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2024 - November 10: Personal and Planetary Embodiment of Michael’s Plans of Correction

Planetary Transformation Conference Call 
Institute of Christ Consciousness

Topic: Personal and Planetary Embodiment of Michael’s Plans of Correction
T/R: Donna D’Ingillo 

PRAYER: Our Divine Parents, our Paradise Creator Deities, and Magisterial Son, thank you for this opportunity to provide that fertile environment for more spiritual action to pervade the planet.  We trust in your holy WILL and the way in which we are being guided forward on this path of planetary rehabilitation.  Thank you for weaving us together as one, aligned in this holy WILL that what you know we need to provide to you can be accomplished through the many helpers assisting in this meditation today.  So, what is your WILL?  Thank you for it being done through your MERCY and GRACE as we hold that space for our planet to receive what it needs to continue to heal and return to the divine WAYS OF LIFE.  Thank you so much!

MICHAEL: PEACE be upon you, my beloved children!  This is your Father Michael.  Center your minds in me through the Spirit of Truth.  Hold the intention to receive from me what I wish to provide to you during our time together in this way.

As you know, your Mother and I have cultivated many plans of correction for this world and the other apostate planets that participated in the Lucifer Rebellion.  Our plans are unique to each world.  Particularly for Urantia, because of the major anomalies existing on this planet, there were elements that needed to be carefully crafted over the time that the correcting agenda has been implemented.  Now we are at a point to help you, my beloved children, step into a further embodiment of my plans of correction for your lives. 

Today, in our time together, I invite you to simply focus on me and allow me to impart and imprint my PLANS OF CORRECTION into your human mind-memory system so that you may be able to cooperate and participate further to your heart’s delight in the great correction now underway on our beloved world.  

Take some deep breaths.  Maintain the intention to receive from me what I wish to impart into you of my PLANS OF CORRECTION for each one of you.  You are all at varying phases of your spiritual development and soul growth.  That is good!  It is very delightful to your Mother and me to see the ways you are indeed expanding into these spiritual dynamics.  Now it is time to become a greater embodiment of my PLANS OF CORRECTION for your individual growth. 

So, if this is something that appeals to you and you wish to receive, simply invite me in and focus on the words:  MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION and feel that interest, willingness, and intention to receive what I wish to provide to you.  Simply receive as I minister to each one of you now, my precious child.  (Pause)

If it is helpful to focus, allow these words to settle into your mind:  I AM EMBODYING MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION FOR MY LIFE.  I AM EMBODYING MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION FOR MY LIFE.  I AM EMBODYING MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION FOR MY LIFE.  Allow these words to imprint upon you as you engage deeper into the TRUST-BOND that we share together as Creator-Father and human child.  Receive me, my precious one.  (Pause)

You might consider what I am imparting to you in this moment as part of a new language to align your human nature and energy system into the divine WAYS OF LIFE.  I understand that for many of you the questions you may pose in considering what this means for your overall spiritual development.  That is natural and normal because there is a part of the human nature which wants to understand, seeks to control, what is being acquired or comprehended.  Your Spirit will help you translate what I am imparting to you over time. 

It is more significant for you to consider that you are developing a greater TRUST-BOND between not only us but from your Spirit from the Father that will help you embody these new energies in a way that will make you feel more peaceful, strong, faithful, patient, and support your overall well-being and the health of your body. It is time for human nature to return to its original DIVINE DESIGN and what is being augmented in you now to support you in this becoming process. 

All I ask of you is to simply trust me and hold that intention and willingness to become a living embodiment of my PLANS OF CORRECTION for your life that you may contribute your soul purpose into the growing planetary embodiment of these plans.  For now, simply relax into the flow of spiritual current and let it go deep, deep into your memory systems, even down to the cellular memory and the mechanics of your body to conform to the DIVINE PLANS OF LIFE. (Pause)

As I continue to impart these dynamics into you, invite your Mother and Her holy angels to gently expand your mind capacity to receive what I am sharing with you.  Letting these energies deepen and recalibrate, not only how you think and feel, but how your body functions.  Let Her sew you more deeply into Her UNIVERSE WOMB OF LIFE and the JOY that exists at that dimensional level to engage deeply into your human natures.  (Pause)

