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2023 - April 23: Imprinting Upon the Paradise Presence

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo 


PRAYER: Paradise Creator Deities, our Divine Mother and Father of the universe, and Monjoronson, we invite you and all of our planetary helpers, our universe brothers and sisters to participate with us in this focused intention to bring more light and truth and love into the circuits of planetary mind. You know precisely where we are on our planet’s journey of ascension, and we are here to hold the space for more spiritual energy to be infused into the planetary circuits that more individuals may awaken to their true spiritual potential and their connection to Deity. Thank you for weaving us together as one that we may be unified in our focus in our hearts, in our minds, in our souls. We are deeply grateful for this opportunity to participate with you as your WILL is done through your GRACE and MERCY. Thank you so much!


MONJORONSON: Greetings, my beloved brethren! This is Monjoronson, pleased once again to join you in this very important time as this world continue to outwork the ways of planetary rebellion and move into the trajectory of the universe in its light formations that will aid planetary consciousness to evolve.

I appreciate each one of you on this call. Whether or not you know of my presence on the planet, I am here to assist this world in its adjudication process that more people may turn within and perceive the presence of God, and to participate in the cultivation of the ways of peace, truth, goodness, fairness, justice, equality, and compassion as the operating principles for this world. Before we begin the focused meditation, I invite you to take some deep, slow and mindful breaths. Relaxing your bodies, quieting the flow of mental current, opening the heart space for you to become more potent and powerful in projection energies from your heart when we move into that place of focusing into the collective.

In our usual format, we begin first at the personal level, helping you imprint more upon those divine patterns and energies that originate from the source of all LIFE, to help your human natures become more, what you might call, upgraded into the spiritual currents of LIFE. Take a few moments to elevate your gaze to your Indwelling Spirit as you breathe deeply, moving you into a place of relaxed receptivity as the Spirit guides you through our meditative experience today. (Pause)

The source of LIFE originates at the Paradise level where the Creator Deities reside in a place of sublime glory and majesty. The Isle of Paradise is their permanent domicile from which all patterns and personalities emanate the creative plans for evolution of all LIFE throughout the cosmos.

In today’s infusion, I invite you to focus on the words, THE PARADISE PRESENCE. There is great meaning and value of what focusing on these words can impart into your human energy systems. Rather than moving into a rather lengthy discussion of what this means and why it is important, I direct your attention to your heart, and to have that inner devoted, sincere willingness to receive this PARADISE PRESENCE within you. It is already there, but there are many levels of human mind and memory that act to interfere with the reception of what these Paradise patterns and personalities are here to disclose to you.

Your Indwelling Spirit originates at the Paradise level, customized for you to proceed through all LIFE and the vast realms of planets and worlds of various dimensions to truly understand the great creative plan put in place by these Paradise Creator Deities. That is what you might call your spiritual foundation.

In our (last) time together, we focused on the SPIRITUAL FOUNDATIONS OF LIFE. And now we continue to support you in this way. However, I encourage you to focus on the words, THE PARADISE PRESENCE, simply allowing what it is here to impart into you to gently calibrate into your human natures and feed you with more of that dynamic energy that will upstep you and help you make more direct conscious communication with the Spirit Within. So, continue to breathe deeply and rhythmically. Let your heart open to the PRESENCE OF PARADISE, letting your own patterns of perfection have more space to communicate into your human natures. And we begin. Simply breathe and relax and invite THE PARADISE PRESENCE into you in whatever way your Spirit is helping you receive and perceive this now. (Pause) THE PARADISE PRESENCE within you speaks to the nature of those original designs and patterns given to you to have a very long evolutionary career starting out at the human level. These are what you might call the patterns of perfection for your evolving soul, escorting you on this magnificent path of becoming more of who you are as a created in the imagination of the First Source and Center—the Paradise Creator Father.

As you allow THE PARADISE PRESENCE to move in you, you are giving permission for more of these patterns of perfection to help you perceive more of who you truly are that you may become more cooperative with the divine plans held in sacred trust by your Spirit to evolve from this rugged human nature into a spirit of exquisite beauty, truth, and goodness.

