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2024 - March 17: Infusion of Remembrance and Recognition of Evolutionary Deity into Planetary Mind-Memory Circuits

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness
March 17, 2024


Topic: Infusion of Remembrance and Recognition of Evolutionary Deity into Planetary Mind-Memory Circuits
T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER:  Our Paradise Creator Deities, Divine Parents, and Magisterial Son, we are grateful that we can open ourselves to you and provide that very fertile environment for all of our wonderful planetary helpers and universe brothers and sisters to also collaborate with us for the further healing of the fabric of Urantian mind.  As you well know where we are on this healing and transformational trajectory, we are here to co-create in your WILL for the plans of correction for this world to take deeper root and help more people awaken to the call of Spirit Within.  As you weave us together as one in this circuit of intention, may the energies we produce from our hearts be amplified and applied where they will do the most good for the benefit of all.  Thank you for this opportunity to be of service, and as always, may your WILL be done through your MERCY and GRACE.  Thank you.  

MICHAEL:  My beloved children, PEACE be upon you.  This is your Father Michael who addresses you now.  Take a moment to center yourself within your Spirit of Truth to receive me and what I wish to convey to you at this present moment.   

Allow the vine of my divine nature to gently feed you, bringing you more of the spiritual energies that you need for the growth of your soul.  Relax as you receive me.  Allow yourselves to absorb the deeper essence of my LOVE, and we begin.  (Pause) 

Your human lives are important and valuable to your Mother and me.  Most humans at this present stage of planetary development do not recognize their full worth.  They struggle with feelings of doubt, unworthiness, anxiety, and despair.  This is not our intention nor is it the purpose of human life.  Rather, you are part of a vast plan of evolution to cultivate your Deity potential that is a part of your fundamental personality bestowed to you by the Paradise Father.   

During my human life as Jesus, I was guided to cultivate the Deity presence within my own human mind.  And to discern where the guidance was leading me in my own attempt to become more aligned to the Father of all and to live a life that was a unique expression of what the Father had seeded into me.  I wore the clothing of the human nature.  I well understand the challenges that you face during this time when there is so much chaotic energy in the world helping you separate from the rebellion sophistries that have so grossly distorted humanity’s perception of reality.   

In today’s infusion, I invite you to focus not only me as your Father, but as your human brother Jesus.  You might consider this a dual focus of what is available to you through my living presence in you.  Take a few moments to simply focus me as your Father and to be as your brother Jesus.  If you have challenges with this, I would invite you to simply focus on both names as MICHAEL-JESUS, allowing the divine meaning and value of both our names to gently imprint upon your heart system including your heart chakra and heart organ.  And I will move in you now, each and every one of you as my beloved child.  (Pause) 

During my human lifetime, I became aware of my responsibility to the Paradise Father to grow more Godlike.  This is part of the evolutionary fabric of life that you know as the Supreme Being.  Whether you consciously recognize this or not, each individual of all the evolving worlds participates in the evolving Supreme Being.  You are a part of an aspect of Deity that allows your soul to grow over the course of your long ascension career.  You are a part of this evolutionary fabric of life.  It is important for you to pay more attention to this now to help this world remember that it is part of this great fabric of life, and that one of the human purposes for life is to cultivate your soul in this evolutionary fabric of the Supreme Being. 

Most people are totally unaware of this responsibility.  But it also a beautiful privilege.  You learn very fundamental principles of life.  And these principles help you cultivate divine values and to live from that place more and more each day.  So as I continue to minister to you as your Father Michael and your brother Jesus, I invite you to simply focus on the words EVOLUTIONARY DEITY and allow what these words contain to imprint gently upon your minds and deepen into your human system of consciousness.  Try not to engage the intellect over much in determining what this truly means. Rather, simply allow the energies to filter down and imprint upon what you need to learn about your contribution to this evolutionary aspect of the Father in Paradise.  (Pause) 

At this phase of your development you can hardly conceive of the magnitude, beauty, and glory of this aspect of Deity.  You can, however, become aware of your own responsibility to participate in this growing body.  Each and every day you make decisions.  These decisions are based on your feelings, your thoughts, and how you move about in the world.  The more you trust your Spirit and act upon the divine guidance, you are adding more light into this fabric of the Supreme Being.  You actually become a more viable member of this supreme reality of life.   

