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2024 - June 9: Focusing “I Am Embodying My Divine Life Plan and Purpose” for Personal and Planetary Transformation

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness
June 9, 2024

Topic:  Focusing “I Am Embodying My Divine Life Plan and Purpose” for Personal and Planetary Transformation 
T/R:     Donna D’Ingillo
PRAYER: Divine Parents and Magisterial Son, we offer our minds and hearts to you today to use in the ongoing healing and transformation of planetary mind and memory to align with the divine WAYS and WILL of LIFE.  We conjoin with our planetary helpers, our universe brothers and sisters of various dimensional orders to collaborate with you today and to hold space for the spiritual endowments that we need can have more room to interact in human mind and memory.  We thank you for encircuiting us as one through these beautiful dynamics of spiritual gravity and energy.  May we all be unified in that to hold the space for more collaboration co-creation can unfold on the planet in the ways you know we need.  We thank you for this opportunity to be of service.  And may your WILL be done as always through your GRACE and MERCY.  Thank you.
MICHAEL:  Greetings, my beloved children!  This is your Father Michael.  I come to you today with the exhortation to grow closer to the Spirit Within and my presence in you via the Spirit of Truth that you may increasingly perceive more of who you are and wish to collaborate and cooperate with the divine plans seeded in you by the Paradise Father for the expression of your Personalities over the course of your lifetime.  
As we begin today’s infusion, take a few moments to ponder this question: “Am I fully participating in the development of my divine life plan and purpose?”  Each one of you is on a path.  Some may be further along in this beautiful expression of who you are as a spiritual being.  What we ask you to do is to consider how faithfully aligned you are with your Spirit’s purpose for your life.  Take a few moments to go within.  Focus in your heart and simply pose the question to your Spirit: “Where do I need to focus my attention to further my expression of my divine life plan and purpose?”  Take a few moments to, not only ask this, but do your best to quiet your mind so that you may perceive more insight and information.  (Pause)
One of the most important objectives of human life is to make contact with the Indwelling Spirit and to trust in this growing relationship that you may increasing intuit the purpose for your life and the plans that have been carefully cultivated for you to follow in the expression of this sacred purpose.  Very few humans of this world actually embark seriously upon this adventure of becoming who you truly are in the higher dimensions of your evolving selfhood.  It is very important now for most individuals to, not only awaken to this objective for human life, but to recognize that it is your cosmic duty and privilege to cultivate this.  
For those of you who are already on this path, I encourage you to make a more dedicated commitment to follow the leadings of the Spirit wherever it takes you.  It is safe.  It is trustworthy to follow the leadings of God within.  And in doing so, you further the path on this planet for others to follow, just as I did in my human life wherein I dedicated the full resources of my human essence to follow where the divine guidance was leading me.  Many of you are already embarked upon this path, and I encourage your commitment to continue on this journey and to recognize that it is a relationship where you are building more love circuitry on the planet.  This will help others open to this higher purpose for their live as well.  
In today’s infusion, I invite you to focus on the words I AM EMBODYING MY DIVINE LIFE PLAN AND PURPOSE. Hold that intention to become a living expression of who you are as a human evolving your God nature.  As you do this, know that I will move in you along with your Mother and provide you a more fertile inner environment for you to pick up on the signals from your Spirit to help you in this great embodiment of your sacred purpose for why you are here, why you were created in the first place, and what you can contribute to this world and the growing evolutionary Deity consciousness that is now sparking new spiritual growth all around the planet.  Take a few moments to go into your Spirit once again, and simply affirm:  I AM EMBODYING MY DIVINE LIFE PURPOSE AND PLAN.  Simply hold that and I will minister in you now.  (Pause)
Whether or not you recognize this, all life is a sacred gift.  You have been given so much creator-potential to cultivate your human life according to the plans of your divine life purpose.  Once you become more aware that this is part of your sacred responsibility to life and to our Creator-Father, you open the door for your Spirit to reach down into the different layers and levels of your mind and create those new dynamics—thought sparks—that will catalyze your thinking into new ideas, creative ways in which you can cultivate your sacred purpose for being here.  Not only for this incarnation for a human, but for your long and productive ascension careers.  
