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2020 - October 11: Imprinting Upon Monjoronson's Divine Justice

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo 


PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you for deepening our connection to you. Thank you for moving in us that we may conjoin as one in the circuits of Mind, Spirit, Soul and Personality to once again collaborate with our Planetary Seraphim, many other celestial helpers, and our Magisterial Son for more planetary healing and transformation to occur through our efforts. Guide our thoughts today. Help us maintain that level of focus at the superconscious level wherein we are guided—our thoughts, our feelings—by our Indwelling Spirits to build more LIGHT, LOVE, and LIFE into the circuits of mind all around Urantia. We are grateful for this opportunity to be of service to our world. We thank you for your GRACE pervading this call today as your WILL is done. Thank you.


MONJORONSON: Greetings, my beloved brethren! This is Monjoronson. I am grateful for your participation today as you once again collaborate with us of the higher spiritual realms to evoke more positive change for this beloved world. Preparations are underway for my mission. While it will be some time before this actually materializes and I am here in human form; nevertheless, many things are underway to prepare this world for another divine dispensation.

Preparation is vital and crucial, and we have indulged your patience many times, asking you to remain in that state of patience and faith. as these preparations continue to progress. Many of you have questions about what this mission means, what it will look like, how it will manifest. And while we have plans, the factor that is still unknown to us is human willingness to cooperate with the divine plans of reclamation, restoration, and restitution upon Urantia.

As we begin to collaborate with you, move into that place of your heart. You have mighty intentions and motivations to be of service, and we thank you for offering that to us today. We also ask for the dynamics of your souls to participate with us today—that inner part of yourselves aligned in Father's WILL based on your experiences and decisions. This is a mighty place within you. And you grow your souls, as you know, through your day to day decisions and expressions of the goodness and the truth within your own evolutionary natures, adding more light and beauty into the circuits of mind where you have influence.

The SOUL mind of the planet in collective form is increasing. The determination for justice and fairness to prevail speaking in the human heart. The yearning for this is intensifying. We use this yearning to foster more change. We use what we can from your soul energies to build these circuits of LIGHT upon the planet, and we are grateful for each person whose soul light shines for you make a difference. Do not underestimate the power potency that you have within you, my brethren. Make that commitment to be about the Father's WILL each day that your souls may grow and develop into these mighty forces for change.

As we begin, I invite you to envision the words DIVINE JUSTICE in your mind's eye. What does this mean—this term DIVINE JUSTICE? Take a few moments to bring this question to your Indwelling Spirits. Sit in that place of inquiry, quieting your thoughts, allowing some space within your minds for the Spirit Within to inlay information that you can perceive. And I will minister in you this quality and component of DIVINE JUSTICE to help you perceive more deeply the meaning and value of the spiritual dynamic of this as it is applied into planetary circuits of mind. Before we move into the collective, allow this term and my presence to move in you now. Release tension in your body through deep breathing. Focus on your Father Fragments and ask for this infusion of DIVINE JUSTICE to stir mightily in you now, my beloved brethren. (Pause)

This planet is undergoing change due to the adjudication process now underway. It is a time of great choosing the Father's WAY or the rebellion mindset. What you see outworking is this very strong current of rebellion. And it is necessary for the citizens of this planet to perceive what this is and to gain more independence from this agenda through the power of your own choosing. The quality and energies of DIVINE JUSTICE are here to support this parting of the ways and to infuse into humanity this yearning for justice to prevail. And with that comes great redemption, helping those individuals still very much embedded in the rebellion mindset to perceive the divine hand, perceive divine GRACE and make better choices and decisions about moving forward in their own spiritual quests.

