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2022 - August 28: Receiving Michael’s Truth Discernment

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo 


PRAYER: We open our minds and hearts to you our Paradise Creator Deities, Divine Spirit Parents, and Magisterial Son. Thank you for all the ways and all of the personalities that you provide to us to collaborate and coordinate our mindal activities, our thoughts, our feelings, to support the efforts of planetary transformation. You know what is needed today and we hold that focus for you based in trust. Thank you for weaving us together as one that we may be a unified presence, adding not only these energies into our minds and bodies, but to then focus them into the collective where our wonderful helpers take these dynamics and add them into the overall growing transformational dynamic that is now underway. We center ourselves in you, and we thank you for your WILL, your MERCY and your GRACE being bestowed to us. We are deeply grateful and so it is.


MICHAEL: Peace be upon you, my beloved children. This is your Father Michael. Center yourselves in my presence that I may minister to each one of you through the Spirit of Truth connection wherein you have direct access to my presence. Allow me to come close to you in your mind and heart and receive my LOVE and appreciation for the efforts you make in your spiritual striving. What you hold in your heart as your motivation and intention to align your life in the WILL of our Paradise Creator Father is noted on high. We appreciate every single effort that is directed towards spiritual alignment. No act of this from humanity’s perspective is denied. Your willingness to participate in this time of correction is so fundamental to this planet’s healing.

So, we encourage you in the various ways you are being inspired and guided to grow in your spiritual potential and become more of what has been seeded in you by our Creator Father of all to achieve the human objectives contained within your Spirit. Continue to receive me for a few moments as this connection between us strengthens, and feel that deep need to be supported by me as you live each day growing more lovely in spirit nature. (Pause)

What we are about to embark upon in today’s focused session is the quality of TRUTH DISCERNMENT, which your brothers and sisters need to help them move beyond the resistance in will to recognize what is underway upon Urantian consciousness. You who have awakened to the truth are in very advantageous positions to receive more of this infusion of TRUTH DISCERNMENT, rendering you more receptive to see into the deeper aspects of spirit reality and how they integrate into your material lives. Many of your brothers and sisters have still yet to appreciate that there is a Spirit within them, and this Spirit has a presence, and that presence is here to infuse them with the higher LIFE currents of LOVE and LIGHT, which contains the spiritual information they need to grow.

I invite you now to simply focus on my presence in you and the Spirit of Truth connection we share. This bond is eternal, and you gain greater access to my presence by your willingness to perceive more truth—divine TRUTH—and the meaning and value contained therein. You are moving away from your own subjective opinions, which some people call “my truth,” into a broader perception of what is real from a cosmic perspective. This is very important for you now, my children. And I invite you to simply have that willingness for your ability to discern truth to expand, and I will fortify you with my presence that you may indeed be able to perceive deeper meanings and higher values of what is real and true and underway upon Urantia.

Try not to engage your intellectual curiosity and interpret what this means at this point. Your Spirit will help you receive the higher insights you need. What I ask of you in this moment is to simply move into that place of trust. Trust in me as your Father. Trust in your childlike nature of your humanity to perceive more of what I wish to share with you. That willingness opens the door for your higher spiritual reception. Receive me now, my beloved children. Ask for TRUTH DISCERNMENT to expand all throughout your mind and body and I move in you now. (Pause)

Allow this infusion to move mightily and deeply within you, washing away those distortions of perception that keep you in places where you still harbor feelings of fear and anxiety. There is nothing to fear in TRUTH DISCERNMENT. What is washing away is an energetic residue of false perceptions of reality, which no longer serve this planet. Hold this as an intention. Have that willingness to receive from me, for in so doing you not only open yourselves to greater TRUTH DISCERNMENT, but you disconnect yourself from those false forms that still plague the collective consciousness. And the more you assert this for yourself, the more TRUTH-LIGHT can penetrate into your mindal system and act to liberate you from all that is false and distorted. And as you hold this, the more light can come in and aid in the collective outworking of these deceptions that have so long perpetuated humanity’s perception of reality. Continue to receive from me. (Pause)

As you imprint upon TRUTH DISCERNMENT, this will allow your Indwelling Spirit a wider space within your minds for you to perceive the divine insights your Spirit wishes to convey to you. Each one of you has a direct relationship with me, and it is up to you whether or not you wish to cultivate this. When you do this however you allow the Spirit the fertile condition in your mind to perceive more of what you need to grow and move beyond those limitations, which have held you back in your ability to develop your soul.