I invite you to consider this now as you affirm the embodiment of your divine life purpose and plan.  Make a firmer and stronger commitment to grow in this way.  All we ask you is to have that willingness and your Spirit will take you the rest of the way.  I will help you through the Spirit of Truth to feel more of that potency that I provide to you as my child to grow in this way, and your Mother will help you clear the circuits of your mind-memory system to relieve you from past ideas, emotional trauma that you may step out of what holds you back and embark upon this path with more courage, faith, perseverance, and of course, with love guiding all along the way.  (Pause)
Invite my presence to move deeper into your memory circuits, giving you more strength and potency to walk this path with an enhanced feeling of courage and strength—resilience, and let the spiritual gravity in our relationship draw you forward through the Spirit of Truth as it resonates more resoundingly in you into your deeper memory system.  (Pause)
Living as an embodiment of your divine life purpose and plan will afford you many benefits.  Over time you will sense that your intuition is growing.  You may even perceive new inner insights and expanded sense of vision or hearing to capture more spiritual insights.  This is part of circuitry enhancement we are providing to you to strengthen your ability to embody more of your purpose and plan for your lives here.  
At some point in time, more people will recognize this—those who are still awakening or yet to awaken.  But by affirming this for yourselves, you are adding something into the collective, providing more room for this idea to take hold in human mind all around the globe.  So consider not only the benefits to yourself, but how you are adding into the spiritual vitality of the planet for your brothers and sisters to also benefit.  Become familiar with your microcosmic entity contributing to the macrocosm of planetary consciousness.  You contribute so much more than you may be consciously aware at this time.  But it also works in the other direction—if you are fearful, angry, resentful, this also feeds something that you do not wish to see perpetuated.  
So maintain that spiritual integrity as best you can by affirming your commitment to become a living embodiment of your divine life purpose and plan.  I will continue to minister in you, each one of you as my beloved child.  (Pause)
The world is being prepared for its great restructuring to operate according to the divine plans for this planet and the corrections that I have given to be implemented by those of the higher realms and by you humans.  Each one of you has an important part to play.  Some roles will be larger than others, but all that matters is that you continue to do your best each day and to reinforce this concept that you are embodying your divine life plan and purpose one day at a time.  And as I mentioned previously, this will change the macrocosmic level—planetary consciousness, and help more people become aware of who they are and what they can contribute into the planet of the rich endowment that has been given to them by the Father to cultivate.  
Allow these words to settle in, to mingle with the spiritual energy, and let this make a deeper impression on your mind and memory system that your commitment to embody your divine plan and purpose may grow stronger and be more expressive.  (Pause)
I will leave you now in this manner, my children, but truly I am always available to you.  Come to me more often during the day when you need some refreshment and encouragement.  Truly, you have so much help within, but it is up to you to take advantage of what we provide to you so that your growth may progress steadily one day at a time and lead you into the experience of complete fulfillment of who you are and the LOVE in which you exist.  Grow in my LOVE, my children.  Grow in your Mother’s UNIVERSE WOMB, and know that all is well within.  Good day.
MONJORONSON:  Greetings, my beloved brethren.  This is Monjoronson.  I thank my brother Christ Michael for His infusion today into each one of you.  For this is our starting point today—to build these energies EMBODIMENT OF THE DIVINE PLAN into the mind-memory circuits of Urantia.  Much, much preparation has been underway for these spiritual energies to have more room to function in human mind.  Over the course these years, we have been building the circuitry, and finally we are bringing them down into the memory circuits for the humans of this world to REMEMBER and RECOGNIZE their sacred duty to LIFE itself.  