The pressure upon this world is indeed very powerful, and whether or not people are aware, they are being stirred in their souls, in their hearts and minds to awaken to the presence of Father Within. Stay in this place of allowing your Spirits to shed light into your minds and I will continue to shine and shed my light and presence into your beings. (Pause)

Focus your attention now on the dynamic of REDEMPTION. You may ask the question, ‘What is redemption? What does it mean? ‘What is its value?’ Bringing that to your Indwelling Spirits. I continue to speak into you for a few more moments before we engage with the Seraphim and other helpers into collective mind. Let REDEMPTION be your focus now for a few moments. (Pause)

Let these energies move deeply into your beings, my brethren. Let these dynamics circulate throughout your memory circuitry providing more light and space within human mind for you to perceive more truth and goodness about divine MERCY and its function and operation in human life. (Pause)

You, your brethren, this planet, and all life are deeply loved. The safeguards upon this planet to foster its transformation are in place to ensure this forward trajectory and progression toward Light and Life. While it will be many, many generations before this status is achieved, you are on your way. Human volition is changing and being directed in this trajectory to assist you in rightful decision making. Some individuals will answer the call of Spirit Within. Yet there are many who still are deaf and resistant. But what is important is those who have awakened and are continuing to awaken. And you can help us today by engaging with us now in the collective, feeling that yearning, intention, and motivation for more DIVINE JUSTICE and REDEMPTION to prevail within the circuits of mind.

Circuits of mind are quite interesting to behold. There are many influences on the planet that make up these circuits of mind—ancient belief systems still operating that drive current thought and feeling, and we have the ability to move in these circuits to build more spiritual energy and vitality within them that more positive change and progression may impact the way humans think and feel and act.

We ask you now to engage from both your heart and soul into these circuits of the collective. Let the heart represent your motivation, inclination, and yearning for DIVINE JUSTICE and REDEMPTION to penetrate into these historic circuits of memory, and let the light in your soul shine upon the planet as you focus on the words DIVINE JUSTICE and REDEMPTION.

Invite the light of your souls to move in this with as much heart energy as you can muster. It is your love that makes change, that generates energies of change, and we use this to apply it where it will do the most good, provide the most conducive environment for more individuals to awaken in this time of such great spiritual potential and activation.

If it is helpful, focus on my name wherein the qualities of DIVINE JUSTICE and REDEMPTION are harbored. Feel that desire from your hearts and souls for this to move into the circuits of the collective now. You may use that familiar rotation counter-clockwise from the north to south poles or you may ask your Indwelling Spirits what is the best focus for you to maintain as we conduct these energies into those areas where more good can be produced, more truth can awaken slumbering souls to perceive the LIGHT of Father Within. Join with us now, dear ones, as we engage in these circuits of mind—collective mind, historical mind. And we begin. (Pause)

The legacy of the past is losing its grasp. What you see of the chaos and confusion in your material culture is part of this. Those who have retained influence, power, and control are losing the way in which they have conducted their affairs. So many of your brethren are likewise confused due to this influence being outworked. But to you who have participated in this time of correction can act as the rudder for your brethren by your own spiritual development and soul growth.

When we engage with you thusly, as we have in the past, you build this rudder and it is able to direct the channels and currents of thought into certain directions, and likewise heal emotional wounds that have long festered in collective mind. So, let this DIVINE JUSTICE and REDEMPTION go deep, deep into memory, deep into the collective. Feel your love for this world and for the divine plan of evolution to have more of its footing prevail in these channels and current of mind. Continue to focus on me and DIVINE JUSTICE and REDEMPTION as we continue our ministrations all around the globe. (Pause)

As we continue these ministrations, I invite you to expand your focus to include allowing the energies of Christ Michael’s SOVEREIGN POWER and AUTHORITY to move in these circuits DIVINE JUSTICE and REDEMPTION, allowing the action of your Holy Mother Spirit Nebadonia expand planetary mind to embrace more TRUTH and GOODNESS. This is a very large infusion from your Father today. So, let this stir mightily in you, my brethren, bringing you into greater depths of your own personal sovereignty that you may engage at new levels of your own spiritual potency and soul dynamic to be agents of change for those around you.