You are on a wonderful journey of eternal life. And your human nature is designed to receive and perceive these emanations from Spirit to help you grow in this replication of the divine nature that your human life experience may be more enjoyable, purposeful, meaningful, and bring you into the heights of happiness even while you are traversing this rugged terrain of terrestrial life. So, invite these energies to move in you as you drink deeply of them—THE PARADISE PRESENCE, simply and gently calibrating into your human natures with great love and compassion. (Pause)

Your human natures are a part of the design conceived in the imagination of the First Source and Center as mortal will children who have the ability live on a terrestrial sphere and to grow into comprehension of the greater levels of reality all around you. While your pattern of your mortal will nature exists at the Paradise level, it was put in place by your Father Michael and your Holy

Mother Spirit at your universe level to have this human life experience. Your human design expressly designed for this planet originates in your Father Michael. Your Mother Spirit provides you the WOMB OF CONSCIOUSNESS in which to grow your human natures to reflect the divine patterns seeded in you by the Paradise level. And so, as you continue to invite THE PARADISE PRESENCE to move in you, you may also invite your Father Michael as the VINE to help your human nature craft upon His divine Personality. You are the branch; He is the VINE, and you are actually grafted onto His divine NATURE that your human nature may evolve.

So, allow these two dynamics from the Paradise level and the evolutionary time-space continuum to speak into you now, and invite your Father as the VINE to feed your branch with THE PARADISE PRESENCE. Let the LOVE of your Holy Mother Spirit provide the fertile environment within your mind to receive this in the way your Spirit is helping you open to these greater bandwidths of spiritual energy, feeding you with LIFE, LOVE and LIGHT. (Pause)

It is time for human nature to awaken to its spiritual potential. As we have indicated to you so many times before, this has never occurred on this world. In today’s infusion, we ask you that you become greater vessels of this original plan and design that your light may shine forth from your heart and soul and be a beacon onto others, letting the light calibrations of your souls speak into theirs to help the children of this world to remember who they are and their divine connections to the Creator and all LIFE.

In a few moments we will invite you to turn your focus into the planetary mind collective. But for now, continue to simply receive and feel that need for this level of THE PARADISE PRESENCE to continue to support in how you are growing and becoming more real in a spiritual sense. Try not to engage the intellect and questioning mind, leaving the heart space open to receive through great trust, faith, and sincerity. (Pause)

In this way you help your own inner higher nature communicate better with your human nature and evolving soul. (Pause)

Let us now move our focus into the planetary system of consciousness. Project from your hearts, the words THE PARADISE PRESENCE to spiral around the planet in that familiar counter- clockwise rotation from the north to south poles. Feel that intention and motivation and willingness for your brothers and sisters to open to the PRESENCE OF PARADISE within them and the relationship they have with the Creator Deities who form the divine blueprint for their intrinsic core essence of LIFE. The human nature is constructed around this core essence. And we thank you for holding this focus now that we may move into these circuits and conduct of the activities of DIVINE JUSTICE for your brothers and sisters to receive. Feel your love for them and for this world. Feel that motivation you have for this world to be transformed through divine LOVE. You provide that foundation for us to bring in these higher circuits of LOVE, LIGHT, and LIFE to build a stronger spiritual foundation in your brothers and sisters that they may perceive the presence of God within them. Keep your gaze strong and steady, letting the PARADISE PRESENCE move deeper into planetary mind and memory, building a new spiritual foundation in human nature, and helping your brothers and sisters open up to the divine plans within them. (Pause)

Focusing on THE PARADISE PRESENCE supports planetary mind and memory to receive the energies it needs to remember its origins and destiny. That which has been shielded from you by those who took this planet on a deviant course of evolution is now being returned. Many of your brothers and sisters are having a difficult time adjusting to these new frequencies that are bathing the world. They have not yet appreciated who they are and their divine origins. You are holding focus for them to receive more of what they need, what this world needs in general, for this great transformation to occur.

As we have indicated to you many times before, it is you who are the “boots on the ground” making the changes by becoming more loving, forgiving, peaceful, trusting, and compassionate. What a wonderful day it will be on Urantia when the majority of people conduct their daily affairs in this way. You are steadily moving in that direction, and by invoking THE PARADISE PRESENCE to engage with planetary mind and memory, you are providing that enriched enhanced inner environment for your brothers and sisters to receive more light which dispels the inner darkness and encourages them to open to the Spirit Within and to cultivate their spiritual potential.