So, in today’s infusion, continue to feel that aspiration, intention, and motivation to embody your divine life plan and purpose.  Feel it alive in your heart.  Feel its vitality, its energy.  (Pause)
When you are ready, project these words into the planetary mind-memory system for the various spiritual personalities involved in today’s call may weave this into the planetary mind system that can take deeper root and grow within the minds of all individuals of this world:  I AM EMBODYING MY DIVINE LIFE PLAN AND PURPOSE; I AM EMBODYING MY DIVINE LIFE PLAN AND PURPOSE; I AM EMBODYING MY DIVINE LIFE PLAN AND PURPOSE.  See it spiral around the planet, north to south pole counterclockwise.  Feel that aspiration for more individuals to perceive this.  There are a number of dimensional levels at which we are engaged now.  Do your best to hold focus as we minister in these circuits and build more of this energy-language structure for human mind to conform and grow in the embodiment of individual purposes and plans that can be unified and harmonized into a very beautiful, magnificent orchestration of human soul growth.  (Pause)
Invite this energy to go down deep into the memory circuit, helping more individuals open to this inner remembrance and recognition of why they are here, why they were created, what they can do to contribute to this growing evolutionary body of Deity as each person strives to become more Godlike in thought, word and deed.  (Pause)
As you do this, you may also ask for these energies to assist more people to awaken:  IT IS GOOD TO DO THE WILL OF THE PARADISE FATHER; IS IT GOOD TO DO THE WILL OF THE PARADISE FATHER; IT IS GOOD TO DO THE WILL OF THE PARADISE FATHER.  Help your brothers and sisters perceive that in opening and expressing their higher purpose for their lives that they will feel an infusion of such goodness that it will promote their willingness to open more deeply to what this means for their lived.  The GOODNESS of the Father is so strong that it can absorb all evil.  This is what is called for at this time—to turn away from the evil sophistries of the rebellion agenda and to open to the open to the awareness that it is indeed good to the do the WILL of the Father.  The goodness will expand in you and act as a protector against the evil that others would perpetrate against you.  Allow yourselves to open to this more and speak to your brothers and sisters of the planet about the GOODNESS of the Father and the LOVE they will receive by holding this now as best you can.  (Pause)
When your Father Michael was here on Urantia, He spoke these words: “My yoke is easy.  My burden is light.”  What did He mean by this?  He was referring to the GOODNESS of the Father and how it is an act of love and joy to do things that are aligned in the divine WAYS of LIFE.  Irrespective of what the planetary culture is trying to propagate in your minds, turn from this and open to the incredible potential you have to do good in the world.  Even the smallest of meanings increasingly comes into that recognition that by embodying your divine plan and purpose you are growing in goodness, and the path before you will become more filled with light, guidance, and direction for you to stay the course with more faith and loyalty to the plans within you. Hold that intention for the entire world, for your brothers and sister, so that we can expand these dynamics and feed more people with what their souls truly need.  (Pause)
There is one additional focus to hold.  Let these words spiral around the planet:  REMEMBRANCE AND RECOGNITION OF THE PLANET’S DIVINE LIFE PLANS AND PURPOSES; REMEMBRANCE AND RECOGNITION OF THE PLANET’S DIVINE LIFE PLANS AND PURPOSES; REMEMBRANCE AND RECOGNITION OF THE PLANET’S DIVINE LIFE PLANS AND PURPOSES.  Let us weave this into the places where the planetary system is ready to open and receive this energy.  This is inclusive of Michael’s PLANS OF CORRECTION for His beloved world.  Do your best to hold this focus with great love in your heart, and great motivation for your brothers and sisters to pick up on these signals and respond accordingly to their own inner plans that the Father has seeded in them.  Here again, we are using the dynamics of the part to the whole—the microcosmic relationship to the macrocosm so all things may align in the higher purposes and plans for Urantia, that more people may cultivate and craft their own inner plans and contribute to this growing restructuring of how planetary mind functions in conformity with Universe Mind.  (Pause)
Let us now lift what we have co-created together to the level of Paradise.  Open your hearts with gratitude, love, and praise for what has been given that the DIVINE REFLECTION from Paradise may shine brightly upon Urantia mind and memory and bring more people to the Father within themselves.  Sing out your praises of thanksgiving as we join together and enrich our own experiences all together in this circuit of worship.  (Pause)
If you wish, you may descend from Paradise and see yourself standing on the planet.  The words PARADISE REFLECTION is holding you strong and steady.  Invite the PARADISE REFLECTION to move into the memory circuits of the planet that the LIGHT from Paradise may create more inner space for human memory to open to the reality of who they are and the DIVINE PRESENCE that lives within.  (Pause)
Invite the REMEMBRACE AND RECOGNITION dynamic to also communicate with the PARADISE REFLECTION in these deeper memory circuits that more individuals may be liberated from what has held them back in their captivity.  Bring them out into a new world, a new reality they have the ability to create for themselves.  (Pause)
Invite all of these new circuits and dynamics to integrate, bringing the new energies into a more unified whole that more spiritual dynamism may function on the planet and activate more soul growth in each individual.  (Pause)
Our circuitry objectives have been achieved.  Once again, I thank you, my beloveds, for all of your trust and service to this world.  May you all continue to open to the higher purposes and plans for your lives.  May each one of you feel a new vitality course through your being, uplift you, and bring you back to the bosom of the Father who holds you safely and securely in who you are and how you are growing more beautiful, truthful and good each day.  Relish the accomplishment you are undertaking.  It is a masterful one, and benefits you will enjoy will lead you into that deep fulfillment of satisfaction with life that no one can take from you. 
I will leave you in this manner now.  But do know that I am available when you need some perspective on what is happening all around the globe.  To encourage your faith-growth in the Father and the love that you are seeding into this planet by your own will and your own unique gift of who you are.
Once again, I thank you and leave you in the Father’s LOVE.  Good day.