Over time it enhances your understanding of the nature of reality.   It brings you into a broader comprehension of the reality of life and help you open to the greater potentials that live within you held in sacred trust by your Personality for your Spirit to illuminate you when you are ready to cultivate those unique gifts and abilities.  When you consciously live recognizing and realizing your true purpose, you are contributing something very valuable.  Your soul grows and you begin to feel more purposeful and even joyful about being an evolving human.   

This one of the most profound experiences I enjoyed as a human.  It fortified my faith in the Father to keep going, even in the midst of what you might call insurmountable difficulties, and even in the midst of my untimely death on the cross.  I never lost sight in my human nature of my contribution to the Supreme.  And now I encourage you to open to this potential so that you too may enjoy a more robust and joyful experience in being a human.  Continue to focus on me and EVOLUTIONARY DEITY as I minister to you, my beloved children.  (Pause) 

The composition of Urantian mind is changing.  A new living reality is dawning in the hearts of all humans, whether or not they recognize the call of Spirit Within.  This is part of my plans of correction for this world to help you return to the nature of reality and your role in growing in the Supreme Being.  At some future point in time, this reality will be a foregone conclusion.  It will seem natural to participate your human life experience into this evolving fabric of Deity.   

So I look to you, my children, to be the way-showers and truth-revealers to your brothers and sisters who need to know who they are and their true purpose for why they are here.  They do not have to languish in suffering, pain, and misery.  There is this incredible vast domain to explore by opening to the Spirit Within that sets a person on the path of FAITH to grow in who they are and to contribute their unique personality to the fabric of Godliness from the evolutionary perspective.  

Let these words settle into your mind, and let the divine meaning and value imprint more deeply upon your heart.  This is a living reality of which you are an integral part, and I encourage you in the coming days to allow the evolving Supreme Being to hold you in this beautiful fabric that you may grow and prosper and thrive in who you are.  (Pause) 

I will leave you now in the care of my Brother Monjoronson who is here to conduct the affairs of DIVINE JUSTICE upon this world.  As you go about your days, continue to remember at deeper levels who you are and being a part of this evolutionary fabric of life—a child of the Father growing in the Supreme Being, and contributing your beautiful soul to this vast aggregation of LOVE, LIGHT, and LIFE.  You are always present in my LOVE, my children, and may you experience it more deeply in every fiber of your being as you grow in your soul value and potential.  Good day.   

MONJORONSON:  My dear brethren, my greetings to each and every one of you.  This is Monjoronson.  As I follow through the engagement of your Father Michael, I invite you to continue to focus on the words EVOLUTIONARY DEITY.  What does this mean for the planet?  How does the planet grow as a culture in this higher form that leads to the experience and destiny of planetary Light and Life?  I know that these may be some of the questions you have on your mind and heart.  In time your Spirit will help you perceive the meaning and value, and especially what you can contribute to make this world a more lovely place.  

Simply project the words EVOLUTIONARY DEITY from your hearts now.  Let them spiral around the planet.  Thank the angels for using what you are allowing to come forth from your hearts to engage with the planetary mind-memory circuits where this information is needed.  We move into those places of memory where the REMEMBRANCE AND RECOGNITION OF EVOLUTIONARY DEITY to help more individuals open up to their true potential as evolving souls.  If you wish, you may focus on these words: REMEMBRANCE AND RECOGNITION OF EVOLUTIONARY DEITY, REMEMBRANCE AND RECOGNITION OF EVOLUTIONARY DEITY, REMEMBRANCE AND RECOGNITION OF EVOLUTIONARY DEITY, and feel that need for it to move down into the memory circuits where this can be planted and expanded to help the world’s memory system open to human purpose and potential.  (Pause) 

While you hold focus on this in the present moment, it is intended for the fabric of Urantian mind to become more bonded to the concept of how humans participate in the evolving Godhead of time and space to one day replicate the Paradise realms.  Of course, at your finite mind level this would seem to be almost an endless undertaking, and so from a time perspective it is.  But here is where you are given an opportunity to build your faith muscle and open to the potential you have as an individual participating and cultivating your soul in the Supreme level of reality.  This still may seem like a daunting undertaking, but you have the spiritual inner equipment (if I may use that word) to guide and sustain you along this very vast trajectory.   