Invite Her LOVE to quicken within you and help you elevate into these higher dynamics that you may become a greater embodiment of the PLANS OF CORRECTION for your lives and this planet as they are all inter-related in various ways.  (Pause)

A component of what I am providing to you today is designed to help you elevate your understanding of who you are to a higher level of how the Father in Paradise perceives you.  When people attain this heightened state of awareness, some term this “Christ Consciousness.”  It is the recognition of reaching a “Christed” state of being where your will becomes so perfectly aligned with the WILL of the First Source and Center that there is no longer any type of separation.  This is the state of WILL ATTAINMENT I achieved in human form as your brother Jesus.  This is also part of what I am helping you to receive so that you are able to pick up on the internal signals of the Spirit Within to help you become more aligned and loyal to doing the WILL of the Father, cooperating with the DIVINE WAYS OF LIFE.

Many impediments imposed upon the human mind-body communication system have prevented so many of my children from embarking upon this most beautiful quest of eternity.  And so, in this present moment I am helping you to open to these deeper dynamics that you may feel more of that willingness and interest to develop yourself in this way.  When you falter in your human mind, all you need to do is call upon me as both your Father and your brother Jesus, for there is something very pertinent in my memory system as Jesus to help you at a very human level, to walk with you on this path of SELF-MASTERY and PERFECTION—perfecting your human will to that of the divine.  Allow these words to settle in and continue to help you grow in the embodiment of my PLANS OF CORRECTION for your life.  (Pause)

Another component I am providing to you is to create more light-space within the human composition for you to come into greater UNION with the Paradise Father.  If you wish, you may focus on these words UNION WITH FATHER as I continue to impart what it is as my gift to you from Father to child to help you in your UNION WITH FATHER and His plans for your life.  (Pause)

As you have received, now give.  We are moving into the time and space for Monjoronson to step in and for you to hold the intention for the planet to embody my PLANS OF CORRECTION. 

I will leave you in this manner now, my beloved, children.  But as you know, I live in you through the Spirit of Truth, and you may access me at any moment during the day when you need my Fatherly guiding hand to support you on where your Spirit is guiding.  You are never alone, and so call on me when you need to feel—experience—the SACRED BOND that exists between us, and know deeply within every fiber of your being how much you are beloved.  I withdraw and leave you in my PEACE.  Good day. 

MONJORONSON:  Greetings, my beloved brethren!  This is Monjoronson, and it delights me to no end how your Father Michael is helping all of you beloved children embark on this mighty Paradise ascension journey. 

It is now time to turn your attention outward into the planet as a whole.  From your hearts, envision the world before you.  Feel your love for this world.  Feel your interest and aspiration for this world to grow into a place of TRUTH, GOODNESS, and BEAUTY.  For all of these spiritual values are a part of Michael’s PLANS OF CORRECTION.  You may not truly appreciate all of the changes that will unfold in the coming years, and that is fine.  We understand.  But what we ask of you is your faith in us to help you receive and imprint and embody what Michael wishes to provide to His beloved world. 

So now, from your hearts as you see the world before you, project these words:  URANTIA’S EMBODIMENT OF MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION.  URANTIA’S EMBODIMENT OF MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION.  URANTIA’S EMBODIMENT OF MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION.  You know what to do at this point to seed that energy into the planet from the north to south poles spiraling around the globe counterclockwise.  Hold that intention that the consciousness of the masses to receive this infusion now as we move in this configuration.  (Pause)

As you know, the awareness of the consciousness of the masses is shifting. Many have awakened, and yet there are many more who have still to recognize the power of Spirit within them.  What you are holding for us today is the intention for more people to open to what Michael wishes to impart to His beloved world.  Do your best to maintain focus on URANTIA’S EMBODIMENT OF MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION.  Ask it to be seeded into those areas where it will produce more good, provide human mind to open to more truth, and to help people step into the greater spiritual harmony between the divine and human natures that is truly beautiful to behold as more individuals shake off the rebellion agenda, mindset and memory, to step into the divine embodiment that is part of your higher Personality structure.  (Pause)

Invite these energies through your willingness and intention for more healing to occur to move into memory, even down into the memory mechanics of the collective body of humanity.  (Pause)