So, let your motivation to be loving towards them to increase as you continue to focus on THE PARADISE PRESENCE engaging with all these circuits of mind and memory. And we continue our ministrations. (Pause)

The system of planetary consciousness continues to imprint upon the meaning and value of THE PARADISE PRESENCE. This opens the door for your Father Michael to convey His divine NATURE to imprint upon human nature to help your brothers and sisters open up to their spiritual potential. If you wish, you may also see the words MICHAEL’S HEART OF COMPASSION stream forth His LOVE to the children of this world as He is the VINE and you are all the branch. The Divine Mother holds this entire configuration of planetary mind in Her WOMB OF LOVE as the synergy of their divine masculine and feminine dynamics unify human mind that more of the patterns of Paradise may be perceived in human nature.

Invite their presences to move in you now and into the planet. Let the words THE PARADISE PRESENCE and MICHAEL’S I AM THE VINE—YOU ARE THE BRANCH to continue to spiral around the planetary into mind and memory as your Divine Mother continues to hold this configuration in Her WOMB OF LOVE as we of the spiritual levels continue to weave in these circuits, reaching new places of receptivity, building more light and love into planetary mind and memory. (Pause) My dear brethren, there is tremendous love and light bathing this world. Truly you are returning to the circuits of LIFE. It is an individual opening and awareness. One day soon more people will respond to these emanations and seek to learn the ways of Godliness. Your planet is in the midst of a great change, and human life is being redeemed from the ways of the past that took you on a path of destruction. Now you are moving into trajectory of eternal LIFE, and this trajectory will increase its momentum as more hearts and minds open to Spirit and seek to learn the divine ways of LIFE.

I invite you now to elevate your gaze to Paradise. Take a few moments to thank the Paradise Father, Eternal Mother-Son, and Infinite Spirit—the three Deities in whom all LIFE, LIGHT, and LOVE originate. Simply give your thanks to them in whatever way your heart moves you, and allow their reflection to shine upon you and this world, bathing it with the luminosity that brings you great joy and deep peace. Let us spend these moments of communion together as we all be appreciative of what has been given to us by these wonderful divine Personalities in whom we all originate. (Pause)

Take a few moments to descend from Paradise, seeing yourself standing on the earth in a place of beauty and splendor. Ask for THE PARADISE PRESENCE to become more deeply rooted in you, moving into your memory systems that you may recognize more of who you are and the deep devotion your Spirit Parents have for you. Let that deepen in you now and hold that intention for the entire planet to receive this deepening in the memory structure of the planet—the RECOGITION OF THE PARADISE PRESENCE as a part of this planet’s Divine Life Purpose and Plan. (Pause)

Invite this energetic endowment to integrate into all circuits of mind and memory, even down to the tiniest cellular memory exchanges, into the body’s anatomy and physiology that the LOVE foundation in you and in the planet become stronger, more active and vibrant. (Pause) My beloved brethren, we are so grateful for your participation with us today. Know that there are many spiritual activities and activations occurring all around the globe. Within yourself, you may notice some new sensory exchanges underway. This is all part of the integration process to build you in a more secure foundation of LOVE.

As you move away from the awareness of this call, this integration will continue to bring in these spiritual dynamics that your spirit partner in you will translate into your conscious mind for greater understanding and insight. And while this is also occurring globally, we invite you to open to deeper levels in your own willingness to be those beacons of light to your brothers and sisters that will facilitate the amalgamation of all of these various energies, layers and levels to support planetary mind with the spiritual gravity it needs to move you in the direction of true planetary healing and transformation.


It is a glorious and stupendous undertaking of which you are an integral part. Now in this particular phase, open to the greater role you can play in this dynamic change and hold that intention for this world to return to the bosom of Spirit and the divine ways of LIFE as we help you in ways we can to encourage you to remain courageous, strong, steadfast, and faithful as this world takes another step forward on the path of Light and Life.

I leave you now in this way. I always encourage you to come to me, go to your Spirit or your Spirit Parents with any questions you may have. Spend time receiving our reflection into your minds that you may attune to the higher spiritual frequencies you need and become all that you can in your human nature, expressing your spiritual potential and your beautiful soul into the world. My blessings are upon you, my dear ones, and I leave you in the Father’s LOVE. Good day.