You can hardly conceive of who and what you can become in time, but all that you really need is your willingness to grow one day at a time and thereby you add more of this moment-by-moment recognition to contribute into the planet’s awareness—the fabric of planetary mind to help other people recognize the importance of living in the moment, one day at a time.  This enhances your ability to live in faith because now you are learning to let go of what you think you know, what you think you are, and just allow the divine guidance to draw you forward on your path.  This is a natural unfolding.  It is part of the divine process the Father has put in place for you to grow in Godliness and to contribute into this beautiful evolving fabric of life that you will understand more fully one day. 

 Continue to ask for REMEMBRANCE AND RECOGNITION OF EVOLUTIONARY DEITY to imprint upon planetary constructs and to shift the balance of understanding towards human purpose and potential for soul development.  We will continue to make the adjustments in those circuits of mind and memory where this energy is ready to receive.  (Pause) 

I invite you to hold an intention from your heart for your brothers and sisters to receive the greater infusion of REMEMBRANCE AND RECOGNITION OF EVOLUTIONARY DEITY.  This is designed to encourage their opening to the God presence within.  Help them have a momentary recognition of who they are.  Once this recognition becomes more solidified within the human heart, it propels a person on that sacred soul journey to grow more Father-like.  And in so doing, as more people open to this, we can impart more positive energies to feed this planet with the information it needs to improve the conditions of the social institutions of this world—to bring about more of the changes that Michael’s PLANS OF CORRECTION in store for His beautiful world.  Feel your love for your brothers and sisters and hold that intention for them to remember and recognize their role in this great expansive nature of the Supreme Being.  (Pause) 

Join with us now as we elevate our gaze to Paradise and the existential Creator Deities who are domiciled there.  Feel your gratitude for this incredible plan of evolution they have cultivated and put into place that their divine REFLECTION may imprint and impart more spiritual creativity to the fabric of Urantian mind and memory, unifying more humans in this beautiful collaboration of humanity and divinity building this unique structure of the Supreme Being.  (Pause) 

Be generous in your gratitude for this truly sends a signal for that divine REFLECTION to shine upon you and stimulate you for progressive spiritual growth and service.  (Pause) 

Invite the Paradise REFLECTION to imprint upon the core of the earth, enhancing the REMEMBRANCE AND RECOGNITION OF EVOLUTIONARY DEITY to circulate through the circuits of mind and memory.  If you wish, see yourselves standing in that field on the earth plane as you also have your mind extended up to Paradise.  Feel the energy and the synergy upstepping you that you may become more fully aware of your role in the evolving Deity through your life and on this world.  (Pause) 

Make a commitment to yourself to live as best you can each day from this place being anchored into EVOLUTIONARY DEITY that your own Indwelling Spirit may continue to feed and fill you with what you need to fulfill your human potential.  (Pause) 

In the coming days, notice what new insights and sensations come into you.  There is tremendous amount of transformational energies on the planet now.   I encourage you to see yourself anchored in this circuits of EVOLUTIONARY DEITY that exists upon this world to secure you in who you are and give you more access to the Spirit Within.   

You have my deepest gratitude for what we have co-created together today.  Know that you will get more physical evidence in your own being that you are indeed growing and contributing to this new fabric of life upon Urantia.  Thrive in who you are as a child of God, my brethren, and always know the Father is with you.  And with that I withdraw and take my leave.  I wish you all a most blessed and peaceful good day. 

