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2020 - June 14: The Part and the Whole

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo 


PRAYER: Mother and Father, gather us into your presence now as one. Let us move into that place of UNITY in your LOVE and in the LOVE that exists throughout all creation. We are a part of this creative fabric and the Father in Paradise is the whole. We offer you our hearts and our minds today to apply these energies where we are guided to focus. We welcome our Planetary Seraphim, and we thank them for all of the efforts and the work they conduct on our behalf and on behalf of this planet’s evolution. We recognize our importance to this evolutionary process, and we thank you that we can become more consciously aware of our responsibilities and participate with our celestial helpers in this way. As you weave us together in the oneness may this energy also be intensified and applied where it will do the most good to serve humanity and all life here in your divine HOLY WILL.


MONJORONSON: Greetings to each one of you, my brethren! This is Monjoronson and I am most pleased to join you once again in this circuit of co-creation in the Father’s WILL. You are now witnessing a great outworking planet-wide of the rebellion mindset. You are witnessing a very rugged exchange of ideas and concepts that have long influenced Urantian consciousness and the way you have developed in this evolutionary process for the higher ideals of TRUTH, GOODNESS, and BEAUTY.

What you see outworking is this intense polarization of a mindset that has kept you separated from your universe brethren, from achieving more expression of those divine ideals in daily life, and it is causing great consternation and fear in many people. It is as if their security blanket is being pulled away from them and they do not wish to release their grasp on their blanket even though it has promoted much fear and anxiety within them. This great outworking will continue for a time, helping each individual come into the greater realization of their relationship to the First Source and Center and the LOVE in which they were created and exist.

This separation dynamic has been highly distorted due to the rebellion mindset. But yet within this separation dynamic lies this great truth. It is one of the great paradoxes of your lives. You can appreciate that within the First Source and Center there is this what you call UNITY dynamic. The term ‘oneness’ is very much being used today to discuss the nature of Deity. But also within this oneness—this UNITY—there is DIVERSITY. How can that be? These are some of the questions you are asking in your planetary culture and you see there is much of this separation dynamic now stirring now within the human mind and heart to make sense as to what this means.

So in today’s focusing we invite you to query this dynamic. How does UNITY turn into DIVERSITY? How does the part relate to the whole? This is something that exists at very fundamental energetic principles of LIFE, and your scientist and your religionists ponder these dynamics each from their own specific reference points and way of understanding.

As you focus today, we invite you to take a few moments to appeal to your Indwelling Spirits, that gift that comes from the First Source and Center to help you move into that place where the part exists within the whole and this dynamic of UNITY and DIVERSITY resides as an operating principle of LIFE. Take a few deep breaths, and ask your Spirit to help you move into this dynamic of the PART and the WHOLE, UNITY and DIVERSITY. (Pause)

One of the greatest lessons you will learn as you expand your awareness of reality during your ascension careers is this dynamic of the PART and the WHOLE and how there is UNITY in DIVERSITY. Even though it may appear paradoxical to you, it is a fact of the nature of Deity.

So today I invite you to open yourself to this dynamic more, because there are certain influences that have deviated you from the actual working mechanism, if I may use that term, of the DIVERSITY within the UNITY of the First Source and Center. The separation that you see throughout your culture, polarization in ways of thinking where humans look at perspectives from an ‘either/or’ proposition rather than a unified dynamic. This type of thinking has been very, very much conditioned by the rebellion in the deviation that first existed when those rebels decided to take this planet off course from its rightful evolutionary trajectory. During this time of correction this is now being addressed for the workings of your evolution to higher spiritual ideals and ways of thinking.

What we ask for you today is to focus on is this PART and the WHOLE, and the UNITY and DIVERSITY dynamic, asking for it to be corrected and brought back in to HOLY RIGHTFUL DIVINE ALIGNMENT. Let your hearts open to this intention now. Let your hearts open to the objective of healing this separation dynamic that has caused so much pain and suffering for the human race. (Pause)

Hold your objective of your intention for the correction to occur that people may truly open to UNITY through DIVERSITY and the recognition of how important the WHOLE is to the Part and the PART to the WHOLE. (Pause)

As we begin you may visualize the words: DIVERSITY IN UNITY to spiral around the planet, for individuals and in their hearts to become more attuned to the dynamic of the whole. Hold that intention in your hearts as best you can as these words DIVERSITY IN UNITY spiral around the planet and we step in and conduct these changes that are necessary for more correction to occur throughout the circuits of planetary mind. We will begin now. (Pause)

The evolutionary process contains building blocks of information and by which that you might consider to be coding for the process to unfold over long periods of time. What was done to this planet during its initial phases of the rebellion was this re-coding, if you will, of language to distort and damage how the evolutionary process was originally designed to function. Corrections are now underway for this coding to be restored and returned to its original state. And through this intention for this objective to be restored you are adding your own will, your very sacred volition, as citizens of this world for these changes to occur.

Keep in mind that this is a universe of participation. What you bring forth in your intention is important, necessary, vital, and it will serve you well to continue to allow these changes to unfold as we move in these circuits through this enhanced intention for this objective to be achieved.