It is not sometimes a very easy thing to accomplish, especially when you encounter some inner resistance of fear that prevents you from moving beyond this mask into the greater TRUTH PERCEPTION AND DISCERNMENT. Yet when you come to me in humility and sincerity and faith, I will help you make that transition beyond that which holds you back that you may perceive more of what not only I, but your Spirit, wishes you to perceive.

So, my children open yourselves to this now and really anchor that willingness for TRUTH DISCERNMENT to pervade your mind: your emotions, your thoughts, your feelings, and give you more internal recognition of what you need to grow into as a part of your learning process of soul growth. And as you receive me, experience my LOVE for you. I hold you in such tenderness and my devotion to your welfare is unlimited. It is only limited by your willingness to receive me and to go beyond that which holds you back and into more TRUTHFUL PERCEPTION AND DISCERNMENT, which will render you stronger in Spirit and be able to withstand that which is now being revealed which has plagued humanity for many, many millennia. (Pause)

Invite your Holy Mother Spirit to gently expand you in Her UNIVERSE MIND that the circuits of your mind connected into the planet’s system may gently open Her higher spiritual presence and give you more space to grow in me and in your Spirit. (Pause)

Invite your human natures to become more infused with the divine patterns and plans for your lives. There is communication between these two levels of your being. And the problems many of your brothers and sisters face is that they cannot perceive these divine plans seeded within them. But here is where I encourage you to ask for that communication pathway to strengthen, to expand, that you may perceive more of what the Father within you has gifted you with to grow your soul through day-to-day life experience. (Pause)

Invite your Spirit to help you perceive more of the divine plans and potential that you can cultivate through your aligned will. And as you do this, know you are rendering a very valuable service to your world and to your brothers and sisters. F or what you hold for yourself can reverberate into the collective. So, hold this now as a deep willingness and intention, and in a few moments, Monjoronson will step in and conduct the energies into the collective. Continue to receive from me that I may strengthen your minds through the Spirit of Truth in this way, provide you a greater internal place to recognize more TRUTH. (Pause)

We are ready to shift focus now. As you turn your gaze to the world before you in your mind’s eye, invite the presence of Monjoronson to step in. I withdraw from you in this manner but know that my Spirit of Truth is resounding in you and helping you to make those adjustments in your perception to a greater reality and the truth of what is occurring upon Urantia. Grow in my PEACE, my children, and thrive in what is now occurring as you open yourselves to greater perceptions of the divine plans of correction for my beloved world. Good day.

MONJORONSON: My dearly brethren, I join you now and thank you for opening yourselves to your Father Michael. As you envision the world before you, invite this dynamic of TRUTH DISCERNMENT to spiral around the planet in that familiar fashion. Feel that willingness for more of your brothers and sisters to connect to this very important spiritual quality. Invite this to go into the circuits of current consciousness and back into memory where we can move in these memory circuits and add more light and space for this TRUTH DISCERNMENT to in-work and release you from the tethers of the past. All we ask is you project this energy of TRUTH DISCERNMENT from your hearts and hold that upon the planet and let it weave and integrate into planetary mind—past and present—to lead you into a glorious future of cooperation and collaboration with Spirit. We begin our ministrations now. (Pause)

Consider, if you will, that within the original divine plan for Urantia’s evolution to Light and Life that TRUTH is a very integral vital component. What we are providing through your willingness to hold this today is an expansion of this innate TRUTH to permeate, penetrate through the memory system for more of the original divine plan to help humanity reckon and recognize what you are here to accomplish as individuals—collectively and individually—over a long period of time.

As you know, the divine plan has been thwarted but there still exists its original integrity. And what is coming through these circuits today through this infusion of TRUTH DISCERNMENT is the attempt to help humanity perceive this at a fundamental level to assist more individuals in their awakening process.

So, if it is helpful to hold a dual focus of seeing the TRUTH DISCERNMENT weave into planetary circuits but to also ask for the TRUTH of the divine plan to percolate upwardly through memory circuits to form a mighty bridge TRUTH PERCEPTION AND DISCERNMENT for your brothers and sisters to perceive. It is a spiritual energy they can actually feed upon which is vital to their growth, and the more you assert this for the world, the more energy of Spirit we can provide to this planet's consciousness and help your brothers and sisters open and move beyond their own inner resistance and come into a greater spiritual reckoning.

Let these words settle in and do your best to hold this dual focus. If it is easier to help you focus, ask your Spirit where you would do your best in holding this for the collective, and we will add more of what we can into what you are bringing forth from your hearts. (Pause)

The role humanity plays in building a heavenly planetary culture is becoming more readily recognized within the circuits of the collective. More people are aware that something is fundamentally askew with how affairs are conducted on this planet. More people are becoming aware of corruption and deception that has plagued this world from achieving its glorious destiny. This is good, and this is the way your Father Michael has proceeded forward with His divine plans of correction for, not only this world, but the other rebellion spheres of Satania.