It is not by the words you convey but by these energies that you hold that you actually become. And we assist you in this. So, allow your hearts to open as much as you can and say, “Yes, Father. I need your SOVEREIGN POWER and AUTHORITY. Monjoronson, I need your DIVINE JUSTICE and REDEMPTION. I want to be a beacon of LIGHT for my brethren and to emit that from my soul as best I can each day.” Set this is as an intention, my brethren, and let us move in you now as you send this energy into the collective. (Pause)

Do you perceive what is within you of your Spirit—of its nature and the potency it has? Do you perceive a base of power within you? We take you into experience so that you can become familiar with spiritual dynamics. For this is an area of great exploration and it is one that will engage and enthrall human mind in this growing spiritual renaissance.

You have stepped up to be of service. Now it is time to engage more fully in this. We appreciate your trust. We acknowledge your faith. We invite you to become even more open vessels for Michael’s SOVEREIGN POWER and AUTHORITY and my DIVINE JUSTICE and REDEMPTION to move through you and into these circuits of mind, aiding in the great awakening that is now underway. Do your best to maintain this focus for the next few moments as we continue to minister these energies into places of memory and into current conditions all around the globe. (Pause)

The gift of Spirit embracing Urantian mind is beyond your comprehension. One day when you recall your Urantian experiences you will appreciate and understand how much has been given to this world to change course and to regain its rightful direct trajectory into the path of evolution according to the Father's plans.

You are all mighty workers in the field and we give you these infusions to further enhance your own unique abilities, gifts, and talents to be of service. Think less of yourselves in the coming days. Think more of others and what you can BE as expressions of divine LOVE to those around you. Let these energies move mightily in you going into new places that your Indwelling Spirits may show you more of the places within your own experiences where you need these energies of LOVE, MERCY, TRUTH, and GOODNESS to enhance your ability to understand who you are.

Come into the potency of your personalities and souls and let not those frustrations you have with your brethren motivate you. Move beyond that and appreciate that they are struggling and they need love and guidance to help them make sense of their own environment and their perceptions of the world around them. It is not what you do. It is not what you say. It is what you ARE—this being-ness of divine LOVE, GRACE, GOODNESS, and BEAUTY. Let these words settle in as we continue for a few more moments as more ministrations are conducted through circuits of planetary mind. (Pause)

Elevate your gaze to Paradise for a few moments giving thanks to the Father for the divine plans of evolution and how this world is rejoining the universe family. It was always a member of Nebadon, but how you conducted your affairs was quite different. Now it is time to engage with the universe in bringing forth the information you need to construct your future to engage with the present to build this enlightened culture that will lead to Light and Life. For this planet's destiny is assured, but it will be constructed through human effort and volition. So do your part well each day. BE your part as best you can each day and you will accomplish mighty things for your Father Michael and for this world. Take a few moments to engage in worship with us now as we thank the Father—the Father of all. (Pause)

Our objectives are complete. Your participation is acknowledged and gratefully received. I encourage you to focus on me during your times of stillness allowing my energy signature to engage with you that you may sense this potency of DIVINE JUSTICE and REDEMPTION move in you, along, of course, with your Father Michael's SOVEREIGN POWER and AUTHORITY.

On behalf of all of the Seraphim and other helper, I thank you. You are moving into even more mighty times of change, and it requires a steady and steadfast mind to stay the course. And when you engage with us you will receive the spiritual dynamics of what you need to maintain this composure.

The world is learning mighty lessons through this time and it is something that is necessary in order for more positive change to unfold. Be heartened that this is occurring now and seek the Spirit in all things. Become more discerning with what you perceive in your material culture by taking your questions, your concerns, your observations to your Indwelling Spirits and ask for clarity and divine perception. Keep your own mindal circuits clear by practicing forgiveness, patience, perseverance, and faith throughout your day. We know we ask alot of you. But you have the ability and capacity to not only do this, but to become these living representations of these divine qualities.

You are growing in Father-likeness and you have an infinite capacity for this. Let your capacities expand now through your engagement with us that Father’s action in and through you may prevail and gain greater strength upon the planet.

I leave you now with much to consider, digest, and integrate. And in the interim period before our next call, focus on this experience. Read the transcript. Engage with the meditation, and we will meet you in that place and add more spiritual vitality into what you bring of human intention and motivation to be of service. May the Father's LIGHT expand in you illuminating your souls in becoming a mighty presence of change upon Urantia. Good day.