Evolution is a mighty process. It is unstoppable. But it can be manipulated and on this world it was highly manipulated. Now you are taking back your creative gifts, but it must be in this container where you as individuals hold this dynamic of DIVERSITY IN UNITY and the PART and the WHOLE in the correct way. So as we move into these circuits know that this is also being applied to you in various ways to help you develop your thinking processes more in alignment with that of your Indwelling Spirit. You may receive more illumination into the truth of divine ideals and render you more soulfully alive as you live each day and make decisions based on this re-aligned dynamic.

So do your best to focus from your hearts on this DIVERSITY IN UNITY and the PART and the WHOLE that these energies may flow into and through you and out into the world, helping more individuals align in this dynamic as well and foster more healing in the bandwidths of human consciousness. (Pause)

Change is innate in the evolutionary process of LIFE. This is part of its original design, and it is wholly good, true and beautiful. But there are those of this world who wish to control this process and make it something of their own design, obscuring the natural process of evolution to function as it was originally ordained. Take a few moments to focus on this word CHANGE, and let it also mingle with dynamic of the PART and the WHOLE and DIVERSITY IN UNITY. Now we wish to apply this into those recalcitrant mindsets still retaining a power-base in human consciousness to help this power-base yield to higher divine dynamic of evolution. (Pause)

Invite the POWER AND AUTHORITY of Christ Michael and the MERCY of Mother Spirit to also engage in these circuits. Individuals still holding fast into resisting change need more spiritual support. They too may awaken and move into a different direction for their lives; that they may come into alignment with their Indwelling Spirits’ LOVE and GUIDANCE for them. As you focus on Michael’s POWER AND AUTHORITY and Mother’s MERCY, let your love for these brothers and sisters to flow into them, feel your compassion for these people who have yet to awaken, and be forgiving of them for their misdeeds. Though they have influenced wrongly, they are loved and need the chance to receive FORGIVENESS and REDEMPTION. (Pause)

As the world continues to deal with this pandemic currently moving through the collective population so does this world continue to outwork this more insidious virus of rebellion and deviation of divine WILL and ACTION. And do you not find it ironic that these two things are occurring simultaneously? As a planetary culture you must come into the truthful understanding of what this represents and how this rebellion mindset has impacted you all—those who have been perpetuating it against the general population and that those who have suffered greatly because of it.

So in this time of the great outworking it is more important than ever to maintain your mental focus on Spirit and your heart focus on the divine qualities of GOODNESS and TRUTH. The more you desire this the more we can participate with you in these circuits of correction and change. But we place much of the responsibility on you. This is all part of your evolutionary learning, and we encourage you to value this, what you are learning through this experience of life at this time.

Relish this learning for it will serve you well in the ages to come. We also encourage you to see your lives as eternal careers. Yes, this earth life is indeed rugged and intense. But what you are growing mightily through your daily decisions and actions are your souls, and they are beautiful indeed and they admit light into the circuits of mind which is perceivable by others. You have been encouraged to let your lights shine, and it is fundamentally more important at this time now as things are moving back into alignment for the plans and purposes of this world—Michael’s plans for His beloved Urantia.

Let these words settle in that you become more invested in participating in this time of change and correction, and pledge to do your best each day to let the light of your soul shine forth through your acts of compassion, kindness, love, peace and patience. (Pause)

We are completing our objectives for today’s session of intentional focus. In the coming days we invite you and encourage you to commune with your Indwelling Spirits of the importance of this lesson of the PART and the WHOLE and DIVERSITY IN UNITY. Continue to open into what this means for your own ways of thinking and feeling and relating to the outer circumstances of your lives. This is a time for you to become more aligned in who you are as a son and daughter of God and move you into a greater awareness for the plans and purposes for your lives and how they abide in the whole, not only upon this planet but for the entire engagement of your life’s journey.

You have access to great power, my brethren, and you are now being called to use it—to wield this spiritual power that Christ Michael has given you as His sons and daughters. What is this power? It is the power of LOVE. And the more you align in this PART and the WHOLE dynamic the more you will gain awareness on how to use the power of LOVE in service to your brothers and sisters who need this love and need to know the stuff of which they are made in the image of the First Source and Center.


So in these final moments together reflect upon these words and let your Spirits minister to you now that energies may deepen within you, integrate into your souls and help you convey this light out into the world. (Pause)

Thank you for your participation with us today, dear ones. Your faithfulness and patience are greatly valued. Know that you are all receiving much help to become who you truly are at the core of your beings. You may continue to arise to the occasion with the changes that occurring worldwide, to be of helpful service to your brothers and sisters who need so much support at this time. There are great things opening in them. Sometimes opening to the truths is disorienting and you can do much to help them make sense of it all.

So as I take my leave of you in this manner remember what it is you are here to do upon this world. You are the love. You are the light. You are the life and you have been given great gifts to express this. Now it is up to you. You are mightily fortified with many helpers whose labors are yours.

As we continue arduously to help this world awaken to its true relationship to all reality, know that more outworking will be perceived. This is all a part of the great awakening of the masses and it will continue for some time to come. Be heartened that things are being restored to DIVINE RIGHTFUL ORDER and that you are playing a role in this in being of great service to this world.

I withdraw now and thank you again for your participation. We will conjoin as a group once more in two weeks, keeping this focus alive during this interim period before our next time together as things come back into divine alignment for all life here upon beloved Urantia. Good day.