As you hold this willingness in your own heart for the divine plan to move through memory, this will loosen the tethers of corruption and deception and liberate more minds and memories from the past that their Spirits may infuse more TRUTH DISCERNMENT through their own Spirit of Truth.

You have a greater capacity for TRUTH recognition than you may imagine, my brethren. we encourage you to continue to press into this. Your capacity for TRUTH is unbounded because you have something of the infinite and eternal within you and it is always helping you to focus your spiritual antenna, if I may use that word, into the circuits of Light and Life.

So, as you hold this focus, make that deeper commitment in your own mind and heart to move in this direction even though you are still acting in faith. The insights come when your Spirit knows you are ready to perceive, and the more you assert your willingness for more TRUTH DISCERNMENT will your Spirit be able to inlay those perceptions which will encourage you to expand in your spiritual potential one day at a time.

We continue our ministrations as you hold focus, especially now to not only experience Michael’s LOVE for you, but to hold that and send that into the planet for your brothers and sisters to receive to help them in their perception and to be able to discern more TRUTH. (Pause)

We are now ready to engage at the Paradise level and the Creator Deities who have put forth this wonderful plan of evolution for the time-space level of reality. Take a few moments to thank them for this vast plan. You will spend many, many eons of your lives exploring this rich domain. And you have already started on this journey by participating with us and coming into a greater apprehension of how Spirit works into the material level.

Spend a few moments in thanking these wonderful Creator Deities whose LOVE is beyond human comprehension and whose presence pervades all of reality. Lift up your hearts in worship as we join you now in this circuit, and allow the Paradise shining to reflect mightily upon you and upon this world. And let its reverberations move deeply into mind and memory and give the individual Indwelling Spirit more of that inner space to make those impressions upon mind and memory of a healing and transformative nature. (Pause)

Thank the Paradise Deities for their unique presences and circuits that they share with you through your Father Michael and Holy Mother Spirit, and let the reflection of these circuits stir in you, giving you more room to grow and become who you are as mighty sons and daughters of God. (Pause)

Ask for that reflection of Paradise to shine upon Urantia. This world is dearly loved. It is important for you to recognize this as it is challenging sometimes to understand the wisdom of the evolutionary divine plan, especially when you see what is before you of the chaos that the rebellion has spawned on your world. I invite you to move beyond that perception and to stand in the wisdom of the divine plan that your Spirit may help you make more sense of what is underway—that your truth discernment may be operating at very high levels to render you more stable and secure in what is underway through this outworking of divine WILL.

There is so much wisdom to be gleaned here that will support you during this time and on your ascension journey once you leave this world. You may not recognize this yet, but one day you will see and appreciate the wisdom of Michael's plans of correction. Even though at your human level, it may seem to be very slow moving and engender feelings of impatience within you, but that is not the truth. And this infusion today is designed to help you gain strength in the greater wisdom of the universe and Paradise perspective, which you have access to through your willingness to learn this great lesson.

I invite you now to descend from Paradise with that reflection upon you and stand on the planet in a field of TRUTH DISCERNMENT and let this integrate into you. Let it integrate into the circuits of planetary mind as we complete our objectives for today. And we are deeply grateful for your willingness to participate with us in this mighty task—this mighty task of transformation. (Pause)

What you have held for us and with us is now integrating. Invite this integration to also move mightily in you that you may stand in your Father Michael and in the Paradise Father through your own Indwelling Spirit and become an even more potent force and power of change and transformation in love, in peace, in mercy, and forgiveness. The DIVINE JUSTICE is harkening all through planetary circuits now, and we ask you to be patient with your brothers and sisters as they come into their own reckoning, and be patient with yourselves through this time.


We have completed our objectives and yet this integration will continue. We look forward to being with you again in a very short time. But remember, you can always call upon us whenever you feel the inspiration to act as a planetary transformer and do your best to come to us and invite these circuits of DIVINE JUSTICE, RECKONING, REDEMPTION, and REHABILITATION to move for more TRUTH DISCERNMENT to unfold upon humanity.

May each one of you receive a mighty upliftment from today and may each one of you grow in the LOVE of your Divine Parents and the love we have for you as our brothers and sisters in Spirit, collaborating together to heal this world and to make it into a garden of grandeur and splendor in the Father’s LOVE. Good day.