Part of Michael’s intention to convey His PLANS OF CORRECTION is to help the planet remember the LOVE of the Father for all life here, especially for His human children.  If you wish, you may invite the REMEMBRANCE OF FATHER’S LOVE to stream from Michael’s PLANS OF CORRECTION to imprint deeply into the memory circuits—down, down, down into the body.  There is a quality of how you remember that has been wired into the mechanics of cell function.  So, by holding this intention and willingness for the planet to receive, it can impart more of what Michael wishes for this world to prevail.  Continue to do your best as you focus.  Let the energies stream forth from your hearts into the planet as we weave these energies into the places that are most receptive and needing the ACTION OF DIVINE GRACE AND MERCY.  (Pause)

It is now time for humanity to more fully step out of the muck and mire of the rebellion miscreation.  What you are providing is a field of willingness, you might say, for your brothers and sisters to extricate themselves more easily and naturally out of this insidious legacy, and to join us in the great time of celebration, encouraging more people to open the dimensions of LOVE and GOODNESS—respect for all life and the joys of co-creation with the Father. 

For many this recognition will seem surprising!  At first, there will be disbelief that this is possible.  But they will acclimate to these new dynamics, and appreciate what is being done for them through great love and understanding so that they may anchor themselves more deeply into their own inner DIVINE LIFE PLANS given to them by the Paradise Father.  This is what you are helping us engage today in this very vast plan of embodying the beautifully constructed PLANS OF CORRECTION, so carefully and purposefully being imparted to this world.   Continue to focus on URANTIA’S EMBODIMENT OF MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION and REMEMBRANCE OF FATHER and the DIVINE UNION with Him.    (Pause)

Join with me now and elevate your gaze to Paradise.  Engage with us in worship communion of thanksgiving for the LOVE of the Paradise Creator Deities enfolding this planet and bringing about a mighty DIVINE UNION and REUNION.  (Pause)

Share your love with the Father in Paradise and your gratitude for this DIVINE UNION dynamic unfolding, not only in you, but into the planet itself.  (Pause)

Let the natural UNIFICATION process that is part of the evolutionary divine plan embrace this world as you continue to feel your gratitude for what the Father and Creator Deities are providing to, not only you, but to the world now.  Allow the natural unifying energies to become more tightly woven into you and the planet.  (Pause)

Feel your gratitude for the PARADISE ASCENSION CODES continuing to open new places within the dynamics of planetary mind and memory.  Know that you are growing in something so potent, so beautiful that it will fulfill you at such profound levels, you will want to remain in that state of joy forever! (Pause)

In your mind’s eye, reorient yourself to being standing upon the ground.  You are also bringing down the energies of Paradise to engage with the earth plane level.  Feel that intention and willingness for Michael’s PLANS OF CORRECTION to engage with the Paradise energies.  Let yourselves be saturated in the GOODNESS and MERCY of DIVINE LOVE.  Send this forth into the earth to help more of your brothers and sisters feel the growing synergy of the PLANS OF CORRECTION stirring within them. 

If it is helpful, see yourself standing on the ground as Michael’s PLANS OF CORRECTION is supporting you from the ground level up.  It is a large, and it is a deep one as well because it is engaging with the mind-memory system of all life here now.  (Pause)

My beloved brethren, much has been achieved today.  We are very grateful for your participation.  For it is your willingness to receive these energies that makes all of these beautiful changes possible to develop more fully upon Urantia.  We have completed our objectives for today.  Know they will integrate into the places of great need.

I encourage you to hold that intention each day for these energies to move more deeply into the places where your brothers and sisters need to recognize the LOVE that lives within them and their spiritual potential.  For truly, this is the best way for Michael’s PLANS OF CORRECTION to engage with all of humanity and bring about a mighty human-spiritual collaboration that the world has never seen before.  You are all participants in an historic event, even unprecedented in Nebadon. 

So, go forth boldly living your purpose, being a shining example of the LIVING GOSPEL OF JESUS—Faith in the Father and loving service to this world in the ways you are being guided by Father’s presence within you.  What more can I say?  With that, I will leave you with my gratitude and the gratitude of all who have collaborated with us today.  I wish you a most blessed, joyful, and peaceful good day.

