help you achieve that glorious day of Light and Life attainment.

UNIVERSE CONSCIOUSNESS is to be sought and desired as part of your human life. This is one of the ways in which you assist the Father’s presence within to inlay those wonderful insights and concepts for you to investigate and explore to your heart’s content as you live the meanings and values of what you have perceived internally. This will render you more receptive to the collaboration with your planetary Seraphim as the realms of heaven and earth come together more closely as the veil of separation dissolves. Continue to desire this as we continue to focus on you for a few more moments before we engage your efforts and attention into the collective. (Pause)

The corps of planetary Seraphim is moving into place as we direct your energies to focus on the planet as a whole. As you have become so familiar, weave those circuits of UNIVERSE CONSCIOUSNESS around the planet in that spiraling downward motion, counter-clockwise, north to south poles. As you focus from your hearts and direct your love for your brethren and for this world to be more imprinted upon UNIVERSE CONSCIOUSNESS. The planetary Seraphim come into place and add their energies into their areas of labor helping those in these institutions of your planet to also be primed to open to what this means. Let the energies from your heart flow into the world before you as UNIVERSE CONSCIOUSNESS imprints upon this beautiful globe—Michael’s jewel of Nebadon. (Pause)

If you desire, you may add one more layer or level of focus into this UNIVERSE CONSCIOUSNESS, and that is the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL. Let these energies blend with UNIVERSE CONSCIOUSNESS to help more people awaken to the presence of Michael through their Spirits of Truth and His ascendency over this planet. This will also provide new stimulus for the circuits of the Planetary Supreme Mind to achieve more strength and stature, that more minds maybe fed with the information necessary for this change of heart to occur for the humans of this world. Feel your desire for Michael’s SOVEREIGNTY to prevail; for His children to come to know Him, of His LOVE, His MERCY and COMPASSION for each soul. Feel your desire for this mightily in your hearts, my brethren, as we engage your focus along with you and add what we can. (Pause)

I invite you to alter your focus slightly as you allow the circuits of the planetary Seraphim to speak, if I may use that word, inside of your energy systems to calibrate you to their energies that you may begin to perceive the planetary helpers as part of these circuits of UNIVERSE CONSCIOUSNESS. Your world is part of the universe and your Seraphim are here to inlay those circuits that will foster your reception for the divine ways to be implemented through human effort. We have shared with you in the past that we provide you with various levels of help but it is you, as the humans of this world—the caretakers of your physical structure, that will do this work of transformation.

Even the best of human thought is limited when you go about change within your social institutions. You were never designed to evolve on your own; always was there divine help at your disposal. But yes, there was a limited supply of that during the years of the rebellion, but now that is passed, and this new dispensation is upon you and it is important for you to recognize that the work you are about to undertake is indeed a divine collaboration.

Therefore, when you are in times of discerning what it is you need to do, we encourage you to elevate your thoughts to those realms and ask, ‘Father, what it is that you see that will be necessary for me to undertake?’ Appeal to the Father’s presence and also ask your angels, your personal Seraphim as well as those of the planet, to come close to you and share with you ideas and information for your consideration. You have freewill choice to determine what role or path or action you will take but do it with help. Do it with cosmic insight that you may grow in understanding and develop that habit of always appealing to the higher way. As these words settle in, feel your desire to make more direct conscious contact with the Seraphim and let their energies radiate in you in whatever ways you are capable of receiving. (Pause)

One final visualization we invite you to share with us. Envision in your mind’s eye the words MAGISTERIAL MISSION as they pulse upon the ground of the earth. Feel your desire for this manifestation at this physical level. Allow the circuits of the planetary Seraphim to weave into this construct in your mind’s eye as you feel your need for more of the ways of the Father to be instilled throughout this planet’s consciousness. (Pause)


My dear brethren, I appreciate your efforts today and those of your past involvement. I invite you to engage with us once again as we elevate our gaze to Paradise in worship of the Father, for His GLORY bathing this world, reflecting in the hearts of all humanity. Feel your desire for the Father. Feel your love, your appreciation, your joy at being His son or daughter. Let us worship as one and commune with Him in whom all things exists. (Pause)

The Father in Paradise loves this world as He loves each of His evolutionary inhabited planets. This LOVE is now gaining strength within the circuits of your consciousness and one day it will fruitfully blossom all over the world, and you, my brethren, will have participated in the construction of this LOVE, in its conveyance through your actions to your brothers and sisters.

As you return to Urantian consciousness, feel your love for this world as you stand in it and invite to move into the core of the earth, building the circuits of the Planetary Supreme Mind to grow and infuse the inhabitants of all life here with the GLORY of the Paradise plan of ascension. (Pause)

New circuits are in place for further healing to occur. Trust in what is occurring within your energy beings, my brethren, where it is all part of the Father’s LOVE taking greater precedence in your thoughts and feelings. Relax in how you are being guided to move in these new energies, and follow the threads of Spirit wherever you feel you are being guided. Be filled with Michael’s PEACE, with Mother’s JOY, and with the assurance that this world is moving to her victorious state of GLORY in the Father’s LOVE.

We will join you once again as we move into our new focus in approximately one month. But continue your efforts at focusing your desire for the Magisterial Mission to materialize as well as come to a greater inner awareness of the downgrasp of the planetary Seraphim, who labor so lovingly and patiently on your behalf. All things are becoming new, dear ones, and let this newness spark growth, insight and, of course, great love within your hearts and minds. I bid you a fair good day!

